Think back to the beginning of the course and consider your thoughts on learning about nursing theory. Did you question the usefulness of spending a term learning about theory?

Think back to the beginning of the course and consider your thoughts on learning about nursing theory. Did you question the usefulness of spending a term learning about theory? Next, consider your current practice environment now that you know more about theory. Is theory used in practice, or is there a theory practice gap that needs to be addressed?

  • If you think theory is known and used in practice, support your view with evidence.
  • If you think a theory – practice gap exists, support your view with evidence.

Additional tips and instructions:

I am a registered nurse; the discussion post should be only a page long. APA style. 3 references must be used, from the year 2015 and beyond. Below ill provide the grading rubric for discussions.

This Learning Activity found in Week Three CONTENT is particularly helpful: Gods and Goddesses

Respond to the following two-part question in a minimum of 175 words (use only one post to respond to both parts):

This Learning Activity found in Week Three CONTENT is particularly helpful: Gods and Goddesses

  • Part 1: How do myths reflect and influence the way cultures view the ideals for men and women? Do they represent good ideals? Bad? What might it say about a culture if one of the genders is missing from a myth?Are gender relations and power structures in myths the same among mortals as they are among the gods? Use examples from this week’s readings for your response.
  • Part 2: Select a god or goddess from this week’s reading who you would choose as a role model for yourself or for your children. Base your selection on who you believe would be an excellent role model for women or men or both. Explain your choice.

Complete the Divine Roles Across Cultures Worksheet

The Week 3 Activity “Help With Completing the Divine Roles Across Cultures Assignment” can be found in Week 3 Course Content.

Complete the Divine Roles Across Cultures Worksheet. Please note: You must select two different divinities from two different cultures who share the same role. For example: Ares from Greek culture, Odin from Norse culture sharing the role of Divinity of War. Please don’t select Zeus and Odin.

Respiratory System

This is a write-up of respiratory exam. I need you to expand on the information with in-text citation.

I need two high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format with in text citations.



Respiratory System



Chest wall, no deformities. Chest expansion symmetrically with respirations. No use of accessory muscle diaphragm use. Skin intact, no scars. Chest AP ratio: 1-2. Respiratory rate normal: 20 x min. Nails: no clubbing. Lips and finger no discoloration or cyanosis.



Anterior/posterior symmetric. No costochondral tenderness (anterior) Palpation of intercostals muscles, back and spine no tenderness or pain. No tactile fremitus (anterior/posterior).




Chest is resonant to percussion in all lung fields anterior and posterior; no dullness.



Presence of clear adventitious breathing sounds. Lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, wheezing, crackles or rhonchi. In all lung fields: anterior. Posterior lateral right, lateral left and apices



Special test


Bronchophony: while auscultating the lung fields anterior and posterior, asked the patient to say 99 and all sounds were muffled which is negative for auscultation.





Initial Post:

Everything in APA format with intext citations

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

Divine Roles Across Cultures

HUM/105 v8

Divine Roles Across Cultures

HUM/105 v8

Page 2 of 2


C:\Users\djshirey\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\F_Drive\Style Guides\UPX Logos\Horizontal format\UOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.pngDivine Roles Across Cultures

Complete Parts 1 and 2.

Cite at least 2 outside sources to support your assignment.

Part 1

Select 1 common divine role that recurs in world mythology. Divine roles include, but are not limited to, the following:

Father or mother divinities

Divinities of war

Home or hearth divinities

Divinities of love

Divinities of wisdom

Divinities of medicine or health

Divinities of the wind

Divinities of agriculture

Divinities of the sky

Ruler of all the gods

Add the role to the designated box in row 1, column 1 of the table.

Select 2 myths, each from a different culture, in which the divine role appears. Add the divinity names and cultures in the designated boxes in row 1, columns 2 and 3.

Complete the table by answering each of the 5 questions for both divinities.

Role Click or tap here to enter text.:Divinity name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Culture of origin: Click or tap here to enter text.

Divinity name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Culture of origin: Click or tap here to enter text.

1. How is this divinity portrayed? Describe the divinity’s role in the myth.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
2. Is the divinity male or female? What function does this play?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
3. What are the divinity’s attributes, such as divine powers or characteristics? What objects does the divinity possess, such as a weapon or animal, that assist them?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
4. In the myth of origin, how does this divinity compare with other divinities? How does this divinity interact with or compare to divinities of the same sex and to divinities of other sexes?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
5. Identify 1 character from contemporary culture that shares characteristics of each divinity and explain why you chose each character. What real-life ideals does this divine role represent? How attainable are these ideals?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.

Part 2

Write a 150- to 350-word response to the following: Why do so many cultures have divinities in similar roles?

Click or tap here to enter text.


Click or tap here to enter text.

Click or tap here to enter text.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Select 1 common divine role that recurs in world mythology. Divine roles include, but are not limited to, the following:

HUM/105 v8

Divine Roles Across Cultures

HUM/105 v8

Page 2 of 2


C:\Users\djshirey\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\F_Drive\Style Guides\UPX Logos\Horizontal format\UOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.pngDivine Roles Across Cultures

Complete Parts 1 and 2.

Cite at least 2 outside sources to support your assignment.

Part 1

Select 1 common divine role that recurs in world mythology. Divine roles include, but are not limited to, the following:

Father or mother divinities

Divinities of war

Home or hearth divinities

Divinities of love

Divinities of wisdom

Divinities of medicine or health

Divinities of the wind

Divinities of agriculture

Divinities of the sky

Ruler of all the gods

Add the role to the designated box in row 1, column 1 of the table.

Select 2 myths, each from a different culture, in which the divine role appears. Add the divinity names and cultures in the designated boxes in row 1, columns 2 and 3.

Complete the table by answering each of the 5 questions for both divinities.

Role Click or tap here to enter text.:Divinity name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Culture of origin: Click or tap here to enter text.

Divinity name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Culture of origin: Click or tap here to enter text.

1. How is this divinity portrayed? Describe the divinity’s role in the myth.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
2. Is the divinity male or female? What function does this play?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
3. What are the divinity’s attributes, such as divine powers or characteristics? What objects does the divinity possess, such as a weapon or animal, that assist them?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
4. In the myth of origin, how does this divinity compare with other divinities? How does this divinity interact with or compare to divinities of the same sex and to divinities of other sexes?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.
5. Identify 1 character from contemporary culture that shares characteristics of each divinity and explain why you chose each character. What real-life ideals does this divine role represent? How attainable are these ideals?Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.

Part 2

Write a 150- to 350-word response to the following: Why do so many cultures have divinities in similar roles?

Click or tap here to enter text.


Click or tap here to enter text.

Click or tap here to enter text.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Written Assignment- Differences Between Acute and Chronic Pain Worksheet

A picture containing text  Description automatically generated


Module 09 – Written Assignment- Differences Between Acute and Chronic Pain Worksheet








Complete all your lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure that you are focusing on:

· The differences between acute and chronic pain

· Clinical presentations and etiologies for acute and chronic pain



· Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences.

· Use correct grammar, spelling and APA format.

· Support your answers using credible sources such as textbooks, course materials, and evidence-based articles ( 1 Point)


How do I know if a source is credible?

How do I find evidence-based practice articles? Or nursing best practices?



1. Describe the differences between acute and chronic pain? (1 Point)




2. Discuss the clinical manifestations and etiologies of acute and chronic pain (3 Points)









Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) , Borderline Personality Disorder,  Bipolar disorder

The differences between acute and chronic pain

Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:

  • The differences between acute and chronic pain
  • Reasons that a patient would experience acute versus chronic pain and patient presentation examples of each.

My task is only to give a positive opinion of these 2 discussions from my classmates about this Title.

My task is only to give a positive opinion of these 2 discussions from my classmates about this Title.. In total, I need 2 replies ( each of 200 words ) The 2 discussions are these:

Discussion # 1 :

In many ways, the lives of parents of children with persistent mental illness are more complex than those without such conditions. Depressive symptoms are experienced by moms of children with mental disorders at rates two- to three times higher than mothers of typically developing children. Most of these issues result from social and cultural barriers, stigma, and a lack of understanding surrounding mental health issues (Fisher et al., 2021). Because of these obstacles, mental illness is not treated with the same level of acceptance as physical diseases, and families dealing with cases of mental illness are subjected to excessive discrimination, which in turn causes family members, especially parents, to experience significant amounts of stress and other mental health problems (Chen et al., 2019). The difficulties women already face daily in caring for their children—aggression, suicidal thoughts or actions, and other undesirable changes—are exacerbated by the variables the mother mentions. A family’s social network is crucial in helping these parents cope. Social support may be delivered by a nurse or through social networks or personal interventions, all of which have varied degrees of efficacy.

The results of consulting experts in fields like nursing might take several forms. Decreased parental sadness and stress are one positive outcome for families when a kid lives with a mental disorder requiring long-term care (Chen et al., 2019). Professionals streamline how families with special needs children can access essential support services. Accessing these treatments is a source of significant anxiety for most parents of children with persistent mental problems. Healthcare providers, like nurses, maybe an excellent resource for parents by informing them about advocacy services, such as behavioral and developmental therapy programs. Assisting parents in this way reduces their burden and enhances their quality of life. When parents need help for their kids, they shouldn’t struggle to get it. In addition, parents of children with chronic mental illnesses may acquire the coping methods they need to manage their children’s varying behavioral patterns with trained professionals. This aspect ensures the highest level of care for the kids and helps them thrive.

However, the efficiency of social assistance to parents of youngsters with persistent mental disorders via personal ties and social networks varies widely between districts (Fisher et al., 2021). One advantage is that these parents may feel less alone in their experiences. Parents of children with mental health problems may find themselves isolated because they spend so much time caring for their children. Anxiety and stress may be compounded when parents put their children’s needs ahead of their own, as Bradshaw et al. (2019) report. Parents of mentally ill children benefit significantly from social support systems. As a result, parents can help mentally ill children in their care. Having supportive interactions with other people is equally crucial for the mental health of parents of chronically sick kids (Bradshaw et al., 2019). The parent and the ill child’s mental health may suffer if they have strained connections with other family members.

In conclusion, caring for a child who has a mental illness may be very taxing on a person’s mental and physical health, therefore having a strong social network is crucial. Family members of those who suffer from mental health issues may prove to be an additional, useful resource, according to studies. The social support parents get from friends, family, and professionals greatly improves their capacity to care for their child.


Bradshaw, S., Bem, D., Shaw, K., Taylor, B., Chiswell, C., Salama, M., … & Cummins, C. (2019). Improving health, wellbeing and parenting skills in parents of children with special health care needs and medical complexity–a scoping review. BMC Pediatrics19(1), 1-11.

Chen, L., Zhao, Y., Tang, J., Jin, G., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Chen, C., & Lu, X. (2019). The burden, support, and needs of primary family caregivers of people experiencing schizophrenia in Beijing communities: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1).

Fisher, M., Newton, C., & Sainsbury, E. (2021). Mental Health Social Work Observed. Routledge.

Discussion # 2:

Families that have children living with mental illnesses require social support. Research has shown that chronically ill children may have costly needs that families may not be able to afford in the long term. This means that the quality of life of the families and their children may be affected by a lack of funds to provide the care needed (Ren et al., 2020). This may raise the stress levels and anxiety of parents as they do not know what will happen to their children in the long term (Svavarsdottir, Gisladottir, & Tryggvadottir, 2019). The implication is that those families require social support that comes from their family members as well as from the nurses.

Both nurse-led support and support from personal networks are effective types of support. Both are geared towards getting the best interests of the child and reducing the emotional and financial burden that is experienced by the family. Nurses dealing with the care of such children can be at the forefront in providing guidance to the parents on how they should go about the care process (Ren et al., 2020). This is in addition to helping the parents deal with the stress that comes with taking care of such children. What is evident from the analysis is that without professional support, parents may not be able to know if their children are making any progress or not as the nurses have a duty to provide the parents with all the necessary information (Svavarsdottir, Gisladottir, & Tryggvadottir, 2019). On the other hand, social support from the parent’s social networks is also important as it may come in the form of financial input that may help the parents provide for the needs of the children. Consequently, social support is important in dealing with the emotional burden that the parents may feel from taking care of their ill children. The other way that care and support may be important is in helping the parents take care of the sick children especially when they are engaged in other activities that are equally important.

The discussion allows one to attain the student learning outcomes. in particular, one is able to critique the conceptual models that are used in nursing and important in informing nursing practice. In this discussion, I was able to comprehend the role of nurses in providing support for families that have children dealing with mental health problems. This allowed me to fully comprehend how professional support can be applied in practice in order to ensure that those families are able to provide their children with the care needed for them to have a quality life and recover from the challenges.


Ren, J., Li, X., Chen, S., Chen, S., & Nie, Y. (2020). The influence of factors such as parenting stress and social support on the state anxiety in parents of special needs children during the COVID-19 epidemic. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 565393.

Svavarsdottir, E. K., Gisladottir, M., & Tryggvadottir, G. B. (2019). Perception on family support and predictors’ of satisfaction with the healthcare service among families of children and adolescents with serious mental illnesses who are in active psychiatric treatment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 32(1), 6-15.