Scenario – Your hospital has recently revised its CQI vision and aims based on the work done on the Quality Chasm series

Scenario – Your hospital has recently revised its CQI vision and aims based on the work done on the Quality Chasm series. As nurse manager in an ED (Emergency department) you need to take this information and make it “real” for staff in the ED. You and the medical director will present this information to the staff, but you need to figure out how it applies to daily work and how to engage staff. You both agree that the staff will not appreciate the “words” on the pap unless you can attach their meaning to their daily work.


  1. Read the scenario above and answer the following questions:
    1. What information would you use as your base to discuss the vision and the aims?
    2. How would you then apply this information to the ED and daily work done by staff?
    3. Would benchmarked data be of any use in this scenario to the committee?
  2. Your post should:
    • Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.
    • Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions
      • Be sure that references are in APA format.

How your work environment prepares and responds to emergency preparedness (you may choose natural or man-made emergencies)? 

  • How your work environment prepares and responds to emergency preparedness (you may choose natural or man-made emergencies)?
  • How do you see health policy impacting nursing practice in preparing for emergencies?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

A 23-year-old woman presents to the OB-GYN office you work at. She was recently surprised to learn that she is pregnant. She estimates that she is about 8 weeks along.

A 23-year-old woman presents to the OB-GYN office you work at. She was recently surprised to learn that she is pregnant. She estimates that she is about 8 weeks along. The woman tells you that she regularly drinks on the weekends with her friends. She asks you “Is that a problem? As long as I don’t drink very much, I can still have a drink occasionally while I’m pregnant, right?”

  1. How would you answer her questions?
  2. What types of abnormalities can be caused by alcohol, and how does genetics influence this?

*Pls provide at least 3 SCHOLARLY references in APA 7th ed format.

Ending of One Life, Beginning of Another Case Study

ennifer: Ending of One Life, Beginning of Another Case Study

Jennifer is a 26-year-old woman who gave birth three days ago to a healthy 9 pounds 2 ounce baby girl. The vaginal delivery was uneventful. Two hours after the birth, Jennifer began to complain of an “excruciating headache.” Within one hour of receiving acetaminophen for her headache, Jennifer became unconscious and suffered from a respiratory arrest. She was coded, placed on a ventilator, and sent to the ICU. A CT scan revealed that she had suffered from a massive cerebral hemorrhage. After it was determined that the damage to the brain was irreversible and that Jennifer would be unable to breathe on her own, her husband, Brett, made the decision that his wife should be removed from life support. “Our neighbor had Lou Gehrig’s disease and Jennifer would go visit with him and his wife. She always said she would never want to live like that,” stated Brett. However, Brett was not quite ready to have the ventilator removed. The Palliative Care team was called to visit with Brett, and also Jennifer’s parents. It was decided that Jennifer would be moved from the ICU down to one of the two new palliative care suites, and have the ventilator removed there.

Upon arriving to the palliative care suite, Brett and Jennifer’s parents were introduced to Nancy, the nurse that would be taking care of Jennifer and her family. Nancy was sensitive in talking with the family and had a great desire to find out what they wanted. The family agreed that the ventilator would be removed at noon the next day, to give family and friends an opportunity to say good-bye. Throughout the rest of the day, evening, and the next morning, over 75 people came to say good-bye to Jennifer.

Brett’s mother requested to stay with the new baby in the newborn nursery. Brett was so torn between spending time with his new baby girl and his wife. Nancy agreed that it was a good plan to have Brett’s mother care for the baby, while Brett concentrated on making decisions regarding Jennifer. Per Brett’s request, his mother brought the baby to the palliative care suite two times.

Jennifer’s pastor came by to spend time with Brett. He supported Brett in this very difficult decision. The hospital chaplain was also present. Nancy suggested some memory-making rituals such as taking a clipping of Jennifer’s hair, so her baby girl would have for later on. Footprints and handprints were made of Jennifer, per her parent’s request. A hand mold of the baby’s hand in her mother’s hand was made. Both Jennifer and the baby’s hospital name bands would be removed and placed in a memory box. Jennifer’s mother requested to bathe her. Brett brought in Jennifer’s favorite college sweatshirt to put on her. CDs of some of Jennifer’s favorite music were brought in and played.

The next day, as per the request of the family, the palliative care team reviewed with Jennifer’s family how they would extubate her. They talked about possible symptoms and how they would treat those. Brett, Jennifer’s parents, two brothers, and 12 other close friends were all together with Jennifer in the palliative care suite. The nurse from the newborn nursery brought the baby and laid her on Jennifer’s abdomen, per the family’s request. They were all reminiscing and telling Jennifer how much they loved her and how much she had meant to all of them. The palliative care nurse, physician, and chaplain were all present in the room and encouraged the family to take as much time as they needed. At 2 pm, the family reluctantly requested that the ventilator be removed.

When Jennifer was extubated, she turned cyanotic and began gasping for air. The team administered supplemental oxygen and morphine. Jennifer continued to gasp for air, and the morphine was doubled. This was repeated one last time until Jennifer was no longer dyspneic. Unfortunately, Jennifer remained cyanotic. Jennifer died 15 minutes, after she had been extubated. The palliative care team stayed with the family during the entire process.

The palliative care nurse made arrangements for Jennifer’s body to be picked-up by the funeral home directly from the palliative care suite. The family had requested that she not be taken to the hospital morgue. The team remained with the family, until the funeral home came. Once Jennifer’s body was removed by the funeral home, Brett left the palliative care suite to visit his new daughter in the newborn nursery. “One life so precious is gone, and yet, God has blessed me with another new life.”

Discussion Questions
Would you consider the death a “good death”? Why or why not? Were the patient’s and family’s wishes followed? Were pain and other symptoms well-controlled? How were ethical and/or legal issues handled?
Discuss the collaboration among team members. Who else could have been collaborated with and how would that have improved the death?
Was there anything that could have been improved? Were there issues that could have been prevented?

Instructions: Select one of the topic mentioned below and discuses filling the attached form.

Instructions: Select one of the topic mentioned below and discuses filling the attached form.


Chronic Heart Failure


Ø The discussion must address the topic

Ø Rationale must be provided

Ø Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words)

Ø May use examples from your nursing practice

Ø Formatted and cited in current APA 7

Ø Use 3 academic sources, not older than 5 years. Not Websites are allowed.

Ø Plagiarism is NOT permitted

Soap Note #

Soap Note # ____ Main Diagnosis ______________





Gender at Birth:

Gender Identity:



Current Medications:




Preventive Care:

Surgical History:

Family History:

Social History:

Sexual Orientation:

Nutrition History:


Subjective Data:

Chief Complaint:

Symptom analysis/HPI:

The patient is …


Review of Systems (ROS) (This section is what the patient says, therefore should state Pt denies, or Pt states….. )











Objective Data:













(In a paragraph please state “your encounter with your patient and your findings ( including subjective and objective data)

Example : “Pt came in to our clinic c/o of ear pain. Pt states that the pain started 3 days ago after swimming. Pt denies discharge etc… on examination I noted this and that etc.)

Main Diagnosis

(Include the name of your Main Diagnosis along with its ICD10 I10. (Look at PDF example provided) Include the in-text reference/s as per APA style 7th Edition. Make a paragraph

Differential diagnosis (minimum 4) make a paragraph for each one


Labs and Diagnostic Test to be ordered (if applicable)

· –

· –

Pharmacological treatment:

Non-Pharmacologic treatment:

Education (provide the most relevant ones tailored to your patient)



References (in APA Style)

 explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important.

explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to become red, hot, swollen, and painful?

Carlton, a 6-year-old boy, was playing on a sandy beach with his mother. He began to run along the shoreline when he stepped on the sharp edge of a shell, giving himself a deep cut on his foot. His mother washed his foot in the lake and put on his running shoe to take him home. One day later, Carlton’s foot looked worse. The gash was red and painful. The foot was warm to touch and appeared swollen. Carlton’s mom put some gauze over the wound and prepared to take him to the local community health clinic.

  1. What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to become red, hot, swollen, and painful? How is this different from the inflammatory response that might occur in an internal organ?
  2. What are the immunologic events that are happening at the local level during Carlton’s acute inflammatory response?
  3. Nutrition plays an important factor in wound healing. What stages of wound healing would be affected by a deficiency in vitamins A and C?



*Pls make sure Turnitin report is not more than 15%.

*Pls cite at least 3 SCHOLARLY references in APA 7th ed format.

* Should be at least 4 pages with a maximum of 5 pages and must include a discussion and application of cellular metabolism as it applies to the case study, so you will have to locate articles that address cellular injury. This includes only the content, not the title and reference pages. More is not better so there is no need for an extensive background of the disease in the case study. Please focus on responding to the question clearly and thoroughly with scholarly sources.

Sources should be evidenced-based on professional journals. Websites can be used in adjunct but are not considered scholarly references for this course.

Case study analysis (as applicable)

1-What cells are involved?

2-What are the physiology of the cells?

3-What is the cellular injury?

4-How does the cellular injury relate to the symptoms?

This assignment is a follow-up to this PowerPoint  post- informatics-for-advanced-practice

This assignment is a follow-up to this PowerPoint  post- informatics-for-advanced-practice

· Be sure to include citations in your response – course or outside materials may be used.

In 600 words

1. Provide a brief summary of your project and the integration of technology. Please include at least one in-text citation in your summary.

2. Share the vision of your project and the integration of your chosen technology.

3. Identify how you might minimize barriers and maximize the outcomes of your project

4. Include outside references (textbook or peer reviewed literature) in your response.


McBride and Tietze (2022)

∙    Chapter 11:  EHR and Health Information Exchanges

∙    Chapter 13:  Public Health Data

∙    Chapter 22:  National Prevention Strategy, Population Health, and Health Information Technology

Additional resources

∙    Bachynsky, N. (2020). Implications for policy: The triple aim, quadruple aim, and interprofessional collaborationATTACHED 

∙   Colicchio, T., Cimino, J., & Del Fiol, G. (2019). Unintended consequences of nationwide electronic health record adoption: challenges and opportunities in the post-meaningful use era Available at

Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses.  Use the DSM5 to support the assessment.  Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.

Ms. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives at your outpatient clinic complaining of sadness after her boyfriend of 6 months ended their relationship 1 month ago. She describes a history of failed romantic relationships, and says, “I don’t do well with breakups.” Ms. Z reports that, although she has no prior psychiatric treatment, she was urged by her employer to seek therapy. Ms. Z has arrived late to work on several occasions because of oversleeping. She also has difficulty in getting out of bed stating, “It’s difficult to walk; it’s like my legs weigh a ton.” She feels fatigued during the day despite spending over 12 hours in bed and is concerned that she might be suffering from a serious medical condition. She denies any significant changes in appetite or weight since these symptoms began.

Ms. Z reports that, although she has not missed workdays, she has difficulty concentrating and has become tearful in front of clients while worrying about not finding a significant other. She feels tremendous guilt over “not being good enough to get married,” and says that her close friends are concerned because she has been spending her weekends in bed and not answering their calls. Although during your evaluation Ms. Z appeared tearful, she brightened up when talking about her newborn nephew and her plans of visiting a college friend next summer. Ms. Z denied suicidal ideation.


Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.

1. Summarize the clinical case including the significant subjective and objective data.

2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses.  Use the DSM5 to support the assessment.  Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.

3. Discuss a pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.

4. Discuss non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe?  Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.

Describe a health promotion intervention that would be appropriate for this patient.