How can our understanding of perception help us become more effective communicators?


How can our understanding of perception help us become more effective communicators?

Our understanding of perception helps us determine how different people perceive the same message (Watts & Lombardo, 2022). Looking at different people’s perspective you will be able to keep the person interests in mind during a conversation so your opinion will not impact on how you see the person or treat the person. This could also help you not judge a book by it’s cover. Perception could help you understand the world around you and not just your world you are living in.  According to McLean (2018), there are many factors that affect the influence a message has on others like style of speech, word choice, and tone.


Think of a time when you interacted with someone from a different culture. Using the communication model, how did your conversation evolve? Was there a miscommunication?

There was a time when I had a interacted with a classmate in middle school. She was bilingual but was Spanish and had a different culture than mines. We were having a conversation on how our house holds were ran and how we eat at home. In my household my parents were strict and since I lived in the country I did not have many friends around the proximity of our land to just go to their house. In her household they have multiple family members around so she would not have to worry about being lonely playing at home. I could remember her saying “Wow that must be miserable I could not imagine living like that not having anyone to play with after a long day at school.” The choice of words and her tone could have been a little more understanding of my situation and that is where I think the miscommunication was placed. With me taking what and how she said it the wrong way I got mad but she noticed my reaction and kind of gave me space for the rest of the day. The next day we rekindled and became mutual.


What could you have done differently?

I believe I could have explained what happened in the situation that angered me. I could have also explained to her that my parents were very strict because of maybe something happening in their childhood. Also explained how I literally stay miles away from other people and their kids goes by their family after school. I could have also told her that is why I typically try to engage in after school activities so I would not be lonely at home.


McLean, S. (2018). Exploring Interpersonal Communication. Boston, MA: FlatWorld.

Watts, T., & Lombardo, J. (2022, June 15). What is Perception in Communication?| Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers. Retrieved March 7, 2023, from to an external site.

Uber Pays the Price

Uber Pays the Price

In March 2009, Uber revolutionized the taxi industry and the way people commute. With the simple mission “to bring transportation—for everyone, everywhere,” today Uber has reached a valuation of around $70 billion and claimed a market share high of almost 90% in 2015. However, in June 2017 Uber experienced a series of bad press regarding an alleged culture of sexual harassment, which is what most experts believe caused their market share to fall to 75%.

In February of 2017 a former software engineer, Susan Fowler, wrote a lengthy post on her website regarding her experience of being harassed by a manager who was not disciplined by human resources for his behavior. In her post, Fowler wrote that Uber’s HR department and members of upper management told her that because it was the man’s first offense, they would only give him a warning. During her meeting with HR about the incident, Fowler was also advised that she should transfer to another department within the organization. According to Fowler, she was ultimately left no choice but to transfer to another department, despite having specific expertise in the department in which she had originally been working.

As her time at the company went on, she began meeting other women who worked for the company who relayed their own stories of harassment. To her surprise, many of the women reported being harassed by the same person who had harassed her. As she noted in her blog, “It became obvious that both HR and management had been lying about this being his ‘first offense.’” Fowler also reported a number of other instances that she identified as sexist and inappropriate within the organization and claims that she was disciplined severely for continuing to speak out. Fowler eventually left Uber after about two years of working for the company, noting that during her time at Uber the percentage of women working there had dropped to 6% of the workforce, down from 25% when she first started.

Following the fallout from Fowler’s lengthy description of the workplace on her website, Uber’s chief executive Travis Kalanick publicly condemned the behavior described by Fowler, calling it “abhorrent and against everything Uber stands for and believes in.” But later in March, Uber board member Arianna Huffington claimed that she believed “sexual harassment was not a systemic problem at the company.” Amid pressure from bad media attention and the company’s falling market share, Uber made some changes after an independent investigation resulted in 215 complaints. As a result, 20 employees were fired for reasons ranging from sexual harassment to bullying to retaliation to discrimination, and Kalanick announced that he would hire a chief operating officer to help manage the company. In an effort to provide the leadership team with more diversity, two senior female executives were hired to fill the positions of chief brand officer and senior vice president for leadership and strategy.

Would this trend have changed if workers were classified as employees verses independent contractors?  In 2018, California’s Supreme Court ruled that workers performing tasks within a company’s regular business must be treated as employees. Laws were updated in 2019; however, “California voters carried … a ballot measure that allows gig economy companies to continue treating drivers as independent contractors… [with] a concession to labor advocates, the initiative offers a wage floor and limited benefits to drivers” (Conger, 2020).  We’ll see if that changes anything.

Case Study Questions: (edited from original text)

  1. Based on Taylor Cox and Stacy Blake’s business case for diversity, what are some positive outcomes that may result in changes to Uber’s leadership team?
  2. Under what form of federal legislation was Fowler protected?
  3. What strategies should have been put in place to help prevent sexual harassment incidents like this from happening in the first place?
  4. Do you believe that diversity and harassment improve when workers are legally classified as employees or independent contractors as this new gig-economy grows?


This assignment is considered a complete Business Case Study.  Therefore, your report should be written as a formal business report of your analysis.

  • This report should be between 2-4 pages (not including title page and references).
  • Internal references (e.g. textbook, readings, lectures, etc.) and External references (e.g. other published works) should be used to add credibility to your statements.
  • To be professional, always write in a formal style (e.g. using impersonal nouns such as “the team”, “the analysis” and “this project”, while avoiding personal pronouns such as I, we, you, he, she, and they)
  • As this is a real-time analysis, write in the present tense to describe your findings and recommended actions (except when describing past events).
  • Current APA format is required, including title page and reference page
    • Use Headings and Sub-headings as appropriate
    • Exception:  DO NOT include an Abstract or Table of Contents for this short report
    • DO NOT cite your own information (personal or corporate), which is everything provided in the Case Study (if details or data are provided)
    • NU Library resource for APA guidance:


Uber (2017). Corporate Website.

Fowler, S. (2017, Feb 19). Reflecting On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber.

Lien, T. (2017, Jun 6). Uber fires 20 workers after harassment investigation. Los Angeles Times

della Cava, M. (2017, June 13). Uber has lost market share to Lyft during crisis. USA Today

Conger, K. (2020, Nov 4). Uber and Lyft Drivers in California Will Remain Contractors, The New York Times

Assignment: Project 1: Neuroscience’s Most Famous Patient

Assignment: Project 1: Neuroscience’s Most Famous Patient


How are the brain, behavior, and personality connected? Students are to apply what they have learned in Chapter 2 of the textbook, in order to demonstrate their knowledge of the brain regions and their function, utilizing critical thinking and creativity, along with effective communication skills, by developing a PowerPoint presentation about Phineas Gage and his famous brain injury.

For the project, students are to research the brain injury sustained by Phineas Gage to gain a thorough understanding of the nature and consequences of the trauma to the brain. Then they are to create a PowerPoint presentation discussing:

  • Gage’s accident and resulting injury
  • His life before and after the injury
  • An alternate location where the same 1 inch steel rod could have passed entirely through the skull and every section that rod would have impacted
  • How this would have led to a different outcome for Gage, detailing the possible consequences.


The PowerPoint should include details of his actual injury and discuss the changes which it caused in his both behavior and life in general. Students must be sure to discuss the neuro-anatomy of the accident, not just the events. That is to say, it is not sufficient to state how the accident came about and where the injury occurred, there also needs to be a discussion of the parts of the brain involved, their function, and how this function is related to the resulting changes in Gage’s life. You should also address how the injury functionally impacted his life both in social and work settings.


This should be the same format for discussing the alternate injury as well. The alternate trajectory should be, non-fatal and must be similar to the actual injury (a 1 inch steel rod that passed entirelythrough the brain). The student is to discuss the alternate trajectory, the regions of the brain affected, and the resulting behavioral and lifestyle-related changes expected. Be sure to look at all the regions that would be impacted in the alternate path passing entirely through the brain.



1. The presentation should be no less than ten slides long, excluding references and a title slide, for a total of at least 12 slides.

2. Pictures and illustrations should be included, where needed, and should enhance the content, rather than simply being decorative.

3. The presentation should indicate a strong understanding of neuro-anatomy and the functions of the brain.

4. The presentation should follow APA formatting guidelines, including using a scholarly/formal tone and grammar/spelling conventions. (For powerpoint presentations, this primarily includes properly formatted references and a title slide with all the necessary information you would include in an APA 7th edition Student Paper title page). The slides can be formatted with bullet points or paragraphs. Font should be readable and visually appealing, as well as consistent from slide-to-slide.

5. The presentation should include in-text citations for all factual information from peer-reviewed sources (e.g., academic journals, textbooks) and include a reference page providing information for the cited material. Please note: websites are not acceptable sources for this assignment.



This presentation is worth a total of 100 points as one of the 2 projects outlined in the syllabus. Please see the rubric attached above in the “view rubric” box for specific grading criteria.

Looking back from 1877

This is the topic for the essay. Looking back from 1877, examine the: revolutionary changes in human rights and black political participation (1860-77), the change in the role of the West from before the Civil War 1820 to 1877, and two examples of the renewed conflicts in the West.

Here is the direction:
Read and follow them carefully. (1) You will type the essay and send it to me as Word Documents via CANVAS Assignments “Submit Assignment”. I prefer your essay as a Word Doc, but you can also send it as a Google Doc. It should open. (2) Use size 12 font (easy to read like Times Roman), double space, and one-inch margins (top, bottom and sides). No cover sheet. On the top of the document must type your name, HIST 102, class time (3) The essay should be between 5 pages to 6 pages in length depending on the subject. You will be giving examples and explaining, not just mentioning names. I will accept essays that are reasonably longer, like 6 or 7 pages. But a long essay does not mean that it will be an “A” or even “C” grade. What matters most is what you are explaining and how you are explaining it. (4) Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. (5) You should use your spellchecker. Use correct capitalization. I will not grade your style and punctuation on these essays. But I must be able to understand you. Try to be very clear and specific in your explanations. When writing any Spanish or French words, do not worry about accents or special symbols. (6) I want you to use detailed examples even if you feel that you are writing too much or getting wordy. I would rather read more than less. Focus on explaining information. Break it down. Write in organized coherent paragraphs. Remember to give detailed examples after you mention something. Ask yourself whether you should continue explaining with a “, such as,…” or “; for example,…”. If you mention a law, explain it. If you mention an invention, name the inventor and what the invention or development was used for. And be sure to answer the prompt. Do not invent your own question. (7) Use your book, my handouts, and the notes that you took down from my PowerPointed/video lectures. Do not use on-line or any other sources. Also, you do not have to use citations, like for a research paper. Do not include parenthetical references and a works cited page (MLA style). These are not research papers. They are explanatory do-at-home essays.

Vermont State and COVID 19

Vermont State and COVID 19

Now that you have written your Case Study about the healthcare delivery system of a state or U.S. Territory, you will conduct a SWOT analysis on how your state or U.S. Territory has handled or continues to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. ***(Previous case study about the healthcare delivery system of Vermont state is attached in the file. You will use it as a reference and guidance to complete this assignment about Vermont state and COVID-19).
SWOT analyses are often done on a company or department. It’s an inventory of how your organization is performing. This means identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. So, how is your state’s handling of the pandemic? Do an analysis.
Lastly, finish this off with a cost/benefits analysis based on which quadrant dominates.
SWOT Analysis:
How did your state or U.S. Territory manage the COVID-19 pandemic?
Conduct a SWOT analysis based on the topic on which your Case Study was written. How did your assigned state or U.S. Territory manage the COVID-19 pandemic? Consider, but not limited to, how did your state or U.S. Territory manage long-term care facilities, quarantine, business closures, hospitalization, testing, at-risk residents, and/or access to care? Apply your SWOT analysis on any one or multiple issues.
There are ethical, economic, social, and health consequences to your state’s management of healthcare. Fully explore one consequence of each quadrant (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and include evidence-based data on the impact supporting your claims.
You must use external sources for each part of this five-part assignment. Use the template provided, which is attached to the files. Each quadrant should be at least one robust paragraph. 
You may use resources from your Case Study; however, you may not quote or cut and paste from your last assignment. All writing must be original. This means, do not use any quotes. Summarize and cite! 
 ***(Previous case study about the healthcare delivery system of Vermont state is attached in the file. You will use it as a reference and guidance to complete this assignment about Vermont state and COVID-19).
Cost/Benefit Analysis
  1. Step 1: Understand the cost of maintaining the status quo. …
  2. Step 2: Identify costs. …
  3. Step 3: Identify benefits. …
  4. Step 4: Assign a monetary value to the costs and benefits. …
  5. Step 5: Create a timeline for expected costs and revenue. …
  6. Step 6: Compare costs and benefits.

In this assignment you will research select national patient safety goals

In this assignment you will research select national patient safety goals

Research Paper Format:

  • 4 pages in length, including Title and Reference pages.
  • Concise and to the point. – Less is always more! Quality over quantity!
  • APA format
  • Final paper should be uploaded to Canvas no later than 11:59 p.m. on the date due


  • Title Page in APA Format – 5 points
  • Introduction – 20 points
    • State the National Patient Safety goals you have researched, the background on this problem, and why it is important for patients and nurses to follow this goal.
  • Body of the Paper – 52 points
    • Review the 4 nursing journal articles on your assigned National Patient Safety Goal. The 4 articles must be no more than 5 years old 2012-2018.  Databases and resources may be accessed through the Plaza Library.  Other online resources are available, however, you should ensure that they are appropriate and educational.
    • You should provide a brief synopsis of each article, stating its main purpose and how it relates to the National Patient Safety goals you have chosen.
  • Conclusion – 15 points
    • Wrap up what you have read and why it is so important to healthcare/nursing.
  • Reference Page – 8 points
    • Cite all references in APA format. At least 2 references must be peer-reviewed.

Gender, Sensation & Perception


link to human senses:
Shaping the World We Live In
The internet can be used to do your own research about how the world we live in is shaped by what we sense and what we perceive. Go to the link The Human Senses. Read and complete each experiment- Vision (Rods & Cones, The Blind Spot, and After images), Taste and Smell (Effect of Smell on Taste), Touch (Temperature Perception), and Hearing and Balance (Orienting to Sound & Balance and Vision). In an essay respond to the following questions from the experiments. Include a title page and reference page. Include in the essay, support for your findings and questions responses.
Vision: Rods and Cones- Respond to the questions for each experiment.
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Vision: The Blind Spot- Respond to the questions for each experiment
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Vision: Afterimages- Respond to questions
Taste & Smell – Respond to the questions
Touch- Respond to the questions
Temperature Perception
Hearing and Balance- Respond to the questions
Orienting to sound
Balance and vision
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1250-1750 words
Structure: Include a title page and a reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word count for the assignment.
References: The course assigned text and a minimum of three additional references from the Aspen Library or other peer reviewed article to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
File name: Name your saved file according to your last name, first initial and the week (for example, jonesj_week1.
Submission: Submit your file to the drop box.

communicating effectively in a mediated world

Communicating effectively in a mediated world

Chapters 5, 6, 7
de Janasz, S., Dowd, K., & Schneider, B. (2021). Interpersonal skills in organizations (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781264072842
Consider what you learned about the significance of effective mediated communication. With so much communication occurring on-line today – in fact, it’s not unusual to find people in adjacent offices using email to communicate to one another – what are some ways to ensure your message is received as it was intended?
Begin your discussion by reading your assigned chapter and conducting additional research in the Keiser University Online Library on the significance of effective mediated communication. Share what you learned by synthesizing your research into your own words and citing your sources. At the minimum, you should cite your textbook and one additional scholarly source.
Next, offer a personal connection by discussing ways to ensure the message you are sending via mediated channels is received as it was intended. Develop your examples and supporting evidence thoroughly.
Complete your discussion by exploring how you might use the knowledge from this topic in your future professional and personal communication.
NOTE: Remember that your discussion response must include the following:
A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings and additional scholarly research.
A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson.
Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
In total, your discussion should be at least 350 words.

How does incarceration impact families?


My research question is “How does incarceration impact families?” but I want to mainly focus on the mental and psychological aspects of it. 

Below I have copy and pasted the prompt for this literature review..

I have also attached my MRQ and an example of what the format should look like *from a previous student* 


Introduction: This is a revised version of your MRQ describing the question your paper will answer and why the answer to this question is important for policymakers or practitioners. You should have a clear thesis statement and a sentence or two mapping out your main points toward the end of your introduction.


Literature review: Your literature review should summarize, synthesize and analyze peer-reviewed academic articles or books in order to present scholarly perspectives that help answer your research question. Your lit review should be organized with sub-claims. Each sub-claim should have corresponding evidence from your library research. Remember to paraphrase and analyze in your own words, rather than relying on a bunch of long quotations.

Your paper must include in-text citations in APA style. When you paraphrase, cite the author name and year of publication in text. When you include a direct quotation of three or more words from a source, be sure to include “direct quotation” (author name year of publication: pg #).


Conclusion: This is your chance to tell readers what your research will contribute to criminal justice studies knowledge. You can draw from your MRQ to discuss why criminal justice practitioners, service providers, or policymakers could learn from your findings, and what changes they might make as a result. How might the answer to your question inform policy? How could service providers or criminal justice system professionals use the results of your research in their daily work? How might the answer to your research question change the practices of a group or groups of people? Focus on concrete policy recommendations.


References: List all of the sources you cite, in APA style. You must have 8 sources, including 4 peer-reviewed sources. This means academic journal articles or books, not only newspaper articles, blog posts, think tank or policy advocacy reports etc. You can include additional peer-reviewed or other credible sources (including news media) for a total of 8 sources cited in your references list.

Below are the references I would like to use for my literature review essay.

I have also attached my “MRQ”

Reference list:

1. Armstrong, Eggins, E., Reid, N., Harnett, P., & Dawe, S. (2018). Parenting interventions for incarcerated parents to improve parenting knowledge and skills, parent well-being, and quality of the parent–child relationship: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14(3), 279–317.

2. Davis, & Shlafer, R. J. (2017). Mental health of adolescents with currently and formerly incarcerated parents. Journal of Adolescence (London, England.), 54(1), 120–134.

3. Harvey, S. A. (2020, June 19). My dad went to prison when I was 5. now I write about families like mine. The Marshall Project.

4. Martin, E., policy)., A. P. (see reuse, & About the author    Eric Martin is a social science analyst in NIJ’s Office of Research and Evaluation. (n.d.). Hidden consequences: The impact of incarceration on Dependent Children. National Institute of Justice.

5. Murray, J., Farrington, D. P., & Sekol, I. (2012). Children’s antisocial behavior, mental health, drug use, and educational performance after parental incarceration: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138(2), 175-210.

6. Parents’ imprisonment linked to children’s health, Behavioral Problems. PRB. (n.d.).

7. Poehlmann, Dallaire, D., Loper, A. B., & Shear, L. D. (2010). Children’s Contact With Their Incarcerated Parents: Research Findings and Recommendations. The American Psychologist, 65(6), 575–598.

8. Wilson, K., Gonzalez, P., Romero, T., Henry, K., & Cerbana, C. (2010). The Effectiveness of Parent Education for Incarcerated Parents: An Evaluation of Parenting from Prison. Journal of Correctional Education, 61(2), 114-132.

21st Centuray Corporate Social Responsibility

Prior to beginning your assignment, read chapter 2 of the textbook (Gonzalez-Padron 2015) and the article, corporate social responsibility in the 21st-century: a view from the worlds most successful firms (Snider, Jamie)
Using the “hundred best companies to work for” list, choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on the website.
– Quote the statement describes what does means in your own words.
– Research a recent article, an organization that is related to the current or future CSR activities.
– Describe how the new plan to affect the organization, both internally and externally.
– Developing an idea for the new CSR endeavor for the organization based on the organizations, mission and vision.
The 21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility paper
– Must be 3-4 double spaced pages
Below sources must be used: they are attached
-Gonzalez-Padron 2015 (Chapter 2)
-Snider, Jamie
-Fortune 100 best companies to work for
Fortune. (n.d.). 100 best companies to work for
Links to an external site.