Critique analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals.


Course Goals

By the conclusion of this course, student will be able to:

  1. Critique analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice.
  2. Design and implement processes to evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care within a practice setting, health care organization, or community against national benchmarks to determine variances in practice outcomes and population trends.
  3. Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.
  4. Apply relevant findings to develop practice guidelines and improve practice and the practice environment.
  5. Apply information technology and research methods appropriately to:
    1. collect appropriate and accurate data to generate evidence for nursing practice
    2. inform and guide the design of databases that generate meaningful evidence for nursing practice
    3. analyze data from practice
    4. design evidence-based interventions
    5. predict and analyze outcomes
    6. examine patterns of behavior and outcomes
    7. identify gaps in evidence for practice
  6. Function as a practice specialist/consultant in collaborative knowledge-generating research.
  7. Disseminate findings from evidence-based practice and research to improve healthcare outcomes.



Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings.

APA 7th edition Title page:
This is a separate page by itself, with the following information centered in the middle of the page: course title, paper title, student’s name, instructor’s name, and date.
Description of Pathology:
Start the paper on a new page.
In this section, you will describe the pathology (statistics about it, background information, etc.). Give as much information as you can about it but be sure it is relevant information and not just filler. It should be a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in one to two paragraphs.
Normal anatomy of the major body system affected: In this section, you will describe what is considered normal anatomy for your particular pathophysiology. For example, if you are discussing a disease related to the brain, explain what is normal for the brain from an anatomical standpoint. You should show comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental concepts and communicate information using scientific vocabulary. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section.
Normal physiology of the major body system affected: In this section, you will be discussing physiology. Keep in mind that when describing physiology, it isn’t enough to merely provide a list of functions of the body system (Ex: Neurons send signals throughout the body), instead, you need to be able to describe how it does it. The how is the physiology. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section
Mechanism of Pathophysiology: This section is likely going to be the most in-depth and longest section. In this section, you will explain your particular pathophysiology from a scientific standpoint. In the previous two sections, you explained what is considered normal, in this section, you should describe what the pathophysiology is doing that is causing these issues, how the normal anatomy & physiology is affected/different in a person with your condition. You should show a thorough understanding of the anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. Some good keywords to search for when doing your research might be “Pathology of __________”, Pathophysiology of __________.”
Prevention: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology could be prevented. This should outline possible prevention protocols, or clearly indicate if none is available based on the current scientific literature.
Treatment: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology is commonly treated. Provide possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. Be sure to bring in nursing relevant information and how you might be involved in the treatment of the condition.
Conclusion: Finally you should summarize your findings. All good research papers should include a conclusion where you wrap up and summarize all of the important points made in your paper.
As with the Title page, this should be a separate page by itself.
All references should be included in correct and complete APA format.
All references must be cited appropriately in the paper using APA-style in-text citations.
A minimum of three reputable sources are required for this assignment.

Democratizing content publication with Coral

Write a technical paper, 5 pages long (not counting any code, figures, or references). The topic of the paper is the article “Democratizing content publication with Coral,” included as an attachment. Please use a few other sources as well, for other perspectives. Talk about the benefits and downsides of Coral and systems like it, the details of implementation, the current and future state of Coral and other peer to peer publication systems, and fill space with anything else important thats included in the article or other sources. This is for Algorithm Analysis class, so keep that frame of reference in  mind.

Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?

Paper will be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle.

12 page minimum; no maximum
Essay Topics:
Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?
Essay Criteria:
Quality of Writing/Length
Topics need examples and/or thorough explanations; proofed and edited by YOU Clarity of Subject-(Is It Understandable?)
Intent of Paper-
(Preparation; Integrity; Plagiarized or Not? Inspired thought or Uninspired?)
1. Writing must be focused on chosen topic and based on facts, not personal
2. The “cut and paste” effect will have a negative impact on the final score of the essay.
(Abstract your “wiki” research into a unique statement; it’s not that difficult to do; and it reinforces the material)
3. Spelling, Run- On sentences, Grammar, Proofing
(Strive for quality of thought and write in complete sentences; run spell check and grammar check, take pride in your writing)
Chicago Style formatting is suggested.
About writing the paper:
Be careful to avoid colloquial English. Use an academic or scientific writing style. Colloquial means ‘casual or slang language’ For example. don’t say: “I think that…” say “research has shown that…” and then add your citation. Don’t say “let’s begin with…”. Read a couple of academic papers to get the feel of what’s required. You don’t have to follow the format of an academic paper just write about the subject (that relates to CBUM) and offer some insights and show that you have researched it. Minimum 3000 words (never mind the number of page numbers that are mentioned in the Formatting Guidelines – less than 3000 words will cost you marks. More than 3200 will also cost you – this is different from what the guidelines say!
Note that in Chicago Style the last name of the author comes first then a comma and the first name. You can always find an author – everything was written by a person, and they should be acknowledged. Here is an example: Anderson, Leon. 1999. “The open road to ethnology’s future.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnology 451-59.
Times New Roman font – double-spaced. 3000 words to 3200 words, Indent paragraphs. DO use paragraphs – a page-long paragraph is difficult to read. This is just good writing practice.
Use good grammar. If the grammar is weak your mark will be weak. I strongly suggest that you use Grammarly or the grammar check in Word to check your writing.

Choose an ad each from the winner and the loser of any presidential campaign between 1952 and 2012. Explain how these particular ads may have helped the winner win and the loser lose

Choose an ad each from the winner and the loser of any presidential campaign between 1952 and 2012. Explain how these particular ads may have helped the winner win and the loser lose

Click on the website link below and choose one presidential campaign. Choose an ad each from the winner and the loser of any presidential campaign between 1952 and 2012. Explain how these particular ads may have helped the winner win and the loser lose. This must be in my email box by 11:59 on May 18th No exceptions. Note: You need to use a browser that will work. This works on Firefox. Work on this during April 11 (There will be no class that day).

Explain why the winner’s ad was effective and why the loser’s ad was ineffective. Do it in this manner: Example
Year: 1960 (You cannot use this example as your submission or it will not be accepted)

Candidates: John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon

Winner: John F Kennedy Loser: Richard Nixon Winning Candidate Ad (Answer the following questions. Write them out and answer immediately after.)

1. What was the ad about?
2. Is it effective? Why or why not?
3. Do you think it helped this candidate win the election? Why or why not? Loser Candidate Ad
1. What was the ad about?
2. Is it ineffective? Why or why not?
3. Do you think it helped cause this candidate to lose?

What do you think is the overall impact of presidential campaign ads?


NOTE: If your answers are one sentence or vague, you will get little/no credit. You cannot get credit for just simply throwing me an answer. It has to be thoughtful and complex.

Caraway proteimics

Caraway proteimics

Background: Carum carvi (caraway) belongs to the Apiaceae family. In many cultures, it is a condiment cooking spice and integrated into their folk medicine. While comprehensive documentation of the biological activity of caraway whole extract and essential oil has been achieved, proteomic analyses are limited, necessitating further research. The current study aimed to characterize nonspecific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP1) from caraway seed and to study the three-dimensional structure of the protein using an in silico approach. Additionally, we also evaluated nsLTP1 in vitro cytotoxic effect and investigated the antioxidant activity.

 Methods: Caraway nsLTP1 was purified using two-dimensional chromatography. The complete amino acid sequence of nsLTP1 was achieved by intact protein sequence for the first 20 residues and the overlapping digested peptides. The three-dimensional structure was predicted using MODELLER. Autodock Vina software was employed for docking fatty acids against caraway nsLTP1. MEGA 11 was utilized to construct the phylogenetic tree employing nsLTP1 sequences from different genera against caraway nsLTP1. Thermal and pH stability of the nsLTP1 was examined by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Assessment of nsLTP1 cytotoxic activity was achieved by MTS assay, and the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was investigated.

Results: Caraway nsLTP1 is composed of 91 residues and weighs 9652 Da. The three-dimensional structure of caraway nsLTP1 sequence was constructed based on searching known structures available in the PDB. We chose nsLTP of Solanum melongena (PDB ID: 5TVI) as the modeling template with the highest identity among all other homologous proteins. Docking linolenic acid with caraway protein showed a maximum binding score of -3.6 Kcal/mol. In the Apiaceae family, C. carvi shares the most common ancestor with Trachyspermum ammi and Daucus carota. Assessment of nsLTP1 demonstrated high thermal stability. A preliminary screening of caraway nsLTP1 suppressed the proliferation of human breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 in a dose‑dependent manner with an IC50 value of 52.93 and 44.76 μM, respectively. Also, nsLTP1 (0.4 mg/mL) showed TAC up to 750.4 μM Trolox equivalent.

Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study carried out on nsLTP1 from caraway seeds. Our study on caraway nsLTP1 revealed its amino acid sequence, tertiary structure model (in silico), and lipid binding affinity (in silico). The experiments suggest thermal stability besides potential anticancer and antioxidant bioactivity.



Traditional health systems continue to progress, but plant rituals are mainly the shared practice in between them. Various parts of plants have been frequently used as conventional remedies worldwide. Besides, numerous extracted small molecule phytochemicals, the plant bioactive compounds, continually contribute to drug discovery. According to Newman & Cragg (2020), “Natural products still hold out the best options for finding novel agents/active templates” to produce new lead compounds for drug discovery if combined with emerging techniques. Nonetheless, the plant’s biologically active proteins and peptides are underestimated areas in the nutraceutical industry that could promise drug discoveries.

Nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are present in various plant species and expressed extensively in most tissues. The first reported LTP was isolated by Kader (1975) from potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum). Though new classifications emerged, conventional classification is still in use and classifies them based on the molecular mass as 10 kDa for nsLTP1 and 7 kDa for nsLTP2 [3]. NsLTPs are cysteine-rich proteins that contain eight cysteine motifs that form four disulfide bonds. These bonds stabilize the protein structure against high temperature and denaturing agents. Moreover, their tunnel-like structure forms an internal hydrophobic cavity that can bind to different lipids and transfer them [4]. Therefore, its name comes from its general role, mediating nonspecific lipids transfer between membranes in the cytoplasm. They also exhibit lipid sensing, lipid presenting, and lipid-modifying functions [5].

Lipid transfer proteins are expressed in various plants’ seeds, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. Inhibition of LTP gene expression results in a number of hypotheses regarding their possible role in the development of plants during their vegetative and reproductive phases, and a decrease in their resistance to infection [4]. Nonetheless, their capacity to bind and transfer lipids are considered accountable for many of their functions, and their abundance would imply their critical roles in plant survival and reproduction. Numerous studies discovered nsLTPs involvement in plant vital roles, e.g., signaling, cuticular wax accumulation, liquid secretion, seed germination, cell expansion, nodule formation, and root suberin synthesis [6]. In addition, nsLTPs are critical in pollen, seed, and fruit development. Their variability and transferability might be promising for drug discovery and drug delivery studies. Variously reported nsLTPs exhibited biological activities, for example, antiproliferative activity against MCF-7, AsPC-1, HL-60, and HepG2 human cancer cells; antifungal activity against C. tropicalis and C. albicans; antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa; antiviral activity against RSV, H1N1, and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase; and enzyme inhibition activity against human salivary α-amylase [4,7–10].

The cultivation and consumption of caraway in Europe are believed to exist longer than any other spice. Carum carvi is a plant that belongs to the family Apiaceae. C. carvi fruit is dry and indehiscent; therefore, known as a caraway seed [11,12]. In many cultures, caraway seed was a common aromatic spice in cuisines and baked goods. It is also integrated into their folk medicine for indigestion, flatulence, appetite loss, galactagogue, pneumonia, and eczema [11]. The seeds of caraway are still used in traditional medicine. Many studies have recently investigated caraway seeds’ bioactivities through in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies. In vitro studies showed antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and chemopreventive effects [13–15]. Besides, in vivo experiments displayed anti-colitic activity, anti-convulsant, hepatoprotective, and wound healing properties [13–15]. In clinical trials, caraway exhibited an anti-obesity effect, functional dyspepsia management, and irritable bowel syndrome soothing [13–15]. The terpenes present in caraway essential oil, predominantly carvone, and limonene, are the active components accountable for caraway bioactivity [13].

While it is commonly used in folk medicine, its scientific studies are limited. To date, whole caraway extract and essential oil bioactivity have been studied, but no proteomics studies are available. This study focuses on nsLTP1 primary structure characterization from the seeds of caraway by N-terminal amino acid sequencing. In addition, the 3D structural modeling, lipid binding potential, and a phylogenetic tree will be achieved using several bioinformatics tools. The study also evaluated its secondary conformations at different temperatures and pH using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Furthermore, the prospective biological anticancer and antioxidant activity studies have also been done.


In the present study, we isolated, purified, and characterized the amino acid sequence of a 9.6 kDa protein member of nsLTP1 from caraway (C. carvi) seed. We also predicted the 3D structure modeling using eggplant (S. melongena) 5TVI as a template. Moreover, in silico studies for lipid affinity and evolutionary connections were conducted. NsLTPs appeal promising for drug discovery and development applications due to their revealed biological activities. Hence, this study also reports preliminary studies for the in vitro bioactivity of caraway nsLTP1. The protein displayed antiproliferative activity against MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines. An in-depth molecular study is required to investigate the involvement of tumor suppressor proteins and signal transduction pathways in the process. Further confirmation of antiproliferative effects will require in vivo studies. Caraway seed also exhibited valued Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity. Besides, caraway nsLTP1 exhibited a high degree of stability in temperatures ranging from 20-90 °C and stability in different pH conditions. Establishing further stability studies is essential to ensure its properties.


Human trafficking and the internet

Human trafficking and the internet


Your challenge for the final paper (roughly 4-8 pages, double spaced 12 point font) is to apply the critical thinking and argumentative reasoning skills we’ve been practicing over the course of the semester to a dilemma in either computer ethics or the ethics of technology.

I am not looking for a research paper, but it is of course impossible to write a paper without knowing something about the topic. And so the first thing I recommend that you do is to do some targeted research and searches online for articles related to issue you choose. This would also be an excellent opportunity to talk to an SCSU reference librarian, to request help with identifying short papers, articles, or other sources – including multimedia sources – that address the thesis or issue you are interested in.
 If you are really stumped on how to identify an appropriate issue, I recommend taking a look at: (1) the excellent discussions you have had over the course of the semester on the course blog, including the Weekly News posts, and (2) the list of the “top 10” ethical dilemmas in emerging technologies (from any year) posted on the site maintained by the Reilly Center at Notre Dame (
As you do the background reading, I recommend making a list of “pros” and “cons” on each side of the debate, with excerpts, quotes, or links to the sites with supporting information.
Once you have researched the topic, the next step is to develop a thesis. Ask yourself: what is the central debate about? Is it well-defined, or do I need to narrow it down a little more? The thesis should choose one side of the debate – not necessarily the side you are “on”, just the side you want to start with. It should be modest (avoid the use of “est” claims), clear (make sure you understand the claim), and defensible (don’t attempt to defend the unknowable).

Essay on the key concerns and distinctive stylistic features of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TIme by Mark Haddon

Essay on the key concerns and distinctive stylistic features of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TIme by Mark Haddon

This essay needs to be as close to being exactly 1000 words as possible.

I need to have 3 direct quotes that are from the book (not somewhere else) per paragraph.
I know that at the moment it’s quite repepetitive which definitely is an issue that needs to be fixed.
And the excerpt for the question is page 174 to 195 (Chapter 181 to 193)

In what ways does the excerpt you listened to reflect the key concerns and distinctive stylistic features of Haddon’s novel?


In your response, make close reference to the excerpt and to your prescribed text

Apple SWOT Analysis

Apple SWOT Analysis


Business 51 Spring 2018 – Semester Paper (10 Points) Due, Sunday, Sunday May 13th , 2018 The below should serve as your guide for this paper. The paper should be at a minimum eight (8) pages, typed and double spaced. Please take note of grammar, spelling etc. Your paper should flow as you focus on each section. Take the time to read and re-read your final submission and ensure that your arguments are logical and makes sense. SWOT – the acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The best strategies (1) exploit opportunities and strengths, (2) neutralize threats and (3) avoid or correct weaknesses. A) You are to identify a publicly traded company a. Provide an overview of the company. Hint – look to see what is available on the company’s website or on Yahoo Finance; other sources are available as well. b. Determine what the company’s Strategic Alternatives are, i.e., what is its Business-level strategy and what is its Corporate Level strategy. B) Prepare an in depth analysis of the firm’s Strengths and Weaknesses and its environmental Opportunities and Threats. a. In so doing, determine whether or not the firm has any distinctive competencies, does it have a competitive advantage over its rivals and whether or not the firm has been able to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. b. For the identified weaknesses and threats, provide alternatives to neutralizing or correcting for same. C) How has the firm been able to formulate its Business Level Strategy using any of the three approaches to formulating this strategy? How has the firm chosen to implement same? a. Porter’s Generic, Miles and Snow Typology, The Product Life cycle. D) What has been the firm’s Corporate Level Strategy. i. Single ii. Related iii. Unrelated b. Clearly identify what product or products the company utilizes, does the company operate multiple businesses that are related to each other and if so, what are the bases of relatedness. c. What have been the advantages of its related diversification? d. If unrelated, what has been the benefit of this strategy? E) How has the firm chosen to implement its Corporate Level Strategy? THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO ACCEPTANCE OF ANY LATE SUBMISSION OF THIS PAPER.

Reflection on The Frivolity of Evil with insights from Socrates and Euthyphro dialouge and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Reflection on The Frivolity of Evil with insights from Socrates and Euthyphro dialouge and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

1. What is the author’s main argument in The Frivolity of Evil

2. How does he support his main argument? (Evidence, ancillary arguments, ect.)
3. Do you agree or disagree with him?
4. Why or why not?
5. Apply the insights of the Socrates and Euphyphro dialouge and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosphers’ insights to the topic