Family Story (2000-2500 words)

Family Story (2000-2500 words)

In this piece of historical fiction, you will tell the story of a common family living through the Reformation and/or Counter-Reformation in some part of Europe.  Depending on the region on which you focus, your story may start earlier (for example, around the year 1400 for Prague versus around 1500 for the Germanic lands), but your family story must cover at least 100 years.  For some regions, this means that you will spend more time talking about Catholicism than Protestantism, but either the Reformation or the Counter-Reformation must feature prominently in your narrative.  Through the course of this essay, you will demonstrate an understanding of how reform from above and/or below impacted the general populace in your region.

1)    Determine where you wish your family to live; depending on the region in question, your family will experience reform at different times and in different ways.

2)    Map out the course of the family’s lives; keep in mind that every generation must live long enough to have at least one child, or the family line will end.  Much of the story you tell will be determined by how the Reformation and/or Counter-Reformation proceeded in your area.

3)    The events should include not only questions of reform but also some local (like weather patterns) and/or personal issues (such as economic trouble for your family); these may all be related to each other.

In addition to our course readings, you must locate and utilize:

–       at least five scholarly secondary sources focused on the Reformation/Counter-Reformation and/or peasant life in the region.

o   Websites are almost exclusively not appropriate sources for this assignment.

o   You may use only one encyclopedia entry for basic facts, and this does not count as a scholarly source.

–       at least five primary sources.  Your family may interact with these sources (by reading or viewing them), or you may simply use them to provide background to the family’s story.

• Your essay must include citations (with page numbers) for all information, not only for direct quotations, and you need to include a bibliography (split between primary and secondary sources and then alphabetized).

• NB: For Family Stories that begin before 1517 and are not influenced by John Wycliffe or Jan Hus (or other pre-Reformation reformers), do not foreshadow the Reformation.  Your family is extremely unlikely to question its Catholic beliefs or traditions, and this is likely to add ahistoricity into your accounts.

Ethical Governance and Organizational Stability

Ethical Governance and Organizational Stability

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center Class Resources if you need assistance.


Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you discuss the relationship between ethical governance, transparency, and the stability of organizations.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. A research based discussion of the characteristics of ethical governance. How is ethical governance evident in the operations of an organization?
  2. A research based discussion of the components of organizational stability. How are they are evident in the organization?
  3. A discussion of the ethical responsibility of a business to be transparent in its operations. How much is a business ethically obligated to divulge to the public?
  4. A research based discussion that presents the relationship between ethical governance, transparency, and organizational stability.
  5.  Never write in 1st person
  6.  Use the template for the paper and look at the example for guidance

why dose fashion matter?

why dose fashion matter?

I need to write “Why does fashion matter?” I need at minimal 6 references. and I need 3 images. the viewpoint I want to write is on sustainability and ethics. I need 1900-2100 words. And I need references on the sentences too.

Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care

Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care
1) What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients? ( must be a least 250-300 words not including title and sources citations, include 2-3 sources and citation ).
2) What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting? What is your view of the analysis of disease and thealing in the readings? Explain.  (must be a least 250-300 words not including title and sources citations, include 2-3 sources and citation ).

special victims paper

Special victims paper

Your goal is to fully describe and analyze the special victim case using traditional research
sources along with original, direct criminal justice evidence sources. Examples of original
sources would include probable cause affidavits for search or arrest warrants, body worn
camera recordings, 911 calls, and trial transcripts. These are not inclusive of all types you can
select. I understand if it may be difficult to obtain sources like these under such short notice.
Just please try though. If not possible maybe I could receive a small refund?
I am not restricting your freedom in the structure or rubric of this research paper. Please use
creativity and license in what matters to you and why. You can dig into a prosecution or
defense issue. You can address inequities seen in application of policy or resources available to
victims or defendants. You can focus on legislation spawned from a special victim tragedy and
how it arose. The possibilities of approaches to research are endless.
You must cite at least 6 total sources; 4 can be traditional sources and at least 2 original
evidence based sources described above. For traditional ones, educational and government
websites (generally denoted by a .gov or .edu suffix) are typically acceptable sources. But you
should also look at scholarly journal articles. News articles or media sources may also suffice.
All sources must be fully identified and properly cited. You are free to exceed the number of
sources noted herein.
● Inoculating Against VAXXED – Ep 4 – The Murder of Alex Spourdalakis (THIS IS A
● Alex was a 14 year old autistic boy from River Grove, Illinois. Around puberty, he
developed severe rage issues- common for individuals of his age with severe forms of
● The first time he was hospitalized was some time in 2012 after assaulting his mother,
Dorothy. Andrew Wakefield and his associates attempted to use Alex’s story to promote
their media ventures and cause that holds that autism is a disease caused by vaccines and
gastrointestinal issues. Wakefield is the shady and discredited doctor behind the movie
Vaxxed. There is a common link between autism spectrum disorders and disorders like
irritable bowel syndrome. While each disorder aggravates the symptoms of the other,
neither causes the other.
● Various Chicago area psychiatric institutes that specialize in treatment of adolescents like
Alex reached out to his family to offer support. But they were dissuaded by
misinformation from Wakefield.
● On June 10, 2013, Alex was murdered by his primary caretakers: his mother Dorothy and
his godmother. They attempted to overdose him with his own medication, and when that
didn’t work, they stabbed him to death. They then attempted to kill themselves but
survived. The murder was planned at least a week in advance.
● The two women were able to enter a plea of involuntary manslaughter and were released
for time served in 2016, after only 3.5 years in jail. Many mainstream news media outlets
that reported on Alex’s murder painted the two women as tragic figures who had no
choice but to crack under pressure. Wakefield further profited off this tragedy by
producing a documentary entitled Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis? His answer? The
“conniving” medical industry that hides secrets and refuses to treat autism as a dangerous
disease that causes bad behavior.
Like many things in life, the concept of disability also falls on a spectrum. Many of us have
likely held this identity at some point or another. Some disabilities are temporary, like a broken
arm, and some are permanent, like an amputated arm. Some are well researched and have a
plethora of alternative treatment options, like major depression, and some have so little
information currently available, like dissociative identities. Some disabilities are visible and
some aren’t. As someone with invisible disabilities, it’s true that people can’t clock these
differences by simply looking at me. Especially nowadays, as I have become so exhausted by the
practice of masking. This is simply terminology for autistic people, mostly subconsciously,
keeping up a “normal” and neurotypical facade in order to evade judgment. But you can hear it
in my odd speech patterns and see it in my introversion or my tics. I have been accused of being
on drugs when I was sober as a nun by friends and family and police. People look at me like I’m
a freak when I get very reactive with my emotions. But as far as being an autistic person goes, I
am actually quite privileged. My symptoms are not so severe that I can’t take care of myself and
need a caretaker or constant medical assistance. I have the option and ability to try and mask my
symptoms to evade discrimination. It’s hard to be someone that you’re not, but sometimes it’s
necessary in dangerous situations. And though I have been met with suspicion from law
enforcement in the past simply due to my emotional reactivity, I’ve never been in as much
danger as an autistic person of color having the same experience. I wanted to mention that facet
because it is significant to me, even though this paper is not about an autistic person of color.
This paper is about a white teenage boy from River Grove, Illinois. His name was Alex

indigenous social work research methodologies

indigenous social work research methodologies

  1. For Part a of Assignment 1, prepare a 3-4 page essay to demonstrate your understanding of the readings from Modules 1 and 2.

In your essay, be sure to address your understanding of the two central themes of: 1) colonization and 2) the centrality of relationships within an Indigenous perspective. With your understanding of material of Chapters 1-4 of your Linda Tuhiwai Smith (2021) text, identify value-based assumptions, ethical challenges, and political dilemmas encountered by Indigenous researchers utilizing Western social work research methodologies. Also, discuss the impacts of colonization, the promise of decolonization, and an emerging Indigenous social work research paradigm. With your understanding of Chapters 1-2 of your Salahu-Din text, include a discussion of how the ethical issues of social worker anonymity and confidentiality could arise and be addressed in a research study conducted in an Indigenous community.

You may wish to begin your essay with situating self or a personal experience involving research in an Indigenous community. If so, ensure the anonymity of the host community by changing the name and location of the study. Of course, you may choose not to share a personal experience.  It is your choice.

  1. For Part b of Assignment 1, prepare a 3-4 page essay to demonstrate your understanding of the readings from Modules 3 and 4, keeping in mind the decolonial research practices you have gathered so far from Modules 1 and 2.

In your essay, demonstrate your understanding of Chapters 6-9 of your Salahu-Din text by creating the outline for a hypothetical quantitative research study. The goal of your hypothetical study outline is to measure the level of success of an ‘intensive, in-home support program delivered to Indigenous families and children’ who are at risk of child abuse or neglect by their primary caretakers.’

Think through the following:

  • What conditions would support the use of a quantitative research methodology?
  • What are the advantages of the quantitative research approach for this research problem?

This assignment—parts a and b together—should be 6-8 pages long (approximately 1500 to 2000 words).

Reminder: Page count does not include title or reference pages. Please do not include an Abstract or the assignment questions.

Remember to use the APA referencing style.

Philadelphia School Health & STDs

Philadelphia School Health & STDs

investigate how school health is delivered within your local school system. You can look at one specific school or an entire school district( Philadelphia School). Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed? What are ways in your area schools in which health promotion and management of existing health problems are addressed?

One required resource:
Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780133846584. Read chapter 22.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Your paper must be APA format and at least 750 words not to exceed 1000 words.

• Double space your paper and use Times New Roman standard 12-point font.
• Proofread your paper, meet with a writing tutor, and present proof of seeing a writing tutor before submitting your paper to “Turn-it-in.”
• A minimum of two (2) references must be used. The two references will include the required class textbook and at least one outside scholarly source (ex. journal article), and health organization (CDC, ADA). APA format must be used in citing and referencing sources.
for rheumatoid arthritis
>Overview, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Application cases

This week I want you to practice applying theory to a case study. Read the case studies below, and given your proclaimed orientation from last week come up with treatment options from that approach for the problems given. If you want to stretch, repeat with a different theory and see how much the resulting treatment changes. You must do both cases.


Susie is 9 years old and in the 4th grade. Lately she has been getting in trouble at school for a number of reasons. She has been caught stealing from other students and has been sent to the office a number of times for sleeping in class. The School Counselor has become aware that her parents have recently divorced and Susie has been moving between a number of temporary homes with her mother. Conversations with Susie have shown that she is largely uninterested in school work and has trouble keeping friends. She does enjoy PE and rarely gets in trouble there.


Greg is a 50 year old man who has been seeking help for depression. He has a long history of depression going back to his teen years. In his early 20s he attempted suicide. He has been on anti-depressive medication for the last 10 years which he reports has helped, but have the side effect of low energy. A long term relationship he was in ended 2 years ago and he has struggled to maintain a positive attitude since. He is relatively happy in his job, maintains minimal contact with family members who live in another state, has no kids, and no real hobbies beyond watching movies.

Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500 by Glenn R. Martin

Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500 by Glenn R. Martin

Worldview Analysis Assignment Instructions



For this assignment, you will write an essay providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.


Options include the following topics:


  • A specific piece of legislation.
  • The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).
  • Family and marriage.
  • Civil rights.


In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading. Include at least 2 references which may include the textbook, scholarly resources, and provided readings. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in Read: Course Style Guidelines, located in Module 1: Week 1.



Follow the below instructions to compose your assignment:

  • Length of assignment – 2-3 pages.
    • Make sure to include a bibliography page
  • Format of assignment – APA
  • At least 2 sources
  • Acceptable sources – Scholarly articles published within the last five years, the Bible, online articles given as assignments, and any other pertinent source that helps the student answer the assignment prompt.



Note: You may submit your assignment to the Worldview Analysis: Draft Submission Assignment to check your paper for plagiarism. Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. After reviewing your Turnitin results, make any edits necessary and submit your Worldview Analysis: Final Submission Assignment.