Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy
1. Describe the argument in its textual context as accurately as possible. This is the argument from
your topic selection.
a. State the author’s thesis from your passage and the author’s premises or reasons supporting their
b. Ask yourself: What is the problem that the passage is trying to address? What is the passage
trying to demonstrate? What is the role of the passage in the author’s argument?
c. Define any terms and concepts that are relevant to the author’s argument. This will show your
mastery of the passage.

2. Provide a thoughtful critique of the idea and argument expressed in the passage you selected.

Although your critique and reasons may be based on your opinion, you cannot simply give your
 opinion without
supporting it with logical argumentation:
a. State your counter-thesis and the premises and reasons supporting your critique.
b. Ask yourself: does what the author claims work? Are there implicit assumptions that are not
stated and that could weaken the author’s claim/argument?
c. The critique is to consist of one or more of the following:
• Counter-examples that weaken the argument (“the author claims that x is a well-
established fact, or argument x generated by the author is meant to demonstrate theory y;
however, well-established fact x is weak or theory y is countered by empirical fact z”)
• Other philosophers’ counter-arguments
• One’s own logic and reasoning (e.g., if the argument x is true, y would follow; but y is
false, then x is not true, rather if the argument z is true, p would follow; but z is true,
then p is also true)
Note: Examples are very useful in presenting and building an argument! The paper MUST be composed of at
least two paragraphs, that is, of an accurate rendering of a philosopher’s argument and a coherent
and plausible critique of this argument

compare two films

The movie I choose:
Creed (Ryan Coogler, 2015) with Champion (Mark Robson, 1949)

You should defend a thesis about the main big similarity or difference between the films, and come up with 3 or more pieces of evidence to persuade your reader.

Please follow the instruction carefully, and watch the movie, so you will now the films.

Reflection on Rewind Documentary

Reflection on “Rewind” Documentary
To answer these questions type your answers in paragraph form using correct grammar and APA format.  Make certain your answers are well thought out and thorough, and that you answer each question based on your readings. The expected length is approximately 2-3 pages typewritten (double-spaced). 

  1. Identify the signs of sexual abuse that you noted throughout the documentary.
  2. Identify the reasons the victims did not disclose their abuse.
  3. Identify the times that mandated reporters failed to help
  4. Discuss how this demonstrates how sexual abuse can often be a family secret from generation to generation

No outside sources are needed, but if you choose to use additional sources they must be cited appropriately in APA format.

Please note, late assignments will have 10 points deducted for each 24 hour period that they are late.


Some Rubric
Some Rubric
Identifies Signs of Sexual Abuse

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Identifies Reasons the Victims did not disclose abuse

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Times that mandated reporters failed to help

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Describes how sexual abuse can be generational within a family system

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Proper grammar and APA formatting

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 50

Pollution in Latin America

Pollution in Latin America
I have already started with the essay, so I basically need to incorporate and build upon what I have already wrote about the topic. In other words, I need to make it more stronger and find new information about the topic. Here I would post what I have wrote so far as well as the class sources I have taken the info from which can be used as well as new ones. If you could add a little bit of info about deforestion in Latin America and how capitalism has a part of it, it would be great

Here is what I have so far

Pollution is one of the major causes of the ecological crisis in many countries in Latin America. This is the dark outcome of industrial development and human intervention. While helping many people from hardships and their needs, this development has also created new forms of oppression for human and nonhuman natures. Air pollution in specific is the biggest environmental risk for health in Latin America according to the World Health Organization.


One of the most known reasons why air pollution in Latin America is very pertinent in the number of population and number of vehicles that release all types of emissions into the air in Latin America and its growing steadily. I personally find this topic relevant for the study of Latin American environment history because as we have learned in class and read on the article by Serenella Iovino and watched on the film about the catadores and Brazil. These people make a living out of trash because they have family needs to fulfill and also these examples relate to the wider problem of environmental destruction and preservation. Although Brazil and Mexico have the highest death tolls due to air pollution in Latin America, a result not entirely unexpected, as these countries have the largest populations in the region, they do not necessarily have the region’s highest urban pollution levels. Instead, Chile had some of the most polluted cities in Latin America in 2019. These high levels have been mostly ascribed to a cultural tradition of wood-fired cooking. A similar situation can be found in Haiti. We can also see in The Vieques Case and how it shows how the military destroyed the island’s ecosystem and its people in search of a desperate fight for justice. Efforts to reduce dangerous air and climate pollutants by Latin American and Caribbean countries could reap immediate and long-term benefits for health, food security and the climate.


·      Lucy Walker, Waste Land download (Also available on Prime Video and YouTube


·      Max Mönch, Kings in Paradise: The Vieques Case


Optional Resources:

·      Serenella Iovino, “Pollution” download



CNN’s public image

Respond to all three questions, based on the information presented in the attached case:

  1. How can the launch of CNN+ be summarized?
  2. Which investment decisions (i.e., continue or end CNN+) are recommended by different investment decision criteria (e.g., NPV, IRR, Payback Period)? Focus your analysis on the annual operating cost. Assume the same cash flows for 2027, 2028, and 2029 as for 2026.
  3. How would the decision to end or continue CNN+ affect CNN’s public image?

Write at least 200 words per question, but be concise and specific.

Submit a Word file: Font Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margins. Add page numbers.

Use appropriate headings and structure so that the reader can easily follow your analysis. If you feel that it is appropriate, you can use additional information besides the information presented in the case. Make sure to appropriately cite and reference your sources.

The Impact of DNA Polymerase and Number of Rounds of Amplification in PCR on 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Data

** Need help with preparing slide for presentation from article. Able to address what the article is trying to discuss and interpret the results.

Slide 1: Intro

Slide 2&3: Materials/methods
Slide 4&5: Results (with data pic or graph)
Slide 6: Discussion
*please include presenter script if possible (minimum 5 mins presentation)

What role has Ethiopia’s national pride played in shaping its approach towards regional conflicts, such as its involvement in Somalia’s civil war?

POLS 302 – Literature Review Progress Report


You will receive all 3 points if you include everything below and do so thoroughly and in detail. Thoroughly completing most of the items below will earn you 2 of the 3 points. If you put very little effort into completing this assignment, you will get just 1 of the 3 points. Not turning this in means you get ZERO points.


What to include:


  1. What is your research question? What are the general topics for which you are looking for sources, based on your specific research question?
  2. How have you searched for your sources? What databases did you use? What keywords or terms did you use to find sources? How are you making sure the bulk of your sources are peer-reviewed?
  3. You should have at least 3 peer-reviewed sources identified by this point.
    1. In brief, explain why you think each of these sources fits either within your specific research question or a general topic connected to your RQ. For this you DO NOT need to read the source with a fine toothed comb BUT you should know it reasonably well enough to make a case for WHY it’s part of the scholarship conversation you are entering into.

      My research question is: What role has Ethiopia’s national pride played in shaping its approach towards regional conflicts, such as its involvement in Somalia’s civil war?

      You can have a preview of the topic in my intro essay which i have uploaded

negative mental health impacts in correlation from working from home

negative mental health impacts in correlation from working from home

A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper.

All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works Cited page in MLA style and not including the Title Page and References Page in APA style. This means that you will ultimately submit 7 pages if you select MLA style and 8 pages if you select APA style.

Here are the details:

  1. The research paper will need to be at least 6 pages long. If you desire to go over the 6 pages, please ask your instructor. Instructors will vary in how much over the page limit students may go.
  2. The paper will have either MLA or APA Style for documentation of sources and formatting. You must remain consistent in your formatting style throughout the entirety of your submission.
  3. As discussed in this course, with any research paper you MUST include proper in-text parenthetical citations. Please refer to the resources located in this course for assistance. Also, please do not hesitate to contact me individually by email with any questions you might have.
  4. Your instructor will provide guidance on the topic of this essay. Some instructors will allow great freedom in choosing topics, while others will limit topics or have a selection of topics to choose from. This freedom on topics will vary depending upon the instructor, so please ask your instructor if he or she does not make this clear.
  5. The paper will need to have a thesis to keep the paper focused and organized. Unit 3 explains how to develop a thesis statement and how to use it for organization.
  6. Include a visual aid such as a picture, graphic, table, chart, etc. in the research paper and give credit to the source of this visual aid. In the six pages this assignment requires, the graphic should take up no more than one-half of one of those pages. (That really means 5.5 pages of writing with .5 of a page allowed for the visual aid). This visual aid requirement is to be in compliance with state guidelines for the class.
  7. The paper needs to have at least 4 outside sources. At least half of the sources you use need to be non-internet. By non-internet, this means general web pages found through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. It is acceptable to use library sources that are accessed online, such as the college’s system of OhioLINK and the EGCC Gateway. Please refer to the links below for assistance in accessing these library sources.

  8.  The paper must use a formal, academic tone of voice.
  9.  The paper is an original creation for this course session and not a reworking of any previous essay submission from any prior course experience.
  10.  The paper also includes a large amount of the student’s own ideas and words and is not merely a linking of a series of quotes or paraphrases.
  11. Finally, as discussed in this course, with any research paper you MUST include proper in-text parenthetical citations.

The Importance of Protecting the Right to Privacy in the Digital Era.

The Importance of Protecting the Right to Privacy in the Digital Era.

Privacy concerns have become a major issue for individuals and society worldwide in the
age of the internet and virtual technology. The progress of the era has provided various
advantages, but it has also offered the potential for interference in people’s personal life. In
addition, it is not uncommon to hear multiple incidences of cyber-attacks, data breaches and
virtual surveillance, all of which risk people’s privacy and compromise their non-public
information. Also, as one of human rights, privacy must be protected in the digital age. In
addition, the right to privacy is fundamental and has been included in international law, including
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Declaration rights and political rights. There is
a nееd for thе government and other bodies to come up together and ensure that the right of
privacy among the people is well safeguarded. There is a need to enhance the right to privacy
Commented [BAL1]: Great start on heading—review MLA
Deleted: ¶
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.58″, Space Before: 10.8 pt
Commented [BAL2]: lives? maintain plural word use
Commented [BAL3]: review comma use in lists—see Rules
for Writers and OWL Purdue online.
Commented [BAL4]: whose human rights? People’s,
constitution? specify for clarity
Commented [BAL5]: “together they need to come up
with….” not they come up together which has entirely
different meaning—review sentence structure in
recommended sources.
Tetteh 2
among people across the world. I will further outline how the right to privacy can be established
in the digital era and ensure that personal information is safeguarded.
One reason why the government needs to ensure that the right of privacy is protected and
enhanced is that the digital surveillance, as outlined, undermines fundamental human rights.
Digital surveillance is defined as the process of monitoring, tracking, and collecting digital
information such as web browsing, emails, and phone calls. (West 28). Studies that have been
carried out show that digital surveillance is one of the significant concerns when it comes to the
Commented [BAL6]: Generally no first person in academic
writing—only third person—so avoid person shifts, tense
shifts to future
and a complete thesis is needed with support items—1.2.3
reasons how/why right to privacy can be established—
blueprint or support items in thesis need to be the basis for
topic sentences for body paragraphs in essay—
Tetteh 3
digital world since it has bееn outlined to interfere with the right of privacy. The advancement of
technology as time goes has made it possible for the government and other non-governmental
organizations responsible for collecting personal data to do it with ease, although it has raised a
lot of concerns when it comes to maintaining the privacy of the people (Prus 60). The effects
which are brought about by digital surveillance in thе case оf privacy are significant as it tends to
invade the private life оf thе people, and this has bееn outlined to contribute to thе abuse оf
power by thе people who are responsible for thе collection. For example, some people have
criticized surveillance programs carried out by the government, such as the National Agency
PRISM program, because they have bееn violating the right оf privacy when collecting data.
These programs carried out by thе government have bееn outlined to collect personal data
online, such as social media posts and emails, without permission from thе owners оf this
information. This has made some people feel unsafe with their personal information

Team Project Written Report: healthsouth fraud case

Team Project Written Report: healthsouth fraud case

This is a group assignment. This is a group assignment for my part on the Healthsouth fraud case.
My part: Main body of the paper
 a. Background the company and its business and trajectory
 b. Circumstances of the company before the fraud occurred
 c. Thorough research on the fraud, covering the following
     i. Nature and scope of the fraud