You should include the following information:

You should include the following information:

  • 1. The title and a brief introduction of your selected leadership book (similar to an abstract)
  • 2. Background information on the author(s)
  • 3. A description of the major theme of the book
  • 4. An explanation as to your interest in selecting this particular book for your leadership book review
  • 5. Describe the main theories and principles (at least five) presented in the book
  • 6. How each of the theories and principals presented in the book directly relate to being a leader
  • 7. Show how the theories and principals presented in the book relate to specific leadership standards
  • 8. Explain how each of the theories and principles presented in the book directly relate to your development as a leader
  • 9. Closing comments to summarize the theories and principals presented in the book
  • 10. Your critique of the book as it relates to developing leaders
  • 11. How could the information you gained through reviewing this book on leadership enhance your knowledge base and development as a leader
  • 12. Why or why would you recommend this book to your fellow class members

Organization of the Presentation:

  • 1. Concise in presentation
  • 2. Sections are clearly identified
  • 3. Include an agenda slide
  • 4. 10-12 slides
  • 5. No grammar, spelling, punctuation, or typing errors

Leadership & Change in Organizations

MG5125 Leadership & Change in Organizations

5 Levels of Leadership By John.C.Maxwell

Charan Kommuri Student ID – GR011975

Hello everyone, I’m Charan Kommuri. Today I’m going to present about 5 levels of leadership by John.C.Maxwell




Introduction of the book

Background information of the author

Major theme of the book

My interest in selecting this book

Theories presented in the book

Describing the theories

My learning from the theories

Summary and recommendation


The agenda of today’s presentation is introduction of the book, background information of the author, theme, my interest in selecting the book, theories presented in the book, my learnings from the book and recommendation of the book


Introduction of the book

In this book with examples John C. Maxwell explains the phases of leadership. He tells the best way to ace each level and how to become an increasingly powerful leader.

John.C.Maxwell’s 5 levels of leadership are




People Development






Image taken from:

In this book Maxwell focused on 5 level of leadership. They are Position, permission, production, people development and pinnacle. In the coming slides we will see in detail about the five levels.


About the author

John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.

Maxwell was born in Garden City, Michigan in 1947.

John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold more than 20 million books.

His books include 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. Some of his books are on the New York Times Best Seller List.



Bio taken from:

John.C.Maxwell was an American author born in Garden City, Michigan in 1947. He is an internationally respected leadership expert and author who sold more than 2o million books. His notable books include 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.


Major theme of the book

The major theme of the book is how to become a successful leader

John Maxwell explains each phase of the leadership with examples

Maxwell provided in-depth insights on how to become a successful leader

Maxwell focused on the in-depth game plans to be followed which gives an overview to the five levels of leadership

Each level is well explained with ups and downs

The Major theme of the book is how to become a successful leader. Each level has been explained with examples and with in-depth insights. Maxwell provided a game plan which given a clear idea throughout the 5 levels of leadership. Maxwell also explained the ups and down of each level


My interest in selecting this book

This book is well designed for all kind of leaders at all levels.

Maxwell mainly focused on the five levels of leadership with appropriate examples and situations.

Distinguishes between each level of leadership

Maxwell’s focus on leadership theories along the years

My main interest in selecting this book is because of the author John Maxwell. His writings are well known for the leadership theories along the years. In this book he focused on 5 levels which are helpful for all kind of leaders at all levels.


Theories presented

The main theory presented in this book is the five levels of leadership.

A leadership game plan is presented which gives an overview of each level presented

Maxwell provided an in-depth insight of each level

A leadership assessment is provided to evaluate the current level of your leadership


The main theories presented are the five levels of leadership. A game plan explaining each level. Assessment to evaluate your current level of leadership


Levels of leadership

Level 1: Position

This level explains the leadership based on position.

In this type of leadership the leaders always try to protect themselves.

Leaders at this doesn’t engage much with team members.

Doesn’t require more abilities to lead or complete the goal.

Positive outcome is people gets a chance to become a leader.


Level 2: Permission

This level represents the leadership based on permission.

Leaders assume they should maintain healthy relations with the team members to get the job done.

One more thing Maxwell mentions is leaders believe in giving compliments to the team members at this level.

One negative thing at this level is leaders should know that great place is not necessary to reach targets.

The first level of leadership is Position. This explains leadership based on position. In this level leaders try to protect themselves and don’t engage much with team members. This level doesn’t require more abilities to lead or complete the goal. Only positive is people gets a chance to become a leader. The next level is permission. In this level of leadership leaders will rely more on relations with the team members. They believe healthy relations can help in completing the goals but they cannot achieve goals due to those relations.


Levels of leadership

Level 3: Production

This level depends upon what you did for the organization.

This level is unlike level two, leaders realizes targets cannot be achieved if they rely on relationships with team members.

Leaders use their relations to define the target and encourage team members to achieve the goal.

The negative aspect is team performance may go down if the leader leaves the team.

Level 4: People Development

In this level leaders try to motivate, invest time on the other team members in order to see their growth as a leader.

Leaders focus on developing the organization by training the people.

It helps organization in continuing achievement and development.

The negative aspect in this level is it needs high level of maturity.

Some leaders may feel insecure by growth of the people in the organization.

The next level is Production. This level is mainly based upon the work you did for your organization growth. People follows you based on your work. Leaders realizes that targets cannot be achieved if they rely on relationships with team members. Leaders encourage the team members to grow as a leader and their development. Next level is People development. In this level leaders encourages and invests time on their team members in developing them and training them. The negative aspect of this level is it needs more maturity. Lack of maturity can make the leaders feel insecure by seeing the growth of other in the team.


Levels of leadership

Level 5: Pinnacle

This is a top-level leadership which many people cannot be achieved.

This level needs more focus, talent, skills.

One reason why people cannot reach level 5 is because, they can make the people follow them, but they cannot develop people.

Leaders at this level can create more opportunities in the organization.

Negative aspect of this level is leaders may loss focus with the power and position



The final level of leadership is pinnacle. This is the highest level of leadership which many people cannot achieve. This level needs more focus, talent, skills. One reason why people cannot reach level 5 is because, they can make the people follow them, but they cannot develop people.



What I learned from the theories

Maxwell’s explanation on each level of leadership gave me a better understating about the successful leaders.

It helped me understating how a leader can influence and motivate the people at each level.

I have learned how to respond to the situations according to the team needs.

Developing people and setting targets based upon the team strength.

How relationships can affect the leader’s ability in making decisions and its impact on organization.

There are so many takeaways from the book, the main things are d how to react depending on the situation. It also gave me a better understanding of the leaders and ho to become a successful leader. I learned how to set targets and motivate people in getting the things done and also helping people in developing their skills.


Summary and recommendation

Maxwell’s well explained levels are very helpful to everyone who wants become a successful leader

The way how Maxwell presented the levels with examples will intrigue the readers to read further.

This book is a perfect choice for all kind of leaders and to the people who are trying to become a leader

The examples and situations used by Maxwell will give a clear idea about each leadership level

Maxwell encouraged people to become leaders by his tips and examples throughout the book



Maxwell gave an in-depth insights of 5 levels of leaderships with appropriate examples. The examples Maxwell provided will encourage people to read the book. I recommend this book to all people who are trying to become a leader. Maxwell encouraged people to become leaders by example and tips throughout the book.


What are the main reasons why a VPN is the right solution for protecting the network perimeter?

What are the main reasons why a VPN is the right solution for protecting the network perimeter? Do they also provide protection for mobile devices?

In the event that any outside resources are used, those should be cited in APA format.

In the event that any outside resources are used, those should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. Applicants must answer each of the four prompts for their program.

  1. What are your research interests in the area of Information Technology? Why are you inspired to research in this area, and why do you think it is important to research in this area?
  2. Why did you select PhD in Information Technology? Why did you select XXXX ?
  3. As an individual, what are your strengths and weaknesses and how will they impact you as a PhD IT student?
  4. Where do you see the future of Information Technology going and where do you see yourself in this mix after obtaining PhD in Information Technology from XXXX?

CSE 5160 Machine Learning (Spring 2021) Assignment #1 (Due on March 11th, 2021)

CSE 5160 Machine Learning (Spring 2021) Assignment #1 (Due on March 11th, 2021)

All assignments are to be submitted to Blackboard. Please note that the due time of each assignment is at 11:55 pm (Blackboard time) on the due date. Please make sure to “submit” after uploading your files. Please do not attach unrelated files. You will not be able to change your files after deadline. 1. [40 marks] Manually train a decision tree based on the following dataset.

a) Please show the detailed process of selecting an attribute to split the instance set

at every node. Gini index should be used to measure the impurity (25 marks).

b) Draw the final decision tree (10 marks).

c) Classify the test instance X= (Outlook = rainy, Temperature = hot, Humidity =

high, Windy = FALSE) (5 marks).

Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play sunny hot high FALSE no sunny hot high TRUE no overcast hot high FALSE yes rainy mild high FALSE yes rainy cool normal FALSE yes rainy cool normal TRUE no overcast cool normal TRUE yes sunny mild high FALSE no sunny cool normal FALSE yes rainy mild normal FALSE yes sunny mild normal TRUE yes overcast mild high TRUE yes overcast hot normal FALSE yes rainy mild high TRUE no




2. [30 marks] (K-Nearest Neighbors) Please show the detailed process of using K-

Nearest Neighbor classifier to predict the test instance X= (Speed = 5.20, Weight =

500) is qualified or not, by setting k = 1, 3, and 5, respectively (20 points).

Before using KNN classifier, please use Min-max normalization (KNN.pdf page 17)

to preprocess the attribute values and plot the preprocessed training data set on a 2d

plane (Speed – X axis and Weight – Y axis, the instances of class no are labeled by −

and the instances of class yes are labeled by + in the plot) (10 points).







ID Speed Weight Qualified 1 2.50 600 no 2 3.75 800 no 3 2.25 550 no 4 3.25 825 no 5 2.75 750 no 6 4.50 500 no 7 3.50 525 no 8 3.00 325 no 9 4.00 400 no 10 4.25 375 no 11 2.00 200 no 12 5.00 250 no 13 8.25 850 no 14 5.75 875 yes 15 4.75 625 yes 16 5.50 675 yes 17 5.25 950 yes 18 7.00 425 yes 19 7.50 800 yes 20 7.25 575 yes



3. [30 marks] (Naive Bayes Classifier) Please show the detailed process of classifying

the test instance X = (HM = No, MS = Divorced, AI = 120000) based on the

following data sets.

For the continuous attribute AnnualIncome, you may use discretization to convert

the attribute as binary attribute by setting threshold 91000 or use probability density

estimation to estimate the conditional probabilities. (Please refer to note

NaiveBayes.pdf page 17)







HomeOwner (HO)

MaritalStatus (MS)

AnnualIncome (AI) Defaulted

Yes Single 125000 No No Married 100000 No No Single 70000 No Yes Married 120000 No No Divorced 95000 Yes No Single 60000 No Yes Divorced 220000 No No Single 85000 Yes No Married 75000 No No Single 90000 Yes

Multiple Choice (2 points each)

Multiple Choice (2 points each)


1. Which of the following statements represents a similarity between financial and managerial accounting?  A. Both are useful in providing information for external users. B. Both are governed by GAAP. C. Both draw upon data from an organization’s accounting system. D. Both rely heavily on published financial statements. E. Both are solely concerned with historical transactions.


2.  Which of the following characteristic(s) relate(s) more to managerial accounting than to financial accounting?  A. A focus on reporting to personnel within an organization. B. A focus on reporting to external parties. C. An area of accounting that is heavily regulated. D. A focus on providing information that is relevant for planning, decision making, directing, and control. E. A focus on reporting to personnel within an organization and a focus on providing information that is relevant for planning, decision making, directing, and control.

3. Financial accounting focuses primarily on reporting:  A. to parties outside of an organization. B. to parties within an organization. C. to an organization’s board of directors. D. to financial institutions. E. for financial institutions.


4. Research and development costs are classified as:

A. product costs. B. period costs. C. inventoriable costs. D. cost of goods sold. E. labor costs.


5. Which of the following is a product cost?  A. Circuitry used in producing hard drives. B. Monthly advertising in the newspaper. C. The salary of the vice president-finance. D. Sales commissions. E. Research costs for new router development.







6. Which of the following would not be classified as a product cost?  A. Direct materials. B. Direct labor. C. Indirect materials. D. Insurance on a manufacturing plant. E. Sales bonuses for meeting quota sales.


7. The accounting records of Dixon Company revealed the following costs: direct materials used, $250,000; direct labor, $425,000; manufacturing overhead, $375,000; and selling and administrative expenses, $220,000. Dixon’s product costs total:  A. $1,050,000. B. $830,000. C. $895,000. D. $1,270,000. E. None of the answers is correct.


8. Which of the following entities would most likely have raw materials, work in process, and finished goods?  A. A petroleum refiner.

B. A national department store. C. A fast food restaurant. D. A regional airline. E. A state university.


9. Selling and administrative expenses would likely appear on the balance sheet of:  A. A clothing store. B. A computer manufacturer. C. A television network. D. All of these firms. E. None of these firms.


10. Which of the following inventories would a company ordinarily hold for sale?  A. Raw materials. B. Work in process. C. Finished goods. D. Raw materials and finished goods. E. Work in process and finished goods.


11. Which type of production process is likely used for custom yachts?

A. Batch. B. Continuous Flow. C. Job. D. Assembly. E. Direct assembly.


12. Which type of production process is likely used by a paint manufacturer to produce paint?

A. Batch. B. Process Costing. C. Job Shop. D. Assembly. E. Direct assembly.


13. Which of the following would not be classified as direct materials by a company that makes automobiles?

A. Wheel lubricant. B. Tires. C. Interior leather. D. CD player. E. Sheet metal used in the automobile’s body.


14. Which of the following employees would not be classified as indirect labor?

A. Plant Custodian. B. Salesperson. C. An employee that packs products for shipment. D. Plant security guard. E. A line employee that produces parts for chairs using a saw and template.


15. Depreciation of factory equipment would be classified as:  A. operating cost. B. “other” cost. C. manufacturing overhead. D. period cost. E. administrative cost.


16. As production takes place, all manufacturing costs are added to the:  A. Work-in-Process Inventory account. B. Manufacturing-Overhead Inventory account. C. Cost-of-Goods-Sold account. D. Finished-Goods Inventory account. E. Production Labor account.


17. The final step in recognizing the completion of production requires a company to:  A. debit Finished-Goods Inventory and credit Work-in-Process Inventory. B. debit Work-in-Process Inventory and credit Finished-Goods Inventory. C. add direct labor to Work-in-Process Inventory. D. add direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead to Work-in-Process Inventory. E. add direct materials to Finished-Goods Inventory.


18. Morgan Manufacturing recently sold goods that cost $35,000 for $45,000 cash. The journal entries to record this transaction would include:  A. a credit to Work-in-Process Inventory for $35,000. B. a debit to Sales Revenue for $45,000. C. a credit to Profit on Sale for $10,000. D. a debit to Finished-Goods Inventory for $35,000. E. a credit to Sales Revenue for $45,000.


19. A manufacturing firm produces goods in accordance with customer specifications, commencing production upon receipt of a purchase order. To accumulate the cost of each order, the company would use a:  A. job-cost record. B. cost allocation matrix. C. production log. D. overhead sheet. E. manufacturing cost record.


20. Manufacturing overhead:  A. includes direct materials, indirect materials, indirect labor, and factory depreciation. B. is easily traced to jobs. C. includes all selling costs. D. should not be assigned to individual jobs because it bears no obvious relationship to them. E. is a pool of indirect production costs that must somehow be attached to each unit manufactured.







Identification/Problems (Points as Noted)

Consider the following items: A. Tomatoes used in the manufacture of ketchup B. Administrative salaries of executives employed by a regional airline C. Wages of assembly-line workers at an automobile manufacturing plant D. Marketing expenditures of the major league baseball club E. Commissions paid to the salespeople working for a soft drink company F. Straight-line depreciation on manufacturing equipment owned by a computer manufacturer G. Shipping charges incurred by office supplies retailer on out-going orders H. Speakers used in a consumer electronics company’s home-theater systems I. Insurance costs related to a cosmetics manufacturing plant

Required: Complete the table that follows and classify each of the costs listed as (1) a product or period cost and (2) a variable or fixed cost by placing an “X” in the appropriate column. (18 points)

 Product or Period CostVariable or Fixed Cost





Consider the following cost items: 1. Sales commissions earned by a company’s sales force. 2. Raw materials purchased during the period. 3. Current year’s depreciation on a firm’s manufacturing facilities. 4. Year-end completed production of a carpet manufacturer. 5. The cost of products sold to customers of an apparel store. 6. Wages earned by machine operators in a manufacturing plant. 7. Income taxes incurred by an airline. 8. Marketing costs of an electronics manufacturer. 9. Indirect labor costs incurred by a manufacturer of office equipment. Required: Evaluate the costs just cited and determine whether the associated dollar amounts would appear on the firm’s balance sheet, income statement, or schedule of cost of goods manufactured. (9 points)


Opal Inc. used $213,000 of direct materials and incurred $111,000 of direct labor costs during 2015. Indirect labor amounted to $8,100 while indirect materials used totaled $4,800. Other operating costs pertaining to the factory which are all considered manufacturing overhead included factory utilities of $9,300; factory maintenance of $13,500; factory repairs of $5,400; depreciation on factory equipment of $23,700; and, property taxes on the factory of $7,800. There was no beginning or ending finished goods inventory. The Work-in-Process Inventory account reflected a balance of $16,500 at the beginning of the period and $22,500 at the end of the period.


Required: Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for Opal Inc. (23 points)



The phone bill for a company consists of both fixed and variable costs. Given the data below for four months apply the high-low method to calculate the total fixed costs and variable cost per unit. (10 points)


 MinutesTotal Bill

Discussion 1: There have been many books and opinion pieces written about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues.

Discussion 1: There have been many books and opinion pieces written about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented? Write a “Post” with a content of 200-300 words, & paste in a Word doc. Submit both by Wednesday 11:59 am., EST. Follow the APA 7 format. Provide full references with hanging indent format and intext cititation There must be at least one APA formatted reference (with APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations. Discussion 2: Explain how GDSS can increase some benefits of collaboration and decision making in groups and eliminate or reduce some losses. Write a “Post” with a content of 200-300 words, & paste in a Word doc. Submit both by Wednesday 11:59 am., EST. Follow the APA 7 format. Provide full references with hanging indent format and intext cititation There must be at least one APA formatted reference (with APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Digitalized Ecosystems: Blockchain 

Assignment Background

A multi-billion-dollar amusement park chain desires to implement Digitalized Ecosystems: Blockchain to the greatest extent possible within the next five years. The organization would like to integrate the technology to automatically control and monitor their equipment. They would also like to leverage the technology by integrating with customers’ personal devices. Management has asked you to develop a feasibility study that analyzes the potential of the technology.

Assignment Instructions

Develop a feasibility study that examines the potential impact of this module’s technologies on a business in the industry described above. Use the resources and templates introduced on the Feasibility and SWOT Analysis page in Module 01 as a guide. Your submission should be:

  • grammatically correct and free from spelling errors
  • written in a professional tone
  • a minimum of 1000 words in length

Your completed feasibility study should contain the following elements, with section-headings clearly indicated:

  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Purpose / Scope
  • History
  • Methodology
  • Current Systems and Processes / Environment
  • Issues
  • Assumptions and Constraints
  • Objectives
  • Alternatives
  • Comparison of Alternatives
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendixes

import  java . awt . * ;
import  java . util . zip . CheckedInputStream ;

// File name:
// Written by: Richard X. Mercado
// Description: This program is a subclass of GeometricObjects, inherits its abstract methods, and
// performs task related to Cirlce shape.
// Challenges:
// Time Spent: 7 days on GeometricShapes Project
// Revision History:
// Date:                By:      Action:
// ---------------------------------------------------
// 02/19/2021   Richard Mercado     Created everything but equals()
// 02/20/2021   Richard Mercado     Created equals()

public   class   Circle   extends   GeometricObject   {

//instance variable
private   double  radius ;

public   Circle ()   {

public   Circle ( double  radius )   {
this . radius  =  radius ;

public   Circle ( double  radius ,   String  color ,   boolean  filled ){
super ( color ,  filled );
getDate ();
this . radius  =  radius ;

//set and get methods
public   void  setRadius ( double  radius )   {   this . radius  =  radius ;   }
public   double  getRadius (){
return  radius ;

//determines with if the radius of each obj are equals to each other
public   boolean  equals ( Circle  o ){
if (( this . getRadius ()   ==  o . getRadius ()))
return   true ;

return   false ;

//inherited abstract method - determines how to get the area of a circle
@ Override
public   double  getArea (){
return   ( radius  *  radius  *   Math . PI );

//inherited abstract method - calculates the perimeter of specific shape
@ Override
public   double  getPerimeter ()   {
return   ( 2   *  radius  *   Math . PI );

//inherited abstract method - display name of shape
@ Override
public   String  getObjName (){
return   "[Circle]" ;

//inherited abstract method - display strings for how to draw specific shape
@ Override
public   String  howToDraw ()   {
return   String . format ( "Circle color: %s and filled: %s" ,  getColor (),  isFilled ());

//Display string for objects
@ Override
public   String  toString (){
return   String . format ( "%s Radius: %.2f Circle's Area: %.2f Circle's Perimeter: %.2f" ,
getObjName (),  getRadius (),  getArea (),  getPerimeter ());

// File name:
// Written by: Richard X. Mercado
// Description: This program creates super constructors that will be used through out the entire program for created
//              other constructors with color and filled instance variables and abstract method howToDraw that will
//              be inherited by GeometricObject abstract class
// Challenges: No challenges with colorable class
// Time Spent: 7 days on GeometricShapes Project
// Revision History:
// Date:                By:      Action:
// ---------------------------------------------------
// 02/15/2021   Richard Mercado   created entire colorable abstract class

public   abstract   class   Colorable   {

//instance variables
private   String  color ;
private   boolean  filled ;

public   Colorable ()   {
color  =   "WHITE" ;  filled  =   false ;

public   Colorable ( String  color ,   boolean  filled )   {
this . color  =  color ;
this . filled  =  filled ;

//set and get method
public   String  getColor ()   {   return  color ;   }
public   void  setColor ( String  color )   {   this . color  =  color ;   }
public   void  setFilled ( boolean  isFilled )   {  filled  =  isFilled ;   }

//isFilled method
public   boolean  isFilled ()   {   return  filled ;   }

//abstract howToDraw methods
public   abstract   String  howToDraw ();

public   class   Controller   {

// File name:
// Written by: Richard X. Mercado
// Description: subclass of Colorable. this class has the methods to compare two objects, create a clone of an object,
//              and determines the greatest of the two objects being compared by there area
// Challenges: Creating the compareTo method, static max method,
// Time Spent:7 days on GeometricShapes Project
// Revision History:
// Date:                By:      Action:
// ---------------------------------------------------
/* 02/16/2021   Richard Mercado    Created everything but compareTo(), max(), and clone()
02/17/2021   Richard Mercado    Created clone()
02/19/2021   Richard Mercado    Created max()
02/20/2021   Richard Mercado    Created compareTo()

import  java . util . Date ;
public   abstract   class   GeometricObject   extends   Colorable   implements   Comparable < GeometricObject > , Cloneable   {

//instance variables
private   Date  dateCreated ;

public   GeometricObject (){
super ();
dateCreated  =   new   Date ();

public   GeometricObject ( String  color ,   boolean  filled )   {
super ( color ,  filled );
dateCreated  =   new   Date ();

//additional methods
public   Date  getDate (){   return  dateCreated ;   }

//compares objects by there area and determines if obj is either greater, less, or equal
public   int  compareTo ( GeometricObject  o )
if   ( this . getArea ()   <  o . getArea ())
return   - 1 ;
if   ( this . getArea  ()   >  o . getArea ())
return   1 ;
return   0 ;

//Created a clone of an object
@ Override
public   Object  clone ()   throws   CloneNotSupportedException   {
return   super . clone ();

//uses compareTo() and compares two objs and determines which one is greater
public   static   GeometricObject  max ( GeometricObject  obj1 ,   GeometricObject  obj2 )   {
if   ( obj1 . compareTo ( obj2 )   ==   1 )
return  obj1 ;
return  obj2 ;

//Display string for objects
@ Override
public   String  toString (){
return   String . format (
"Date Created: %s%n"   +
"Color: %s%n"   +
"Filled: %s%n" ,
dateCreated ,  getColor (),  isFilled ());

//Abstract methods
public   abstract   String  getObjName ();
public   abstract   double  getArea ();
public   abstract   double  getPerimeter ();


import  javafx . application . Application ;
import  javafx . event . ActionEvent ;
import  javafx . event . Event ;
import  javafx . event . EventHandler ;
import  javafx . scene . Scene ;
import  javafx . scene . control . Button ;
import  javafx . scene . layout . * ;
import  javafx . stage . Stage ;
//import javafx.scene.ComboBoxBase;
import  javafx . scene . control . ComboBox ;
import  javafx . collections . FXCollections ;
import  javafx . geometry . Insets ;
import  javafx . scene . Group ;
import  javafx . scene . control . Label ;
import  javafx . scene . control . Slider ;
import  javafx . beans . value . ChangeListener ;
import  javafx . beans . value . ObservableValue ;
import  javafx . geometry . Pos ;
import  javafx . scene . control . CheckBox ;
import  javafx . scene . control . RadioButton ;
import  javafx . scene . control . TextField ;
import  javafx . scene . control . TitledPane ;
import  javafx . scene . control . ToggleGroup ;

public   class   MyJavaFX   extends   Application   {
public   static   final   String  SHAPE_CIRCLE  =   "Circle" ;
public   static   final   String  SHAPE_RECTANGLE  =   "Rectangle" ;
public   static   final   String  SHAPE_SQUARE  =   "Square" ;
public   static   final   String  SHAPE_TRIANGLE  =   "Triangle" ;
private   static   final   String []  shapes  =   { SHAPE_CIRCLE ,  SHAPE_RECTANGLE ,  SHAPE_SQUARE ,  SHAPE_TRIANGLE };
private   TextField  resultTextFieldShape ;
private   TextField  resultTextFieldInformation ;
private   TextField  resultTextFieldArea ;
private   TextField  resultTextFieldPerimeter ;
private   TextField  textFieldWidth ;
private   TextField  textFieldHeight ;
private   TextField  textFieldSide ;
private   Slider  opacityLevel ;
private   String  selectedShape  =  SHAPE_CIRCLE ;
private   String  selectedColor  =   "BLACK" ;
private   boolean  isFilled  =   false ;
private   GeometricObject  shape ;
//private final String[] shapes = {"Circle", "Rectangle", "Square", "Triangle"};
//ComboBox<String> chooseShape = new ComboBox<String>();

@ Override
public   void  start ( Stage  stage )   throws   Exception   {

//create title of stage
stage . setTitle ( "Shape Chooser" );

//Creating Main Pane
Pane  mainScene  =   new   Pane ();

//Setting size of Main Pane
mainScene . setPrefSize ( 800 ,   590 );

//Creating Input Data Title Pane
TitledPane  gridTitlePane  =   new   TitledPane ();
gridTitlePane . relocate ( 50 ,   50 );

//Creating Grid Pane
GridPane  gridExample  =   new   GridPane ();
gridExample . setVgap ( 8 );
gridExample . setPadding ( new   Insets ( 10 , 10 ,   10 ,   10 ));

//Creating BorderPane
BorderPane  paneForComboBox  =   new   BorderPane ();
paneForComboBox . setLeft ( new   Label ( "Select Geometric Shape" ));
paneForComboBox . relocate ( 50 ,   20 );

//Creating Slider
opacityLevel  =   new   Slider ( 0 ,   30 ,   15 );

//final Label opacityCaption = new Label("Radius:");
gridExample . add ( new   Label   ( "Radius: " ),   0 ,   1 );
final   Label  opacityValue  =   new   Label ( Double . toString ( opacityLevel . getValue ()));

gridExample . setVgap ( 10 );
gridExample . setHgap ( 100 );

//Real Time value for slider
opacityLevel . valueProperty (). addListener ( new   ChangeListener < Number > ()   {
@ Override
public   void  changed ( ObservableValue <?   extends   Number >  ov ,
Number  old_val ,   Number  new_val )   {
System . out . println ( new_val . doubleValue ());
opacityValue . setText ( String . format ( "%.2f" ,  new_val ));
calculateArea ();
GridPane . setConstraints ( opacityLevel ,   1 ,   1 );
gridExample . getChildren (). add ( opacityLevel );
gridExample . add ( opacityValue , 2 , 1 );

//GridPane.setConstraints(opacityValue, 2, 1);

//TextField objects for right alignment
textFieldWidth  =   new   TextField ();
textFieldWidth . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER_RIGHT );

textFieldHeight  =   new   TextField ();
textFieldHeight . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER_RIGHT );

textFieldSide  =   new   TextField ();
textFieldSide . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER_RIGHT );

//Adding Labels
gridExample . add ( new   Label ( "Width: " ),   0 ,   2 );
gridExample . add ( textFieldWidth ,   1 ,   2 );

gridExample . add ( new   Label ( "Height: " ),   0 ,   3 );
gridExample . add ( textFieldHeight ,   1 ,   3 );

gridExample . add ( new   Label ( "Side: " ),   0 ,   4 );
gridExample . add ( textFieldSide ,   1 ,   4 );

//Title for TitlePane, centering, and setting content
gridTitlePane . setText ( "Input Data" );
gridTitlePane . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER );
gridTitlePane . setContent ( gridExample );
gridTitlePane . setPrefWidth ( 705 );

//Creating ComboBox
ComboBox < String >  comboBox  =   new   ComboBox <> ( FXCollections . observableArrayList ( shapes ));
comboBox . relocate ( 635 ,   10 );

comboBox . getSelectionModel (). select ( 0 );
// Create action event
EventHandler < ActionEvent >  selectShapeEvent  =  e  ->  handleShapeChange ( comboBox . getValue ());

// Set on action
comboBox . setOnAction ( selectShapeEvent );

//Creating Check Box
CheckBox  checkBox  =   new   CheckBox ( "Filled" );
gridExample . add ( checkBox ,   3 ,   1 );

RadioButton  radioButton1  =   new   RadioButton ( "Black" );
radioButton1 . setSelected ( true );
radioButton1 . requestFocus ();
RadioButton  radioButton2  =   new   RadioButton ( "Red" );
RadioButton  radioButton3  =   new   RadioButton ( "Green" );
RadioButton  radioButton4  =   new   RadioButton ( "Blue" );

ToggleGroup  radioGroup  =   new   ToggleGroup ();

radioButton1 . setToggleGroup ( radioGroup );
radioButton2 . setToggleGroup ( radioGroup );
radioButton3 . setToggleGroup ( radioGroup );
radioButton4 . setToggleGroup ( radioGroup );

EventHandler < ActionEvent >  e  =  event  ->   {
selectedColor  =   (( RadioButton )  event . getSource ()). getText (). toUpperCase ();
if   ( shape != null )  shape . setColor ( selectedColor );
updateUI ( shape );
radioButton1 . setOnAction ( e );
radioButton2 . setOnAction ( e );
radioButton3 . setOnAction ( e );
radioButton4 . setOnAction ( e );

VBox  vbox  =   new   VBox ( radioButton1 ,  radioButton2 ,  radioButton3 ,  radioButton4 );

gridExample . add ( vbox ,   3 ,   2 );

//Creating Result Title Pane
TitledPane  resultTitlePane  =   new   TitledPane ();
resultTitlePane . setCollapsible ( false );
resultTitlePane . relocate ( 50 ,   320 );

//Creating ResultExample Pane
GridPane  resultExample  =   new   GridPane ();
resultExample . setVgap ( 8 );
resultExample . setPadding ( new   Insets ( 10 , 10 ,   10 ,   10 ));

resultTextFieldShape  =   new   TextField ();
resultTextFieldShape . setAlignment ( Pos . TOP_LEFT );
resultTextFieldShape . setPrefWidth ( 600 );
resultTextFieldShape . setEditable ( false );

resultTextFieldInformation  =   new   TextField ();
resultTextFieldInformation . setAlignment ( Pos . TOP_LEFT );
resultTextFieldInformation . setEditable ( false );

resultTextFieldArea  =   new   TextField ();
resultTextFieldArea . setAlignment ( Pos . TOP_LEFT );
resultTextFieldArea . setEditable ( false );

resultTextFieldPerimeter  =   new   TextField ();
resultTextFieldPerimeter . setAlignment ( Pos . TOP_LEFT );
resultTextFieldPerimeter . setEditable ( false );

//Creating Result Title Pane Labels
resultExample . add ( new   Label ( "Shape: " ),   0 ,   2 );
resultExample . add ( resultTextFieldShape ,   1 ,   2 );

resultExample . add ( new   Label ( "Information: " ),   0 ,   3 );
resultExample . add ( resultTextFieldInformation ,   1 ,   3 );

resultExample . add ( new   Label ( "Area: " ),   0 ,   4 );
resultExample . add ( resultTextFieldArea ,   1 ,   4 );

resultExample . add ( new   Label ( "Perimeter: " ),   0 ,   5 );
resultExample . add ( resultTextFieldPerimeter ,   1 ,   5 );

//Title name, centering, and setting
resultTitlePane . setText ( "Result" );
resultTitlePane . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER );
resultTitlePane . setContent ( resultExample );

TitledPane  bottomButtonTitlePane  =   new   TitledPane ();
bottomButtonTitlePane . setCollapsible ( false );
bottomButtonTitlePane . relocate ( 50 ,   550 );

//Creating ResultExample Pane
GridPane  bottomExample  =   new   GridPane ();
bottomExample . setVgap ( 8 );
bottomExample . setPadding ( new   Insets ( 10 , 10 ,   10 ,   10 ));

//Calculate, Clear, and Exit Buttons
Button  calculateButton  =   new   Button ( "Calculate" );
Button  clearButton  =   new   Button ( "Clear" );
Button  exitButton  =   new   Button ( "Exit" );
int  prefButtonWidth  =   120 ;
calculateButton . setPrefWidth ( prefButtonWidth );
clearButton . setPrefWidth ( prefButtonWidth );
exitButton . setPrefWidth ( prefButtonWidth );

Group  bottomButtonGroup  =   new   Group ();

bottomButtonGroup . getChildren (). add ( calculateButton );
bottomButtonGroup . getChildren (). add ( clearButton );
bottomButtonGroup . getChildren (). add ( exitButton );

HBox  hbox  =   new   HBox ( calculateButton ,  clearButton ,  exitButton  );
hbox . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER );
hbox . setPrefWidth ( 680 );
bottomExample . add ( hbox ,   4 , 2 );
bottomExample . relocate ( 50 ,   520 );



//check box action
checkBox . setOnAction ( new   EventHandler < ActionEvent > ()   {
@ Override
public   void  handle ( ActionEvent  event )   {
//update shape and UI
isFilled  =  checkBox . isSelected ();
if   ( shape != null )  shape . setFilled ( isFilled );
updateUI ( shape );

calculateButton . setOnAction (( ActionEvent  event )   ->  calculateArea ());

clearButton . setOnAction (( ActionEvent  event )   ->   {
//clear all fields and reset to circle
comboBox . getSelectionModel (). select ( 0 );
checkBox . setSelected ( false );
radioButton1 . setSelected ( true );
isFilled  =   false ;
selectedColor  =   "BLACK" ;
selectedShape  =  SHAPE_CIRCLE ;
if   ( shape != null )   {
shape . setColor ( selectedColor );
shape . setFilled ( isFilled );
handleShapeChange ( selectedShape );

//Exit Button ACTION
exitButton . setOnAction (( ActionEvent  event )   ->   {
System . exit ( 0 );


//Retreiving and storing all children to mainScene
mainScene . getChildren (). addAll ( paneForComboBox ,  comboBox ,  gridTitlePane ,  gridExample ,
resultTitlePane ,  resultExample ,  bottomExample );

//update shape initially to circle
handleShapeChange ( SHAPE_CIRCLE );

//Creating, setting, and displaying scene
Scene  scene  =   new   Scene ( mainScene );
stage . setScene ( scene );
stage . show ();


private   void  handleShapeChange ( String  shape )   {
//clear current data
clearFields ();
//enable fields relevant to shape
selectedShape  =  shape ;
switch   ( shape )   {
opacityLevel . setDisable ( false );
break ;
textFieldHeight . setDisable ( false );
textFieldWidth . setDisable ( false );
break ;
textFieldSide . setDisable ( false );
break ;
textFieldSide . setDisable ( false );
textFieldHeight . setDisable ( false );
textFieldWidth . setDisable ( false );
break ;

private   void  calculateArea ()   {
//update instance for correct shape and details
switch   ( selectedShape )   {
case  SHAPE_CI

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Let’s look at a real-world scenario and how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plays into it. In the scenario, the United States will be hit by a large-scale, coordinated cyber attack organized by China. These attacks debilitate the functioning of government agencies, parts of the critical infrastructure, and commercial ventures. The IT infrastructure of several agencies are paralyzed, the electric grid in most of the country is shut down, telephone traffic is seriously limited and satellite communications are down (limiting the Department of Defense’s [DOD’s] ability to communicate with commands overseas). International commerce and financial institutions are also severely hit. Please explain how DHS should handle this situation.

For some additional reading, take a look at the latest Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity that relates to critical infrastructure: