Create a Modular Design Proposal that includes the following:

Create a Modular Design Proposal that includes the following:

  • A diagram of your proposed hierarchical enterprise network that illustrates the relationships between the access, distribution, and core layers using the implementation plan created in your Wk 1 assignment, “West Consulting Customer Design Summary”
  • A summary that details the following:
  • The Cisco® design principles and approach you will use to support this project and its diverse requirements
  • The steps you will take to ensure the project plan and network design address West Consulting’s long-term strategic plans and goals
  • Areas of specific concern related to the nature of the graphics data (traffic types, bandwidth, etc.) and relevant industry best practices you will follow to incorporate in addressing these potential concerns
  • A summary of how your design meets modularity, resiliency, and scalability for future growth

Diagram your enterprise network design in Microsoft® Visio®.

Document the remainder of your Design Proposal as either a(n):

  • 2-page Microsoft® Word document
  • 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes

West Consulting Network Design Summary

NTC/320 v4

West Consulting Network Design Summary

NTC/320 v4

Page 2 of 2


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West Consulting Network Design Summary

West Consulting Business Description

West Consulting is a graphic design and printing company. It is growing in consumer and sales volume and therefore, is expanding its local campus in Houston, Texas, and adding a test location in China.

Business Problem

As a graphics design and printing company, West Consulting runs bandwidth-intensive applications from servers housed at their headquarters in Houston, Texas. IT leadership has determined that the current network continuously runs in a degraded state and users experience heavy latency when accessing the servers that house their customer Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.

Because of increased sales of their CAD designs, they need to expand their facilities. The company headquarters currently has 1,000 unique users among its two buildings and has decided to add another building and 500 users.

In addition, leadership has decided to expand into China to enable them to test their designs in a new and growing market. The footprint in China will be relatively small with approximately 30 people.


You are a network consultant for West Consulting. You are tasked with proposing an improved network design to support their growth and expansion plans.


1. A secure WLAN solution in the new building for half of the users and recommendations to upgrade their existing WLAN infrastructure to keep wiring costs down.

2. Recommendations on a Unified Communications system that meets traffic demands, with minimal interruptions, due to the frequency of international videoconferencing calls that will occur.

3. An IP solution that can accommodate the new users in all locations.

4. Recommendations to upgrade their switch bandwidth to 10GB fiber uplinks between backbone switches, a 10GB connection to each of the servers, and add-in options for redundancy. High availability access to these critical servers is a must because of the expected traffic increase and load on the servers.

5. Proposal for a data center solution that takes advantage of both network and server virtualization technologies to reduce their costs in acquiring and maintaining hardware.

6. Improvements to the link speed to the internet.

7. Options for implementing greater security for their intranet servers that their partners and employees heavily use and for their overall network infrastructure, as they have had attacks on their DMZ.

8. Have proof that these improvements will be completed within a 4- to 6-month timeline.

Network Configuration Details

The network engineer verbally shared the configuration details of their network, as follows:


· Bldg. 1 and Bldg. 2 are located about 1,000 ft. apart.


· Bldg. 1 has one 6500 backbone switch installed, which supports users from both buildings.

· Bldg. 2 has a connection to the backbone switch via a 10GB fiber connection (10G Base LR) from uplink port on a Cisco 3850.

· To support the users, each floor contains three Cisco Catalyst 48-port 100Mbps Ethernet switches, which are each cabled to the backbone switch via a 1GB uplink port.


· Each floor represents a different subnet and therefore one Cisco router 2610, configured with EIGRP, is cabled to backbone switch (1GB connection) to provide routing for each subnet and provides a WAN interface to the internet via a T-1 link.

· Each switch also has a link to an access point that uses WPA encryption and 802.11b wireless standard to support users who are in conference/meeting rooms that want to connect to the internet.


· 5x Windows® Server 2012 R2 (RAID 5) application servers that support the CAD.

· 1 DHCP and FTP server


IP Configuration (DHCP-based)

BuildingFloorServersClientsIP Network
 2 100194.100.2.0/24
 3 100194.100.3.0/24
 4 100194.100.4.0/24
 5 100194.100.5.0/24
 2 100195.100.2.0/24
 3 100195.100.3.0/24
 4 100195.100.4.0/24
 5 100195.100.5.0/24


Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email?




Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email? If so, please share this experience. Explain what type of message it was and what you did to get rid of it.



Now that we are almost halfway through the course and you are working on the first graded problem set this week I would like you to reflect back on what you have learned over the last six weeks. In your post please share a topic we have studied that you feel will be beneficial in your career. Explain why you feel that is the case.

——— Muh

Problem set- attached

Speaking of research

Speaking of research

Guidelines for evaluating research articles

Phillip Rumrill∗, Shawn Fitzgerald and Megen Ware Kent State University, Department of Educational Foundations and Special Services Center for Disability Studies, 405 White Hall, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001, USA

The article describes the components and composition of journal articles that report empirical research findings in the field of rehabilitation. The authors delineate technical writing strategies and discuss the contents of research manuscripts, including the Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and References. The article concludes with a scale that practitioners, manuscript reviewers, educators, and students can use in critically analyzing the content and scien- tific merits of published rehabilitation research.

Keywords: Evaluation, research articles, guidelines for cri- tique

1. Introduction

The purpose of this article is to examine the com- ponents of a research article and provide guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works. Distilled from the American Psychological Associa- tion’s [1] Publication Manual and related descriptions in several research design texts [4,8,9,12,15], descrip- tions of how authors in rehabilitation and disability studies address each section of a research article are featured. The article concludes with a framework that rehabilitation educators, graduate students, practition- ers, and other Work readers can use in critiquing re- search articles on the basis of their scientific merits and practical utility.

∗Corresponding author: Tel.: +1 330 672 2294; Fax: +1 330 672 2512; E-mail:

2. Anatomy of a research article

For nearly 50 years, the American Psychological As- sociation has presented guidelines for authors to follow in composing manuscripts for publication in profes- sional journals [1]. Most journals in disability studies and rehabilitation adhere to those style and formatting guidelines. In the paragraphs to follow, descriptions of each section of a standard research article are pre- sented: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and References.

2.1. Title

As with other kinds of literature, the title of a scien- tific or scholarly journal article is a very important fea- ture. At the risk of contravening the age-old adage “You can’t judge a book by its cover,” Bellini and Rumrill [4] speculated that most articles in rehabilitation journals are either read or not read based upon the prospective reader’s perusal of the title. Therefore, developing a clear, concise title that conveys the article’s key con- cepts, hypotheses, methods, and variables under study is critical for researchers wishing to share their findings with a large, professional audience. A standard-length title for a journal article in the social sciences is 12–15 words, including a sub-title if appropriate. Because so- cial science and medical indexing systems rely heavily on titles in their codification schemes to track and cat- egorize journal articles by topic, providing a title that clearly delineates a general research domain or topic area is of utmost importance. If the title is vague or ambiguous, chances are that the prospective reader will not continue to read through the document to establish where it might fit in terms of a specific research domain or topic area. Examples of clearly descriptive titles that can be found in the contemporary rehabilitation literature include:

“Rehabilitation Counselors’ Assessments of Appli- cants’ Functional Limitations as Predictors of Rehabil- itation Services Provided” [3].

Work 14 (2000) 257–263 ISSN 1051-9815 / $8.00  2000, IOS Press. All rights reserved



258 P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles

“Employer Concerns About Hiring Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities: Results of the Employer Atti- tude Questionnaire” [6].

“Self-Perceived Reasons for Unemployment Cited by Persons with Spinal Cord Injury: Relationship to Gender, Race, Age, and Level of Injury” [13].

“Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors’ Attitudes Toward Self-Employment Outcomes” [18].

“Surveying the Employment Concerns of People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Participatory Action Re- search Approach” [20].

“Effect of Graduate Research Instruction on Per- ceived Research Anxiety, Research Utility, and Confi- dence in Research Skills” [21].

Before we move into descriptions of the content sec- tions of a research article, we want to briefly address the concept of technical writing as it applies to the com- position of academic manuscripts. Journals adhering to the American Psychological Association’s [1] pub- lication guidelines favor manuscripts that are written in direct, uncomplicated sentences. Editors prefer that text be written in the “active voice”; whenever possible, sentences should begin with their subjects and follow with verbs and objects (e.g., “The researcher conducted an experiment” rather than “An experiment was con- ducted by the researcher”). Technical writing is marked by the “less is more” maxim; extraneous phrases and clauses that add words to the sentence without enhanc- ing the overall statement should be avoided (e.g., “In order to. . . ”, “For purposes of. . . ”, “As far as. . . is concerned. . .”). Another element of sound technical writing is the sparing use of adverbs (e.g., very, some- what, strikingly) and adjectives that do not serve to fur- ther define or specify the terms that they are modifying (e.g., interesting, important, good, noteworthy).

In addition to the American Psychological Associa- tion’s guidelines for technical writing, authors should consider these six criteria for effective composition provided by George Orwell (1946) in Politics and the English Language:

1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

2. Never use a long word where a short one will do. 3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it

out. 4. Never use the passive (voice) where you can use

the active. 5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or

jargon word if you can think of an everyday En- glish equivalent.

6. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous (p. 170).

Organization is also key in preparing an effectively composed journal manuscript, with multi-level head- ings serving to guide the flow of text and keep the reader on track. For authoritative information regard- ing the style and formatting guidelines for submitting manuscripts to most journals in social science fields, readers should consult the American Psychological As- sociation’s [1] Publication Manual. For information concerning the style and formatting requirements of Work and other journals published by IOS Press, see the Guidelines for Authors section included in the be- ginning of this edition.

2.2. Abstract

Next to the title, the abstract is the most widely read section of a journal article. In an empirical article, the abstract should be a succinct, 100–150 word summary of the investigation’s key features, including purpose, objectives, research questions/hypotheses, sample, sci- entific procedures, independent and dependent vari- ables, and salient results. Results of the study should be summarized in full in the abstract; authors should describe both significant and non-significant findings, not only those which upheld their hypotheses or expec- tations. The abstract serves as an advance organizer for the article, and it should include every important premise, method, and result of the investigation. Like the Preface that commonly orients readers to full-length textbooks, the abstract provides a complete, albeit sum- mary, preview of the article. Some journals, includ- ing Work and the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, ask authors to list key descriptors on the abstract page, which are then used for purposes of indexing. In most cases, the title is what determines whether a reader will read the abstract; the abstract determines whether the reader will read the body of the article.

2.3. Introduction

Immediately following the abstract, the introductory section of the article sets the stage for the study upon which the article was based. It orients the reader to the problem or issue being addressed, develops the logic and rationale for conducting the investigation, and al- most always expresses the empirical hypotheses or re- search questions. Heppner et al. [9] suggested that the introduction should answer questions such as why the topic is an important one to study, what previous



P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles 259

work bears on the topic, how existing work logically connects to the author’s research questions and/or hy- potheses, how the question will be researched,and what predictions can be made.

To answer these questions, authors typically address three major elements in the introductory section of an article: (1) The Research Problem, (2) The Framework for the Study, and (3) The Research Questions and Hy- potheses [8,15]. We will describe each of these intro- ductory elements in linear fashion, but we do not mean to imply an order in terms of how they should be ad- dressed. Many (if not most) authors blend these con- siderations to fit the flow and logic of their respective manuscripts.

The research problem. Usually in the very first sen- tences of an empirical journal article, the author draws the reader’s attention to the scope, impact, and current status of the problem or issue being investigated. This orientation is most effectively achieved by applying the broadest-possible perspective to the concern. A study of success rates among participants in a stress inocula- tion program for people with diabetes mellitus might be introduced by citing national statistics concerning the incidence and prevalence of this very common disease. An article describing the effects of a model job place- ment program for women with breast cancer might be- gin with a review of existing literature concerning em- ployment and breast cancer, with a particular focus on the difficulties that women have in re-entering the la- bor force following diagnosis and treatment. Authors reporting a longitudinal study of the post- school em- ployment outcomes of secondary students with devel- opmental disabilities would likely introduce their arti- cle with a review of the disappointing adult outcomes which that population has experienced since the incep- tion of formalized transition services in the mid–1980s.

The framework for the study. The specific theoret- ical and empirical framework for the particular inves- tigation is another important part of the Introduction. Authors summarize existing literature related to the identified problem, then build a logical rationale for a study that addresses gaps or inconsistencies in the lit- erature. The author should present the theoretical or conceptual model that informs the inquiry and provides enough background to enable the reader to appreciate the rationale of the current study. This framework elu- cidates the purpose of the current study (e.g., to eval- uate the effectiveness of a job placement program for women with breast cancer), which is then operational- ized in the research questions or hypotheses. Social scientific theories which have figured pominently in

the frameworks of recent rehabilitation investigations include Hershenson’s [10] model of work adjustment, Bandura’s [2] concept of situational self-efficacy, and Bolton and Brookings’ [5] integrated model of empow- erment.

The research questions and hypotheses. The Intro- duction section of a research article typically includes a statement of the research questions and/or hypothe- ses that served to guide the study. A more specula- tive research question tends to be used in descriptive research designs (e.g., surveys, program evaluations, empirical literature reviews) or in qualitative studies. Examples of research questions could include: “What concerns do college students with disabilities have re- garding their future career prospects?”; “What themes are evident in the psycholinguistic development of deaf women?”; and “What steps are Fortune 500 employ- ers taking to provide on-the-job accommodations for workers with disabilities?”.

The hypothesis, on the other hand, is predictive by design. Its specificity is dependent upon the theory un- derlying it or previous, relevant research, but it should include the direction of the expected results when- ever possible. Independent and dependent variables need not be operationalized in theory-based hypotheses (because this is done in the Method section), but the expected relationship among study variables must be clearly articulated. Examples of directional hypotheses could include: “Participation in a cognitive-behavioral stress inoculation program will decrease symptom on- set and magnification”; “Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem will be collectively, positively, and signif- icantly related to work interference”; and “Rehabilita- tion counselors will rate people with severe disabili- ties as less favorable candidates for employment than similarly qualified people with mild or no disabilities”.

2.4. Method

The Method section delineates how the research questions were addressed and/or how the hypotheses were tested. It should provide the reader with sufficient information so that one could replicate the investiga- tion, and it should leave no question as to what was “done” to the participants. Because the Method section is the primary source for determining the validity of the study [4], the quality and clarity of this section are gen- erally regarded as the strongest determinants of whether an empirically-based manuscript will be accepted for publication [9,16].




260 P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles

Although the type and order of sub-sections found in the Method section of a research article vary de- pending upon the design of the study and the author’s judgement related to the flow of text, most articles in- clude descriptions of the study’s subjects/participants, instruments/measures/variables, materials, design, and procedures.

Subjects/participants. According to Heppner et al. [8,9], the Method section should include (a) the total number of subjects and numbers assigned to groups, if applicable; (b) how subjects were selected and/or as- signed; and (c) demographic and other characteristics of the sample relevant to the study’s purpose. Some au- thors also include a description of the population from which the study sample was drawn, a description of the specific sampling procedure used (e.g., simple random, stratified, cluster; [4]), an indication of the represen- tativeness of the sample vis a vis the broader popula- tion, the circumstances under which subjects partici- pated (e.g., whether they were compensated, what risks they assumed), statistical power analyses, and response rates (if applicable).

Instruments/measures/variables. The Method sec- tion must include a detailed description of how all study variables were operationalized, measured, scored, and interpreted. All instruments or measures that were used in sampling, conducting the study, and evaluating re- sults must be specified in terms of content (e.g., num- ber of items, response sets), how measures were ad- ministered, scoring procedures, relationship to study variables, and psychometric properties (e.g., standard- ization, reliability, validity). Authors should also in- clude a rationale for selecting each instrument, that is, why that instrument was the best choice for measuring a particular construct.

Materials. Researchers should also include a de- scription of any materials that were used to carry out the investigation. Written guides for participants, in- structional manuals, media or technology, and scien- tific apparatus or equipment should be described in de- tail. Some authors include a description of the setting in which the study was executed or data were collected.

Design. One of the most important features of the Method section is a clear description of the design of the study. This is essential because the design serves as the link between (a) the research questions/hypotheses and the scientific procedures used in carrying out the study and (b) the findings of the study and how these are interpreted. Authors typically label their designs in terms of how variables were manipulated, observed, and analyzed. Thereby, the design is the unifying force

in connecting the research objectives to both the results and the knowledge claim that is made. To every extent possible, a direct reference to the hypotheses should be made when authors identify the design of a particu- lar investigation. For example, Rumrill, Roessler, and Denny [19] described their design as follows: “The re- searchers selected a three-group, posttest-only (exper- imental) design to assess the intervention’s univariate and multivariate effects on (a) self-reported attitudes (situational self-efficacy and acceptance of disability) and (b) participation in the accommodation request pro- cess.”

Procedures. The most important component of the Method section is the easiest to describe. In chrono- logical order, authors simply list every step they took in developing, administering, and evaluating the study. Beginning with the recruitment of participants, follow- ing the study through collection of the last datum, and including everything in-between – the Procedures sub- section should provide the reader with a step-by-step protocol that could serve as a guide for replicating the study. Descriptions of any interventions should be pro- vided in detail, along with summaries of the qualifi- cations of project personnel who were instrumental in executing the investigation. Procedures should also in- clude how the investigation ended, along with a state- ment of any debriefing or follow-up services provided to participants.

2.5. Results

The Results section of a research article should in- clude a complete inventory of all relevant findings ob- tained by the investigators. In articles that report quan- titative studies, results are typically presented in two parts – (a) summary, or descriptive, statistics related to participants’ performance on the measures that were taken (e.g., means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages) and (b) statistical analyses related to the specific hypotheses of the study (e.g., analysis of vari- ance, multiple regression, factor analysis). We believe that all analyses conducted as part of the investigation should be reported in full, not only those which yielded statistically significant results. The Publication Man- ual of the American Psychological Association [1] pro- vides considerable guidance related to how statistics should be presented in the Results section, but it does not always provide adequate guidelines regarding what statistical information should be included. Heppner et al. [9] identified a pattern in recent social science lit- erature whereby researchers tend to err on the side of



262 P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles

providing too little statistical information: “The trend has been to report less; for example, one rarely sees analysis of variance source tables anymore. More dis- turbing is the tendency not to report important informa- tion (such as size of test statistic and probability levels) when results are non-significant. This minimalist point of view puts the emphasis on statistical significance and ignores concepts such as effect size, estimation, and power.”

In recent years, the “minimalist” perspective (in terms of reporting statisitical findings) has been chal- lenged by numerous researchers and statisticians [11, 14,22]. The most serious argument against this per- spective relates to the influence that sample size has in determining the significance of any statistical test. Hayes [7], for example, pointed out that virtually any study can be made to yield statistically significant re- sults if the researcher includes enough subjects. To avoid the possibility of misleading research consumers, the latest edition of the Publication Manual [1] suggests that all authors provide estimates of practical or clinical significance along with all statistical significance tests reported in the Results section.

A quantitative Results section should be limited to the findings obtained by the researcher(s) in the cur- rent investigation. Speculation concerning what those findings mean in a larger context is reserved for the Discussion section.

The Results sections of qualitatively oriented articles display much more variety in the content and manner of presentation than is found in quantitative studies. Be- cause the researcher’s subjective interpretations help to shape the processes and outcomes of qualitative inves- tigations, results are often framed in broad, interpretive contexts. In that regard, the lines between the Results and Discussion sections are often blurred in qualitative research.

Researchers (qualitative and quantitative) commonly use tables and figures to summarize and/or graphically present their results. There is wide variability in the content and presentation of tables and figures, with the most important universal requirement being easy interpretability for the reader.

2.6. Discussion

The Discussion section serves as the researcher’s fo- rum to go beyond the current investigation and discuss the contributions of study findings to existing litera- ture, theory, and professional practices. The first part of a thoughtful Discussion is often an analysis of the

study’s results vis a vis the research questions and hy- potheses. Researchers should begin with a discussion of whether the hypotheses were upheld, posit possible explanations for those outcomes,and draw implications from the findings back to the research problem that was identified in the Introduction. If the results provide a warrant for modifying or re-testing the conceptual framework upon which the investigation was based, the Discussion section is the place to suggest a reformula- tion of the underlying theory. Researchers should also include a statement of the scientific limitations of the current study, along with specific recommendations for future research. Finally, the researcher ends the arti- cle with a cogent summary of the conclusions, in the most general sense, that can be drawn from the methods and findings of the current study. Some authors use a separate Conclusion section for this purpose.

2.7. References

The final section of a research article is always a listing of the references that were cited in the body of the text. References are listed in alphabetical order, according to authors’ last names. Most rehabilitation journals require adherence to the American Psycholog- ical Association’s [1] guidelines regarding the compo- sition of the References section.

3. A scale for critiquing research manuscript and articles

Understanding the components, organization, and composition of a research article will help make Work subscribers better informed consumers as they read em- pirically based publications. As readers digest the con- tents of research articles and apply them to their prac- tices, the “anatomy” of research reports can serve as a useful rubric for critically analyzing the quality, con- tent, and practical significance of published articles. Table 1 presents specific questions for conducting a section-by-section critique of a rehabilitation research article.

4. Conclusion

This article examined the components of a research article and provided guidelines for conducting a critical analysis of published research. Although the descrip- tions of the components of a research article provide



P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles 263

only a skeletal summary of what should be included in a published research article, they should provide the reader enough information to both prepare manuscripts for publication and evaluate the empirical research that appears in Work and other rehabilitation journals.


[1] Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association, Pub- lication manual of the American Psychological Association, (Fourth Edition), 1994.

[2] Bandura, A., Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.

[3] Bellini, J., Bolton, B. and Neath, J., Rehabilitation counselors assessments of applicants functional limitations as predictors of rehabilitation services provided, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 41(4) (1998), 242–258.

[4] Bellini, J. and Rumrill, P., Research in rehabilitation counsel- ing: A guide to design, methodology, and utilization, Spring- field, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 1999.

[5] Bolton, B. and Brookings, J., Development of a multifaceted definition of empowerment, Rehabilitation Counseling Bul- letin 39(4) (1996), 256–264.

[6] Diksa, E. and Rogers, E., Employer concerns about hiring per- sons with psychiatric disability: Results of the employer atti- tude questionnaire, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 40(1) (1996), 31–44.

[7] Hayes, W., Statistics for psychologists, New York: Holt, Rine- hart, and Winston, 1981.

[8] Heppner, P., Kivlighan, D. and Wampold, B., Research design in counseling, Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1992.

[9] Heppner, P., Kivlighan, D. and Wampold, B., Research design in counseling, (2nd Edition), Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1999.

[10] Hershenson, D., A systems reformulation of a developmental model of work adjustment, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin

40(1) (1996), 2–10. [11] Hunter, J., Needed: A ban on the significance test, Psycholog-

ical Science 8 (1997), 3–7. [12] Kazdin, A., Research design in clinical psychology, (2nd Edi-

tion), Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1998. [13] Krause, J. and Anson, C., Self-perceived reasons for unem-

ployment cited by persons with spinal cord injury: Relation- ship to gender, race, age, and level of injury, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 39(3) (1996), 217–227.

[14] McClure, P., Determining the significance of significance: P- values, effect size, and clinical judgement, Journal of Hand Therapy 12 (1999), 40–41.

[15] McMillan, J. and Schumacher, S., Research in education: A conceptual introduction, (Fourth Edition), New York: Long- man, 1997.

[16] Munley, P., Sharkin, B. and Gelso, C., Reviewer ratings and agreement on manuscripts reviewed for the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology 35 (1988), 198–202.

[17] Orwell, G., Politics and the English language, in: A collection of essays, G. Orwell ed., San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1946, pp. 156–171.

[18] Ravesloot, C. and Seekins, T., Vocational rehabilitation coun- selors’ attitudes toward self-employment outcomes, Rehabili- tation Counseling Bulletin 39(3) (1996), 189–201.

[19] Rumrill, P., Roessler, R. and Denny, G., Increasing confidence in the accommodation request process among persons with multiple sclerosis: A career maintenance self-efficacy inter- vention, Journal of Job Placement 13(1) (1997), 5–9.

[20] Rumrill, P., Roessler, R. and Koch, L., Surveying the employ- ment concerns of people with multiple sclerosis: A participa- tory action research approach, Journal of Vocational Rehabil- itation 12(2) (1999), 75–82.

[21] Schaller, J. and Parker, R., Effect of graduate research in- struction on perceived research anxiety, research utility, and confidence in research skills, Rehabilitation Education 11(4) (1997), 273–287.

[22] Thompson, B., AERA editorial policies regarding statistical significance testing: Three suggested reforms, Educational Researcher 25(2) (1996), 26–30.



P. Rumrill et al. / Guidelines for evaluating research articles 261

Table 1 A scale for critiquing research articles

Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding the article, “ ”. Use examples from the article to support your analyses.

A. Title

1. Does the title describe the study? 2. Do the key words of the title serve as key elements of the article? 3. Is the title concise, i.e., free of distracting or extraneous phrases?

B. Abstract

4. Does the abstract summarize the study’s purpose, methods, and findings? 5. Does the abstract reveal the independent and dependent variables under study? 6. Are there any major premises or findings presented in the article that are not mentioned in the abstract? 7. Does the abstract provide you with sufficient information to determine whether you would be interested in reading

the entire article?

C. Introduction

8. Is the research problem clearly identified? 9. Is the problem significant enough to warrant the study that was conducted?

10. Do the authors present a theoretical rationale for the study? 11. Is the conceptual framework of the study appropriate in light of the research problem? 12. Do the author’s hypotheses and/or research questions seem logical in light of the conceptual framework and research

problem? 13. Are hypotheses and research questions clearly stated? Are they directional? 14. Overall, does the literature review lead logically into the Method section?

D. Method

15. Is the sample clearly described, in terms of size, relevant characteristics, selection and assignment procedures, and whether any inducements were used to solicit subjects?

16. Do the instruments described seem appropriate as meausres of the variables under study? 17. Have the authors included sufficient information about the psychometric properties (e.g., reliability and validity) of

the instruments? 18. Are the materials used in conducting the study or in collecting data clearly described? 19. Are the study’s scientific procedures thoroughly described in chronological order? 20. Is the design of the study identified (or made evident)? 21. Do the design and procedures seem appropriate in light of the research problem, conceptual framework, and research

questions/hypotheses? 22. Overall, does the method section provide sufficient information to replicate the study?

E. Results

23. Is the Results section clearly written and well organized? 24. Are data coding and analysis appropriate in light of the study’s design and hypotheses? 25. Are salient results connected directly to hypotheses? 26. Are tables and figures clearly labeled? Well organized? Necessary (non-duplicative of text)?

F. Discussion and Conclusion

27. Are the limitations of the study delineated? 28. Are findings discussed in terms of the research problem, conceptual framework, and hypotheses? 29. Are implications for future research and/or rehabilitation counseling practice identified? 30. Are the author’s general conclusions warranted in light of the results?

G. References

31. Is the reference list sufficiently current? 32. Do works cited reflect the breadth of existing literature regarding the topic of the study? 33. Are bibliographic citations used appropriately in the text?

H. General Impressions

34. Is the article well written and organized? 35. Does the study address an important problem in the lives of people with disabilities? 36. What are the most important things you learned from this article? 37. What do you see as the most compelling strengths of this study? 38. How might this study be improved?



Copyright of Work is the property of IOS Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the components of a research article and help you identify guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works. 

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the components of a research article and help you identify guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works.  The knowledge gained should be applied when completing your research assignments.  As you complete assignments it is a good idea to proof read your work or use the University writing center to help with APA formatting.  Both are great avenues for assistance in minimizing grammatical errors and conducting research.

Please use the attached “Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article” to answer the below questions.  Write a 5 – 7 page paper on:

  • What is an Information Technology Project?  
  • Identify & explain the major parts of a research paper.
  • Explain the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
  • Why use Peer Reviewed journals?
  • Why are keywords used during the Literature Review process?
  • Why are project deliverables, limitations & deadlines an important aspect of project development?
  • Why use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in YOUR writing assignments/research?
  • Why is Academic Integrity important (see syllabus)?
  • Explain the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism?


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Use at least five – ten (5 – 10) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.  nclude a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward the page count.

What are some examples of casual (and incorrect) use of AND and OR decisions?

What are some examples of casual (and incorrect) use of AND and OR decisions? As a programmer, how might you ensure that the problem is well defined before you start coding?

Must be at least 100 words (One small paragraph)

Watch the Movie War Games

Watch the Movie War Games from 1983. According to the New York Times, this movie had a tremendous effect on President Ronald Reagan.  Discuss in 500 words your opinion on whether it should be required viewing in social studies classes in high school. Do not repeat the story. Discuss it’s use in school.

Use at least three sources.  Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google.  Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use attachments as a submission.

Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions. These peer responses are not ‘attaboys’.   You should make your initial post by Thursday evening so your classmates have an opportunity to respond before midnight when all three posts are due.

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. . I will not spend a lot of my time trying to decipher nonsense. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.  Please do not submit attachments unless requested.

Some organizations prohibit workers from bringing certain kinds of devices into the workplace, such as cameras, cell phones, and USB drives.

Some organizations prohibit workers from bringing certain kinds of devices into the workplace, such as cameras, cell phones, and USB drives. Some businesses require employees to use clear or see-through backpacks when carrying personal items. What other devices might not be allowed in certain facilities, and why would they be restricted? The video on Google’s Data Center may give you some ideas to write about for this assignment.

Your written assignment should consist of 2-3 paragraphs.

 Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment 

Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment

The project is a series of 5 tasks, I needed the work to be done in sequence, Project 1,2,3,8,10. Project 1 needs to be done by Tomorrow EOD (Saturday 08/29/2020). And the other one next week and so on. If there is any additional changes required with your submitted work, I will update you to make necessary changes if professor gives any feedback and you should be able to provide the work on time.

Project requirements have to be strictly followed. Every project work is for 2-4 pages so i expect average of 3 pages for all the projects. TIA

Note: Project Outline file is the overview of all the work together.

Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment

Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment


Purpose This course-wide project introduces you to a variety of tasks and skills that are required for an entry-level security administrator who is tasked with securing systems in a Microsoft Windows environment.


Required Source Information and Tools

The following tools and resources will be needed to complete this project:

 Course textbook  Access to the Internet

Learning Objectives and Outcomes You will be able to:

 Describe the impact of adding Active Directory to an existing Windows network.  Develop procedures for changing access controls.  Develop procedures for ensuring a malware-free environment.  Recommend Group Policy Objects for a Windows environment.  Develop procedures for auditing security in a Windows system.  Develop procedures for restoring a failed Windows system.  Recommend Windows hardening techniques.  Describe security goals and write policies for securing Windows applications.  Ensure the integrity of all evidence collected in a Windows environment.


Overall Project Scenario Always Fresh Foods Inc. is a food distributor with a central headquarters and main warehouse in Colorado, as well as two regional warehouses in Nevada and Virginia.

The company runs Microsoft Windows 2019 on its servers and Microsoft Windows 10 on its workstations. There are 2 database servers, 4 application servers, 2 web servers, and 25 workstation computers in the headquarters offices and main warehouse. The network uses workgroups, and users are created locally on each computer. Employees from the regional warehouses connect to the Colorado network via a virtual private network (VPN) connection.

Due to a recent security breach, Always Fresh wants to increase the overall security of its network and systems. They have chosen to use a solid multilayered defense to reduce the likelihood that an attacker will successfully compromise the company’s information security. Multiple layers of defense throughout the IT infrastructure makes the process of compromising any protected resource or data more difficult than any single security control. In this way, Always Fresh protects its business by protecting its information.

Deliverables (next page)






Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment


This project is divided into several parts, as follows:



• Project Part 1: Active Directory Recommendations LESSON 2

• Project Part 2: Access Controls Procedure Guide LESSON 3

• Project Part 3: Malware Protection Procedure Guide • Project Part 4: Group Policy Objects Recommendations


• Project Part 5: Security Audit Procedure Guide • Project Part 6: System Restoration Procedure Guide


• Project Part 7: Network Security Controls Recommendations LESSON 6

• Project Part 8: Windows Hardening Recommendations LESSON 7

• Project Part 9: Secure Windows Applications Policy • Project Part 10: Evidence Collection Policy