Case Study B – ModMeters

Case Study B – ModMeters

Case Study Project B – Be sure to address each question in the Case studies, and explain your rationale thoroughly. Be sure you saved your file with your full name, and title of this project. Example: Jason Karp Case Study B. Details: You will be given a case study to solve from the textbook. While your responses will vary, properly documenting your response from valid resources is a requirement. This assignment requires you to use proper citations and references from the textbook and alternate sources. Thoughtful opinions/research based on the literature, and from the textbook are necessary, so be sure to review the chapter prior to completing these activities. This task is like a research paper, so please take your time when preparing your responses. Separating each case study with a title and proper formatting is essential so that I can read and follow your paper. A one (1) page response is NOT – NOT going to earn you maximum points. The Case Study response will be submitted on the assigned due date from the past weeks (see submission due dates and rubric)Case study projects are NOT posted on the discussion board, they are submitted as an assignment. 

Case Study Project Letter (Insert Letters)


University of Cumberlands

Case Study Project Letter (Insert Letters)

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ITS 630

Organization Leadership and Decision Making

Professor: Dr. Jason Karp

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Write an essay related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Use an example from the news.

Write an essay related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Use an example from the news. Write at least 500 words analyzing a subject you find in attached document.

Include 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line. Cite all your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Cyber Risks to Next Generation 911 The advent of Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems, which operate on an Internet Protocol (IP) platform,

Cyber Risks to Next Generation 911 The advent of Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems, which operate on an Internet Protocol (IP) platform, enables interconnection on with a wide range of public and private networks, such as wireless networks, the Internet, and regular phone networks. NG911 systems will enhance the current capabilities of today’s 911 networks, allowing compatibility with more types of communication, providing greater situational awareness to dispatchers and emergency responders, and establishing a level of resilience not previously possible. NG911 will allow Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to accept and process a range of information from responders and the public alike, including real-time text, images, video, and voice calls. In addition, NG911 will provide PSAPs with supplemental location data, which may enable more effective response.

Traditional 911 services typically operate over standard voice-based telephone networks and use software, such as computer-aided dispatch systems, that operate on closed, internal networks with little to no interconnections with other systems. The limited means of entry into the traditional 911 network significantly limited potential attack vectors, and what little cyber risk existed could be easily managed. NG911’s interconnections enable new response capabilities, as shown in Figure 1. However, they also represent new vectors for attack that can disrupt or disable PSAP operations, broadening the concerns of―and complicating the mitigation and management of―cyber risks across all levels of government.

The potential cyber risks to a NG911 system do not undermine its tremendous benefits. Nevertheless, cyber risks do present a new level of exposure that PSAPs must understand and actively manage as a part of a comprehensive risk management program. Past events have proven 911 systems are attractive targets for cyber-attacks. For example, attackers have disrupted availability of traditional 911 systems by using auto-dialers to overwhelm PSAP phone lines and cause congestion, preventing legitimate 911 calls from going through [commonly called Telephone Denial of Service (TDoS) attacks] and location-based records and databases that support NG911 are of interest to cyber criminals, data miners, and even nation- states wanting to access and exploit that information.

As cyber threats grow in complexity and sophistication, attacks could be more severe against an NG911 system as attackers can launch multiple distributed attacks with greater automation from a broader geography against more targets. This issue paper provides an overview of NG911 cyber infrastructure, conveys the cyber risk landscape associated with NG911, offers an approach for assessing and managing risks, and provides additional NG911 resources.

Figure 1: NG911 Benefits and Risks

Benefits NG911 will enhance response capabilities:  Enables receipt of data

(e.g., video, text) from the public over a variety of networks

 Enables data sharing between PSAPs

 Improves location data  Allows for virtual

PSAPs for survivability

Risks NG911 is different from traditional systems:  Requires standardized

identity management and credentialing across systems

 Allows for potential attacks to quickly escalate or proliferate across systems

 Introduces new attack vectors




Cyber Infrastructure The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) describes NG911 systems as an IP-based system comprised of hardware, software, data, and operational policies and procedures that: • Provides standardized interfaces from emergency call and message services; • Processes all types of emergency calls, including voice, data, and multimedia information; • Acquires and integrates additional emergency call data useful to call routing and handling; • Delivers emergency calls, messages, and data to the appropriate PSAP and other entities; • Supports data and communications needs for coordinated incident response and management; and • Provides broadband service to PSAPs or other first responder entities.1

NENA defines several basic building blocks of NG911 systems, as described below:

• Emergency Services IP Networks (ESInets). ESInets are at the center of NG911 systems. These broadband networks are engineered and managed to use Internet protocols and standards to carry voice and data traffic (e.g., text, pictures, videos) in support of local, regional, state, and national emergency management authorities.

• Applications and Databases. NG911 uses a wide range of internal and external databases to support its services. Internal databases validate and route data, record call details, and enforce policy and business rules. External databases host many of the datasets that call takers and dispatchers rely on to provide improved accuracy and shortened response time, including location data, government records, law enforcement records, healthcare information, and infrastructure data.

• Standards and Security. NG911 uses functions and protocols that are compliant with international IP standards, as well as standards developed within the emergency response community. NENA defines NG911 standards based on Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IP standards.2 In addition to NENA, there are a number of other entities that establish standards for NG911 systems, including the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO), the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), and the IETF.3

1 “What is NG911?”.NENA.

2 The full list of NG911 functions, called the “i3” architecture, are defined in NENA 08-003, “Detailed Functional and Interface Standards for NG911.” NENA has also defined security standard 75-001, “NENA Security for Next Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC).” The i3 functions and standards, NG-SEC, and the full suite of other NG911 standards can be found at

3 A full review of NG911 standards can be found on the National 911 Program’s website at

Figure 2: Simplified ESInet Diagram




Per the definition above, cyber infrastructure for NG911 systems includes the IP-based networks, assets, databases, and services, as they are involved in the processing, storage, and transport of data. Specifically, an NG911 system’s cyber infrastructure includes: • Assets that are part of, or interconnect with, ESInets • Service provider networks and applications that interconnect with ESInets • Government applications and services that connect to ESInets • Dispatch systems and components that connect to ESInets

Traditionally, the term “cyber” has been applied to only information technology (IT) systems and assets, while communications infrastructure was considered separate. However, defining cyber infrastructure as including both IT and communications systems accounts for the many ways in which these systems have converged. NG911 administrators should recognize this convergence in order to more effectively counter risks. Risks to any component of these systems could threaten an entire NG911 system or its data, so it is important to consider systems holistically.

The NG911 Cybersecurity Risk Landscape Cybersecurity4 risks occur when a threat exploits a vulnerability, leading to an undesired event that has a negative consequence on the desired state of the network. The three attributes most necessary for a secure system are often referred to as the C-I-A Triad: • Confidentiality: Ensures that data is only accessed by those authorized to see it. • Integrity: Ensures that data is trustworthy and is not altered through transmittal, storage, or retrieval. • Availability: Ensures that the infrastructure—either components of the network or the network as

a whole—is operational and committable to its intended purpose.

The CIA Triad is used as a benchmark for evaluating information system security by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and others. Loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability has especially severe impacts in the emergency response domain. For example, loss of confidentiality within NG911 systems could expose information to identity thefts or disrupt ongoing investigations; loss of integrity could disrupt response to 911 calls; and loss of availability could prevent urgent requests from reaching a PSAP.

4 Cybersecurity is “the prevention of damage to, unauthorized use of, exploitation of, and, if needed, the restoration of electronic information and communications systems and services (and the information contained therein) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability”, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Infrastructure Protection Plan, 2009.

“Cyber infrastructure includes electronic information and communication systems, and the information contained in these systems. …Information and communications systems are composed of hardware and software that process, store, and communicate data of all types. Processing includes the creation, access, modification, and destruction of information. Storage includes paper, magnetic, electronic, and all other media types. Communications include sharing and distribution of information.”

National Infrastructure Protection Plan (2009, Revised and Updated 2013)




Cybersecurity risks to NG911 systems, such as those shown in Figure 3, have severe potential impacts, including loss of life or property because of hampered response operations; job disruption for affected network users; substantial financial costs from the unauthorized use of data and subsequent resolution; and potential lawsuits from those whose data is breached or whose lives are adversely affected. To understand the significance of different risks to the confidentiality, integrity, or availabity of a NG911 system, the terms threat, vulnerability, likelihood, and consequence must be understood.

Threats. Threats are anything that has the potential to harm the system and are produced by “threat actors.” There are a variety of potential actors, each with different intent and capabilities to carry out an attack. By understanding the motivations and capabilities of those responsible for launching attacks, system administrators can better anticipate the types of attacks they might face and better protect data and assets that are likely targets. Threat actors who have caused real-world damage include, but are not limited to, those in Figure 4:

In addition to attacks, unintentional threats can disrupt the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of NG911 systems. Unintentional threat actors include employees, vendors, contractors, or subcontractors. For example, one of these actors could: • Improperly safeguard data when sending or storing (for example, not using proper encryption, sending

data to unauthorized individuals, putting weak protection on databases) • Enter typing mistakes that result in loss of data integrity • Accidentally make a data resource unavailable when performing maintenance or upgrade operations • Not follow physical or cyber protection procedures • Improperly test or maintain back-up systems and power sources

Figure 4: Threat Actors

 Anarchist………………..Someone who rejects all forms of structure, private or public, and acts with few constraints  Cyber Criminal/Crime Ring……………………….Manager of organized crime organization with significant resources  Cyber Vandal…………………………………..Derives thrills from intrusion or destruction of property, without agenda  Data Miner……………………………..Professional data gatherer external to the company (includes cyber methods)  Government Agent/Spy ……Foreign state-sponsored spy or agent as a trusted insider, supporting idealistic goals  Government Cyberwarrior……Foreign state-sponsored attacker with significant resources to affect major disruption  Nation-state……………………………………………….A sovereign territory with significant resources to cause harm  Radical Activist………………………………………………Highly motivated, potentially destructive supporter of cause  Terrorist………………………….Person who relies on the use of violence to support personal socio-political agenda

Figure 3: Potential Risks to NG911 System Components




Vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in a system, network, or asset that could enable an undesired outcome, such as a network outage or security breach. Vulnerabilities take two forms, those that are vulnerable to external threats and those that are vulnerable to internal threats. One of the key tactics of an attacker is to gain credentials and access to a network, and then exploit vulnerabilities within the network as a seemingly “trusted entity.” Vulnerabilities can also be within a network and available to malicious threat actors who gain access to the internal system, either improperly (through hacking) or by misusing their current position (insider threats). These actors typically take advantage of databases or system applications with bad encryption, poor authorization and access control measures or policies, and interconnections or interfaces with an external network or entity. With vast interconnection possibilities, PSAPs may suffer from vulnerabilities associated with systems for which they have not contributed funds, hold no direct authority, or provide other resources to support beyond network access and perhaps mutual-aid agreements—even if they share redundancies, databases, or other resources. In addition, different vendor implementations using proprietary technologies can lead to varying degrees of protection and interoperability, even when addressing the same standards and system requirements. NG911 developments have focused primarily on deployment or modernization projects, but rarely on the governance and oversight of cyber risk management that are critical to cybersecurity.

Likelihood. Likelihood refers to the possibility that a risk scenario could occur. Determining the likelihood of a risk depends on the level of both the threat and the vulnerability and is the probability that a given threat type will exploit a set of vulnerabilities, resulting in the occurrence of a risk. For example, if a system has no vulnerabilities, the likelihood of risk is low even if there is a significant threat because the threat would have nothing to exploit. On the other hand, if the system contains a significant vulnerability but there is no threat to exploit it, the likelihood of a risk will be equally low. A risk with both a greater threat and greater vulnerability level is much more likely to occur than one with a low threat and low vulnerability level.

Consequences. While the potential consequences of cybersecurity breaches depend in large part on the type of breach, the severity of the breach is determined by its ability to impact and degrade NG911 systems and PSAP operations, or its ability to harm the citizens they serve and the public’s confidence in 911 systems. Additional consequences include loss of sensitive records, including personal information about citizens, law enforcement data, critical infrastructure information, healthcare data, dispatch information, and possible legal liability for parties responsible for protecting the systems. When evaluating potential consequences, it is important for administrators to assume the worst possible outcome. For example, a particular type of data breach could be small and insignificant, but

Example Vulnerabilities Old Systems: Systems that are out of date or past their lifecycle that lack modern security measures Shared Systems: Shared systems/databases with other entities that have not employed security measures Lack of Diversity and Redundancy: Lack of diverse routing for communications or redundancy for electric power decreases resilience Lack of Security Policies: Ad hoc or non-existent security policies enable insiders to accidently or intentionally disrupt operations and/or security




administrators should account for the greatest reasonable consequence if that data breach were to occur.

Because it is impossible to address every risk, it is helpful to look at which risks are more likely to occur to make more informed decisions about where to best allocate resources to ensure the most risk reduction. However, likelihood is only one part of the equation—the consequences of risks must also be assessed.

Improving NG911 Cybersecurity Posture Given the dynamic nature of technology and the evolving cyber risk landscape, organizations should adopt a cybersecurity framework. An effective framework enables response organizations to: • Identify new and evolving risks • Assess and prioritize risks • Develop and prioritize mitigation stategies based

on cost-benefit analysis and other factors • Evaluate the impacts of mitigation

implementation • Develop an approach to detection and effective

response and recovery procedures

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strongly recommends adopting the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which is a flexible, risk- based approach to improving the security of critical infrastructure.5 Collaboratively developed between government and the private sector, the framework is based on industry standards and best practices and can be used for NG911 systems. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is designed to complement an existing cybersecurity risk management process or to develop a credible program if one does not exist. Figure 5 demonstrates the five core tenets of the NIST Framework: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. More information, including informative reference for addressing each tenet can be found in the Framework.

5 The most recent NIST Cybersecurity Framework and related newsletters are available at

Risk = the likelihood of a threat exploiting a vulnerability and the potential consequence or impact of that event


Figure 5: NIST Framework Core Structure




Identifying and Assessing Risks Regardless of the cybersecurity framework chosen, administrators will need to identify, evaluate and prioritize risks for their organization. Figure 6 provides a sample risk assessment process.

Figure 6: Sample Risk Assessment Plan (to be followed with mitigation and response/recovery)




Mitigating Risks: Protect and Detect While no single mitigation strategy can comprehensively address all the risk scenarios identified, the individual evaluation of mitigation techniques may identify complementary mitigation strategies for creation of a broad-reaching, holistic approach. In general, mitigation strategies aim to either prevent and protect against an identified risk being exploited, or seek to ensure timely awareness of a cybersecurity breach or occurrence. Mitigation strategies should employ safeguards that decrease the impact of a risk, if exploited, on the organization and its ability to deliver critical services.

Table 1 describes sample mitigation strategies for NG911 cybersecurity. This list is not exhaustive and should not replace a comprehensive requirements analysis; however, it is intended to provide a starting point for requirements, planning, and implementation. Some elements may be addressed through nationwide standards, industry best practices, or policy guidance, while others may be developed and practiced by PSAP administrators.

SAMPLE Strategy Description

Access Privileges Ensure access privileges are used appropriately are restricted to appropriate personnel and that privilege elevations

Application Layer Determine application layer interoperability requirements and standards and


Interoperability implement a process for regular review and update

Authentication And Identity Management

Develop and implement policies on authentication and identity management that are applied uniformly and meet public safety requirements for performance, security, and time-sensitive mission demands

Capacity Planning Engage in assessing capacity assets requirements for PSAP infrastructure and

Data Encryption Develop requirements for data encryption that apply to both primary back-up data and

Database Back-Up Develop guidance or policies for performing and retrieving database backups

Information Security Policies

Establish and enforce consistent information security policies and ensure those policies are continually updated as new threats and technologies emerge

Training Develop role-specific training requirements for users and administrators, include training on security, resiliency, and operations to

Continuous Develop continuous diagnostics and mitigation capabilities or use existing


Monitoring government capabilities Log Management And Audit Capabilities

Ensure that log management and audit capabilities, are strong, appropriate, and responsive

policies, and technology

Physical Security Develop and implement physical security and access control policies for And Access Control facilities

Table 1: Sample NG911 Security Mitigation Strategies (non-comprehensive)




Exploited Risks: Response and Recovery Incident Response Teams (IRTs), incident response plans, recovery or resiliency plans, and continuity of operations plans are useful in cybersecurity incident response. PSAP administrators may consider establishing a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) or reach an agreement with US-CERT to assist in carrying out cybersecurity planning. US-CERT is a CSIRT run by the DHS National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC).6 A CSIRT serves as a centralized location to report and analyze security issues within an organization. A CSIRT may also recommend potential solutions to the threats and publicize known threats, vulnerabilities, and solutions generally or to a specific information-sharing community. The CSIRT could also work with hardware and software vendors to obtain information about vulnerabilities and potential solutions. Leveraging federal resources, such as US-CERT, can aid in the protection of the NG911 system and its data. In addition, coordinating response and recovery efforts with the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC), State Single Points of Contact (SPOC), and other PSAP administrators can increase cybersecurity posture. Sample response and recovery actions are shown in Figure 2.

Table 2: Sample NG911 Response and Recovery Actions (non-comprehensive) SAMPLE Action Description


• Incident Response Plan. Develop incident response plans, policies, and capabilities for the networks, personnel and user equipment that prevent expansion of the event, mitigate its effects, and eradicate the incident

• Incident Response Team. Establish an incident response team with or utilize existing capabilities like US-CERT to ensure response activities are coordinated with appropriate stakeholders

• Contain Cybersecurity Event. Execute response processes and procedures, preventing expansion of the event, mitigate its effects, and eradicate the incident

• Deploy IRT. Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders, as appropriate, including external support from law enforcement agencies and response centers, such as US-CERT


• Recovery Plan. Develop and implement the appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity event

• Continuity Planning7. Establishing and maintaining redundancy is a key strategy that promotes network reliability, resiliency, and continuity of service

• Coordination. Restoration activities are coordinated with internal and external parties, such as coordinating centers, internet service providers, owners of attacking systems, victims, response partners, and vendors

• Process Improvements. Recovery planning processes and strategies are improved by incorporating lessons learned into future activities. Response personnel should be trained on the latest security, resiliency, continuity and operational practices and maintain in- service training as new technology and methods are made available

6 See: 7 For continuity recommendations, see FEMA’s Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC) 1 and 2 available at




Actions for Improving NG911 Cybersecurity This document provides an overview of the cyber risks that will be faced by NG911 systems. It is intended to serve only as an informational tool for system administrators to better understand the full scope and range of potential risks, as well as recommend mitigations to these risks. The following actions are provided for system administrators intending to improve their NG911 systems:

• Adopt a “security first” perspective. Cybersecurity has become an integral part of mission function and operations for NG911 systems. Working with others within the NG911 community, government, industry, and academia to establish consistent standards, policies, procedures, interoperability and implementation guidance for NG911 deployments is crucial.

• Leverage historically-successful cybersecurity strategies. Researching available references and resources, as well as gathering experiences from other NG911 community members, is important to constructing the ideal solution set for each NG911 system’s unique circumstances.

• Establish a CSIRT or reach an agreement with US-CERT to assist in carrying out cybersecurity planning. A CSIRT serves as a centralized location to report, analyze, and respond to security issues within an organization. Tracking developments in the cybersecurity field and providing prioritized implementation of cybersecurity solutions are also CSIRT activities.

• Establish a cybersecurity risk framework. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is highly recommended as a flexible, risk-based approach to improving the security of critical infrastructure.

• Identify, evaluate, and prioritize risks using a community-based risk assessment process. This process should account for threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences associated with system assets. To identify and assess vulnerabilities in their own systems, PSAP administrators should work closely with all partners with whom they interconnect, such as service providers, neighboring jurisdictions, and other agencies in order to identify the full architecture of their system and assess it for physical and network vulnerabilities. This assessment should also include a review of their current processes and standard operating procedures against available government and industry cybersecurity best practices and standards.

• Develop mitigations. An examination of the likelihood and consequences of attacks should help to prioritize and inform mitigation strategies. Using both prevention and detection techniques, administrators should strive to negate or decrease the impact of an attack. Researching available mitigation techniques and employing them in a prioritized fashion will produce a comprehensive cybersecurity solution.

• Solidify Response and Recovery actions. Establishing a CSIRT and developing incident response plans, policies, and capabilities for the networks, personnel, and user equipment can prevent expansion of the event, mitigate its effects, and eradicate the incident. These efforts should be supported by regular training and exercises and coordination with external parties so that all participants are aware and capable of their role during and after an event.




Once risks are identified and protection mitigations are in place, the NG911 community has an opportunity to focus on detection and advance planning. Instead of focusing on the individual cybersecurity events and data recovery, an effective framework uses data analytics in PSAPs, joint field offices, and emergency operations centers to accelerate and automate analysis, and to shift from a posture of “what just happened, and how do we fix it?” to “what is going to happen, and how can we prevent it?” The NG911 community should remain in front of potential cyber events through its ability to feed relevant event data to emergency operation centers, fusion centers, and cyber centers.

Resources Table 3 provides a list of resources to assist NG911 administrators improving the cybersecurity posture of their systems.

Organization Resource Name Description and Link

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Office of Emergency Communications

DHS offers a collection of programs and initiatives that can be applied to reduce NG911 cyber risks. Many of these efforts support approved missions that cover federal, state, and local users, as well as public and private critical infrastructure entities.

National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)

NCCIC is a 24/7 cyber monitoring, incident response, and management center. Organizations can leverage NCCIC’s United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) for cybersecurity information and assistance.

Federal Communications Commissions (FCC)

Legal and Regulatory Framework for NG911 Services

An overview on the development and creation of a NG911 network that provides specific citations from the FCC on statutory requirements and funding possibilities.

Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC)

CSRIC’s mission is to provide recommendations to the FCC to ensure, among other things, optimal security and reliability of communications systems, including telecommunications, media, and public safety. Guidance includes: • Transition to Next Generation 9-1-1. • Cybersecurity Risk Management and Best Practices. Task Force on Optimal PSAP Architecture (TFOPA): Optimal Cybersecurity Approach for PSAPs

The TFOPA is a federal advisory committee chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to provide recommendations to the FCC regarding actions that PSAPs can take to optimize their security, operations, and funding as they migrate to NG911.

National 911 Program is a comprehensive resource for all things related to NG911. The website includes a resource center with an information clearinghouse, a Technical Assistance Center, and a 911 profile database for tracking the progress of 911 authorities around the Nation in enhancing their systems and deploying NG911 capabilities.

National Emergency Number Assoc. (NENA)

Standards (including i3 and NG-SEC)

NENA’s website contains a complete archive of all its 911 standards, including those related to NG911, such as NG-SEC standard (NENA 75-001).

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Cybersecurity Framework The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a prioritized, flexible, repeatable, and cost-effective approach that can help NG911 system administrators manage cybersecurity-related risk.

Recommendations on Cybersecurity (Special Publications 800/1800 Series)

NIST’s 800 and 1800 series provides targeted cybersecurity guidance and are strongly encouraged to be incorporated into cybersecurity planning.

Table 3: NG911 Resources


  • Cyber Risks to Next Generation 911
    • Cyber Infrastructure
    • The NG911 Cybersecurity Risk Landscape
    • Improving NG911 Cybersecurity Posture
    • Identifying and Assessing Risks
      • Mitigating Risks: Protect and Detect
    • Actions for Improving NG911 Cybersecurity
    • Resources

In your own words provide a brief definition of user access control (UAC)

In your own words provide a brief definition of user access control (UAC). Does it do any good or complicate thiings? Is a software vendor’s lack of adequate security a violation of ethics? Is it a fiscal decision? Do vendors have a responsibility to their shareholders?

– No plag

– 350-400 words only

– 3 citations.

Starting with the downloadable assignment files, write the Javascript needed for the application. Use the book and lectures as a guide

Starting with the downloadable assignment files, write the Javascript needed for the application. Use the book and lectures as a guide. In this exercise, you’ll develop an Image Gallery application that displays different images when the user clicks on the links at the top of the page. This works like the Image Swap application below.

1.  You’ll find the HTML, CSS, and image files for this application in the week 6 folder

You’ll also find an empty JavaScript file named image_gallery.js. You can add your code to this file. Customize the interface with your first and last names.

2.  In the JavaScript file, add an event handler for the ready() event method.

3.  Use the each() method to run a function for each <a> element in the unordered list of items. Then, add jQuery code that gets the URL and caption for each image and preloads the image. You can get the URL from the href attribute of the <a> element, and you can get the caption from the title attribute.

4.  Add an event handler for the click event of each link. The function for this event handler should accept a parameter named evt. The jQuery code for this event handler should display the image and caption for the link that was clicked. In addition, it should use the evt parameter to cancel the default action of the link.

5.  Add a jQuery statement that moves the focus to the first link on the page when the page is loaded.

Write a program that prompts for the scores of 10 quizzes (max 10 points each) and then 10 mini-projects (max 20 points each)

Write a program that prompts for the scores of 10 quizzes (max 10 points each) and then 10 mini-projects (max 20 points each). You must use a loop when prompting for these. Be sure to check that each answer is within range (see example below). In the end, write out some basic statistics as shown below. Be sure to look at all three examples below.

Computer Organization

© Paul Koester, Dallas County Community College, 2018

COSC 2425 – Computer Organization

Lab #2 – Hamming Code

Attached to this assignment is a Java program that converts a text file to a list of hexadecimal

numbers. Each of those hexidecimal numbers represents the bit pattern of a character from

the file with the parity bits (even parity) for a hamming code inserted. Each text character

takes 8 bits and the hamming code adds 4 bits. This hamming code provides single-bit error



1. The program must be written in Java. If you have not used Java before, you can learn it

enough to do this assignment, by looking at the provided program.

2. You can use Eclipse to write, compile and test your program, but you may also use any

other development environment you like. Only the .java file will be submitted.

3. The program will use the provided Hamming class. It will implement the decode

function. The decode function is the reverse of the encode function, but it also performs

single bit correction when necessary.

4. Display a message to the console when an error is corrected, as in the example below.

5. The main function must be rewritten to read hexidecimal numbers from hamming.txt

file and write decoded and corrected text to output.txt.

6. Test the program with different input files. The instructor will test it with a hamming.txt

file different from the one provided.

Hint: The Java hasNextInt(16) and nextInt(16) input functions are helpful in reading hexadecimal numbers from a file.

Upload: Your Java (.java) file.

Sample Output File hamming.txt opened

Error in bit 9 corrected in character 2

Error in bit 3 corrected in character c

Error in bit 10 corrected in character p

File output.txt closed

Note: In addition to the output shown above, the output of this program includes the decoded text

written to output.txt.

HackerView Vulnerability Assessment

HackerView Vulnerability Assessment



Silicon Forest Technology Group

IP Address Analyzed (example purposes only)

Operating System Fingerprint


Technical Attention Priority SIGNIFICANT – Remote Access Risk & Unsupported

Operating Systems (Windows 2000)

Type of Analysis

External Scan

Analysis Date July 29, 2011

Document ID #






HackerView Vulnerability Assessment Page 2 of 17


Table of Contents

















HackerView Vulnerability Assessment Page 3 of 17



Executive Summary This HackerView Vulnerability Assessment (HackerView) is considered a “black box” vulnerability assessment, which measures the “hackability” of a network given an attacker with a certain amount of skill, resources and no prior knowledge of the network being assessed. As such, black box vulnerability assessments are best defined as an outcome -based metric for measuring the security of a network, where the findings point to the most likely avenues for a hacker on the Internet to exploit.

The scope of this analysis was to remotely audit and analyze the system and resources of these subnets. This provides a “hacker’s eye view” of the system to discover its security vulnerabilities and weaknesses to possible hacker pene tration or attack. BlackHat Consultants used multiple tools and tested for thousands of different potential security vulnerabilities.

For this HackerView, I would rate the security of the network at a significant risk for an external compromise. The rating of a significant risk is weighted by the service that is publicly accessible and the potential information that a hacker would fin d on the compromised network.



During the process of this analysis, BlackHat Consultants discovered numerous weaknesses, which range from misconfigurations, to data leakage, to unsupported operating systems, to general poor security practices.

Summary Findings

Highlights discovered from enumerating and scanning the IP addresses:

 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

o RDP should only be used in conjunction with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection, rather than a substitute for it. While RDP does have some security features, it does not create a secure tunnel like a VPN connection establishes and this is a security risk. RDP directly from the Internet is a poor security practice.

o There are well-published “man in the middle” attacks on RDP, where the credentials and entire traffic of RDP sessions can be captured and decrypted. This would provide a hacker unfettered access to your network.

o There is an astonishing amount of data displayed from several of the server RDP pages, which are visible to everyone on the Internet.

 Unsupported Operating System (OS). o Microsoft officially retired Windows Server 2000 on July 13, 2010. This server should have been replaced by

Windows Server 2003 and once again by Windows Server 2008, so it is past due for retirement. o As an unsupported OS, no new software updates or security patches will be released. This means a ny new

vulnerability that comes out affecting the OS will be a permanent risk. o From a liability perspective, running an unsupported OS is a negligent act on behalf of a company since it is a

failure to show due care and due diligence by maintaining only supported systems. The only prudent measure is to decommission this system and use a supported OS.

 Unpatched Firewall. o The Cisco ASA firewall appears to be unpatched and has vulnerabilities associated with the current version. o The associated vulnerabilities affect the security of the VPN and also uptime, since it can lead to a denial of


Assessment of Findings

There are several ways to start, if a hacker was going to attack the network with information available today. A hacker may start with attacks against RDP or Server 2000. If that was unsuccessful, the hacker may go after u sers since they would know the naming convention of the user accounts and it would not be hard to launch a “spear phishing” campaign to send malware – embedded email to an employee and have them open it, such as a PDF attachment or a hyperlink to follow. While there are worse networks out there, as compared to this one, the bottom line is that this network fails to make itself look less appeal ing than other business networks for hackers. By being in the category of “low hanging fruit” for the perceived ease of exploiting, this network rates an elevated risk for hackers to attack.



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Network Visibility

IP Information –

ISP Comcast

HackerView Vulnerability Assessment

Country United States IP: Scan Type: External Country Code US Region Oregon

Page 1 of 1

City Portland Postal Code 97204 Latitude 142.3333 Longitude -65.5506 Area Code 503


Internal Use Only




ISP : Comcast Firewall: Cisco ASA 5500 Series




Internal Network

Open Ports on Firewall : 21 – FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 25 – SMTP (Email) 443 – HTTPS (Dead Link – error page) 3389 – RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)




Ports 21, 25, 443 & 3389 Windows 2000 Server

– FTP server allows anonymous connections (see screenshot) – Email server running on port 25 – HTTPS websites are inoperable (see screenshot) – RDP is directly accessible from the Internet (Windows 2000) (see screenshot)




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The Technical Analysis Report provides documentation and details of the technical -focused analysis conducted for this document. This report includes the technical details of an examination of the discovered security threats and quantifies relational data about the target network. The Technical Analysis Report also provides the in -depth details of each potential security threat discovered during the scan analysis.

This report is purposely technical and the intended audience is technical individuals, technical consultants, technical service providers, or in-house technology/engineering staff. The Technical Analysis Report presents all of the technical details and findings of the Scan analysis. For the intended audience, this report will contain the majority of the relevant information and data.


IP Address Analysis

This section queried the IP address to determine if the address is “live” and can be externally queried from the Internet.

ICMP Ping Results The IP address does respond to ping requests.


Ping Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 45 ms Round trip time to 45 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Round trip time to 46 ms Average time over 10 pings: 45.8 ms


Traceroute Results The IP address does not return a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FDQN) , but it is associated with a pool IP addresses associated with ACME Internet.

Hop 1

(ms) 0

(ms) 0

(ms) 0

IP Address

Host name –

2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 20 20 20 6 33 34 33 7 33 33 33 8 33 33 33 9 47 38 38 10 38 38 38 11 38 38 38 12 41 40 40 13 45 45 45 – 14 46 46 45 –



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DNS Records Query Results There are three Domain Naming Service (DNS) records associated with the IP address. This means there are associated pointers on the Internet to route specific domain traffic to these IP addresses, which would indicate to a hacker that the network belongs to a smaller company that has consolidated IT resources in its main office.

These record ties the IP addresses to the domain name


Website Information From IP Address


Website appears to be hosted off-site at ACME Hosting Solutions, Inc in California.


Public IP & Domain Name Registries

This section attempted to resolve the domain name. Then, that domain name, if any, was searched in the InterNIC and domain name registry databases. The results of this query should report the owner (and associated contacts) for the domain name, if any. This should probably be your company directly, your ISP, or maybe even your hosting provider (if applicable). The entity listed below is considered the authoritative owner of the domain name:

IP Address Registration This section queried the ARIN IP Address registry for information. The results of this query should show the owner (and associated contacts). This should probably be your company directly, your ISP, or maybe even your hosting provider (if applicable). The entity listed below is considered the authoritative owner of the IP addresses:

The record ties the IP addresses to Silicon Forest Technical Group.


NetRange: CIDR: OriginAS: NetName: COMCAST-S33446-0 NetHandle: NET-1-2-3-4 Parent: NET-1-2-3-4 NetType: Reallocated RegDate: 2006-03-30 Updated: 2006-03-30 Ref:

OrgName: Silicon Forest Technical Group OrgId: WRT-12 Address: 123 Any Street Address: STE 51 City: Your City StateProv: OR PostalCode: 12345 Country: US



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Domain Name Registration This section queried the domain registry information. The results of this query should show the owner . The entity listed below is considered the authoritative owner of the domain name:

Registrant: Silicon Forest Technology Group 123 Any Street, Suite 51 Your City, OR 12345 US


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact: Silicon Forest Technology Group

123 Any Street, Suite 51 Your City, OR 12345 (123) 123-1234

Record expires on 11-Nov-2010. Record created on 10-Nov-1995. Database last updated on 11-Oct-2010 01:40:07 EDT.


Online Public Database Search

There are various public databases, accessible via the Internet, which may contain information about your network, systems, and company. Under normal circumstances, this information is not confidential and does not contain any errors. How ever, it is also possible for these public databases to contain sensitive and/or incorrect data. If this is the case, the potential impact could vary widely. It may be a simple typo, it may allow your network to be hijacked by hackers, or it may expose proprietary information to the Internet.

Because this information is specific to your network, a hacker cannot automatically determine if this information is correct or not. Please review the results listed below for each of these queries to ensure that the information is both correct and non – confidential.

In this section, the IP address was queried using the Google search engine. Specifically, BlackHat Consultants searched for suspicious public information that may contain confidential details about, like password or login information.


Nothing was found from the Google search



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Location Mapping Results Once a company name can be found, a quick search locates an address and a hacker can also use that information to conduct a physical reconnaissance for a possible physical attack. Office location is shown below:

Screenshot: Image of storefront from Google Street View.



Screenshots of Findings

Screenshot: from PuTTY (no logon banner)



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Screenshot: from HTTPS (dead website – possible misconfiguration)


Screenshot: from Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) (outdated OS with no domain)





Appendix A – Network Device Summary


IP DNS NetBIOS Router OS Approved Scannable Live Netblock demo1.sea.qual XP-SP2 68.177.224 . Windows XP Service Pack 2-3 S L 180

Discovery Method Port DNS


TCP 135 TCP 139 TCP 445

UDP 137 demo2.sea.qual 2K-SP4-OE50 68.177.224 . Windows 2000 Service Pack 3-4 S L 1 180

Discovery Method Port


TCP 25 TCP 80

TCP 135 TCP 139 TCP 443

TCP 445 UDP 135

UDP 137 demo3.sea.qual 68.177.224 . Linux 2.4-2.6 / Embedded S L 164 Device / F5 Networks Big-IP

Discovery Method Port DNS


TCP 22 TCP 111

UDP 111 demo4.sea.qual 68.177.224 . Linux 2.4-2.6 / Embedded S L 180 Device / F5 Networks Big-IP

Discovery Method Port


TCP 22 TCP 111 UDP 111 demo5.sea.qual 68.177.224 . Solaris 9-10 S L 180

Discovery Method Port


TCP 22 TCP 23 TCP 25

TCP 111 UDP 111

UDP 161





Appendix B – Raw Scanner Output


Report Summary

Sort by: Host

IP Restriction: Hosts Matching Filters: 3 scan/1323728798.4048: 12/12/2011 at 14:26:38 (GMT-0800)


Summary of Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities Total 51 Security Risk (Avg) 4.7

by Severity Severity Confirmed Potential Information Gathered Total 5 14 – – 14 4 4 – – 4 3 8 – – 8 2 21 – – 21 1 4 – – 4 Total 51 – – 51

5 Biggest Categories Category Confirmed Potential Information Gathered Total Windows 19 – – 19 Web server 7 – – 7 TCP/IP 7 – – 7 SMB / NETBIOS 6 – – 6 RPC 4 – – 4 Total 43 – – 43


HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 1



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Vulnerabilities by Severity


Operating Systems Detected




HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 3

Services Detected

Detailed Results (xp-sp2, XP-SP2) Windows XP


Vulnerabilities (8)

5 Microsoft Windows Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS08-067)

QID: 90464 CVSS Base: 10 Category: Windows CVSS Temporal: 8.3 CVE ID: CVE-2008-4250 Vendor Reference: MS08-067 Bugtraq ID: 31874 Service Modified: User Modified:

02/12/2009 –


Edited: No PCI Vuln: Yes


THREAT: The Microsoft Windows Server service provides RPC support, file print support and named pipe sharing over the network. The Server service allows the sharing of local resources (such as disks and printers) so that other users on the network can access them. It also allows named pipe communication between applications running on other computers and your computer, which is used for RPC.


The Server service is vulnerable to remote code execution issue, due to the service not properly handling specially-crafted RPC requests. Any anonymous user who can deliver a specially-crafted message to the affected system could try to exploit this vulnerability. Windows XP Embedded Systems:- For additional information regarding security updates for embedded systems, refer to the following MSDN blog(s): December 2008 Updates are Available (including for XPe SP3 and Standard) ( standard.aspx)



HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 4

(KB958644)October 2008 Security Updates Include a Bonus ( (KB958644)

IMPACT: An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability could take complete control of the affected system.

SOLUTION: Patch: Following are links for downloading patches to fix the vulnerabilities:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4: 6F43C5C2AED3 ( 9775-6F43C5C2AED3) Windows XP Service Pack 2: ( -9265-44B9-A376-2067B73D6A03) Windows XP Service Pack 3: ( -9265-44B9-A376-2067B73D6A03) Windows XP Professional x64 Edition: ( Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2: ( Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1: ( Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2: ( Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition: ( Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2: 4B944A2DE400 ( 9E1F-4B944A2DE400) Windows Server 2003 with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems: ( A85A43077ACF) Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems: ( A85A43077ACF) Windows Vista and Windows Vista Service Pack 1: CAC7D8713B21 ( AC5C-CAC7D8713B21) For a complete list of patch download links, please refer to Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 (



Core Security Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: MSRPC Server Service Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS08-067) – Core Security Category : Exploits/Remote


Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: Windows Server Service Underflow (MS08-067) – Immunity Ref : ms08_067 Link:


Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption – Metasploit Ref : /modules/exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi Link:

The Exploit-DB

Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: MS Windows Server Service Code Execution PoC (MS08-067) – The Exploit-DB Ref : 6824 Link:

Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: MS Windows Server Service Code Execution Exploit (MS08-067) – The Exploit-DB Ref : 7104 Link:



HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 5

Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: MS Windows Server Service Code Execution Exploit (MS08-067) (2k/2k3) – The Exploit-DB Ref : 7132 Link:

Reference: CVE-2008-4250 Description: Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption – The Exploit-DB Ref : 16362 Link:



Trend Micro Malware ID: WORM_SPYBOT Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=WORM_SPYBOT.AZI

Malware ID: WORM_NEERIS Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista 32 Bit Link:;name=WORM_NEERIS.A

Malware ID: WORM_KOLAB Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=WORM_KOLAB.DL

Malware ID: WORM_STUXNET Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista 32-bit Link:;name=WORM_STUXNET.A

Malware ID: WORM_DOWNAD Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista Aliases: Net-Worm.Win32.Kido.dam.y (Kaspersky), W32/Conficker.worm (McAfee), W32.Downadup (Symantec),

Worm/Conficker.AC (Avira), W32/Downldr2.EXAE (exact) (F-Prot) Link:;name=WORM_DOWNAD.A

Malware ID: WORM_CONFICKER Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=WORM_CONFICKER.D

Malware ID: WORM_NETWORM Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link: ;name=WORM_NETWORM.C

Malware ID: WORM_WECORL Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=WORM_WECORL.A



HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 6

Malware ID: WORM_KERBOT Risk: Low Type: Worm Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=WORM_KERBOT.A

Malware ID: TROJ_DUCKY Risk: Low Type: Trojan Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 Link:;name=TROJ_DUCKY.N

RESULTS: Detected through MSRPC Interface


5 Microsoft SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (MS09-001)

QID: 90477 CVSS Base: 10 Category: Windows CVSS Temporal: 7.8 CVE ID: CVE-2008-4834, CVE-2008-4835, CVE-2008-4114 Vendor Reference: Bugtraq ID:

MS09-001 –


Service Modified: 03/26/2009 User Modified: – Edited: No PCI Vuln: Yes


THREAT: The Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol is a network file sharing protocol used to provide shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network. It is a client-server implementation and consists of a set of data packets, each containing a request sent by the client or a response sent by the server.


The following remote code execution and denial of service vulnerabilities have been identified in Microsoft SMB protocol which occur when processing specially crafted SMB packets.


1) A vulnerability exists in the way SMB allocates space for a transaction structure and later tries to clear more memory than it should when a TRANS request is processed, allowing an attacker to take control of the system. (CVE-2008-4834)


2) A flaw exists in the way SMB allocates and clears a data structure relating to the OPEN2 command. SMB protocol software insufficiently validates the buffer size before writing to it, allowing attackers to take complete control of the system and allowing remote execution of code. (CVE-2008-4835)


3) A denial of service vulnerability exists due to the way “srv.sys” handles malformed SMB WRITE_ANDX packets sent to an interface that uses a Named Pipe as endpoint. This flaw allows remote attackers to send a specially-crafted network message to a computer running the Server service causing it to stop responding. (CVE-2008-4114)


Attempts to exploit any of the above listed vulnerabilities does not require authentication.

Microsoft has rated the issues as critical for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003, and moderate for Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008. Windows XP Embedded Systems:- For additional information regarding security updates for embedded systems, refer to the following MSDN blog(s): February Security Updates are Now Available ( (KB958687)January 2009 Security Updates for Runtimes Are Available ( (KB958687)

IMPACT: An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability could install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Successful exploitation also results in denial of service which causes the affected system to crash and stop responding.



HackerView – Example Raw Scanner Output page 7

SOLUTION: Workaround: TCP ports 139 and 445 should be blocked at the firewall to protect systems behind the firewall from attempts to exploit this vulnerability. Impact of workaround: Blocking the ports can cause several windows services or applications using those ports to stop functioning.


Patch: Following are links for downloading patches to fix the vulnerabilities:


Windows 2000 SP4: -C1B5-457A-8222-8E7682760ED4&displaylang=en (


Windows XP SP2 and SP3: (


Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and XP Professional x64 Edition SP2: 199ED1FE9A2A&displaylang=en ( -F669-4542- AD93-199ED1FE9A2A&displaylang=en)


Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2: (


Windows 2003 Server x64 Edition and 2003 Server x64 Edition SP2: (


Windows 2003 Server with SP1 and SP2 for Itanium based systems: 61F673FE6EEF&displaylang=en ( 9F26-61F673FE6EEF&displaylang=en)


Windows Vista and Vista SP1: -C10A-452A-990F-B7E37CDD889B&displaylang=en (


Windows Vista x64 Edition and Vista x64 Edition SP1: (


Windows 2008 Server for 32-bit systems: (


Windows 2008 Server for x64-based systems: (


Windows 2008 Server for Itanium-based systems: (

Refer to Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-001 ( for further details.



Core Security Reference: CVE-2008-4834 Description: Microsoft Windows SMB Trans Buffer Overflow DoS (MS09-001) – Core Security Category : Denial of Service/Remote


Reference: CVE-2008-4114 Description: Microsoft SRV.SYS WriteAndX Invalid DataOffset – Metasploit Ref : /modules/auxiliary/dos/windows/smb/ms09_001_write Link:


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