Instructions In this assignment you will create a Software Reference Architecture (SRA)

Instructions In this assignment you will create a Software Reference Architecture (SRA) document for a fictitious Information Technology department of a large government agency.  Your SRA should include at least one software framework.  You can assume that the data storage is part of software because it normally uses a database.

Before beginning the project read Reference Architecture Description by the Office of the Assistant Security of Defense at l_v1_18Jun10.pdf This explains how to create a Reference Architecture document. This document was primarily created for Network Reference Architecture, but we are going to write a Software Reference Architecture.  But we can still learn a l from this document.

must be turning eligible, no plagiarism, and use the ref PDF as a reference.

CS10 Python Programming Homework 4 40 points

CS10 Python Programming Homework 4 40 points

Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Files

1. You must turn in your program listing and output for each program set. Start a new sheet or sheets of paper for each program set. Each program set must have your student name, student ID, and program set number/description. All the program sets must be printed and submitted together with your Exam 4. Once you complete your Exam 4 and leave the classroom you will not be able to submit Homework 4. Late homework will not be accepted for whatever reasons you may have.

******************************************************************************************************************************** for this homework, you are also to submit All Program Sets to Canvas under Homework 4 link ********************************************************************************************************************************

a. Name your file : for Program Set 1. PS means program set b. You still have to submit the paper copy together with the rest of the Homework 4. c. You have till 11:59pm the night before the day of Exam 4 to submit all Program Sets to Canvas.

If the deadline is past, Program Sets will not be graded even if you submit the paper copy on time.

d. You must submit both hardcopy and upload the Program Sets to Canvas to be graded. If you only submit the hardcopy or only upload to Canvas you will receive a zero for the Program Sets. You must submit all the hardcopies of all Program Sets of Homework 4.

e. if you do not follow instructions on file naming provided in this section you will receive a zero for the whole of Homework 4.

2. You must STAPLE (not stapled assignments will not be graded resulting in a zero score) your programming

assignment and collate them accordingly. Example Program set 1 listing and then output, followed by Program Set 2 listing and output and so on.

3. Please format you output properly, for example all dollar amounts should be printed with 2 decimal places.

Make sure that your output values are correct (check the calculations). 4. Each student is expected to do their own work. IF IDENTICAL PROGRAMS ARE SUBMITTED, EACH

IDENTICAL PROGRAM WILL RECEIVE A SCORE OF ZERO. Grading: Each program set must run correctly syntactically, logically, and display the correct output as specified. If the program set does not run correctly, a zero will be given. For each Program set, if the program executes properly with proper syntax, logic, and displays the correct output, then points will be deducted for not having proper:

a. Comments (1 pt deducted for each occurrence) – Your name, description at the beginning of each program set. Short description of the what each section of your codes do.

b. Consistency/Readability (2 pts deducted for each occurrence) – Spacing(separate each section of codes with a blank line

– Indentation – Style (proper naming of variables no a,b,c – use descriptive and mnemonics) -each function must include type hints or annotations except for the main() -include docstrings for every function

c. Required elements (2 pts deducted for each occurrence) – Use tools that have been covered in class – proper formatting for output when specified – all monetary values must be in 2 decimal places

d. Output  if no output is provided for either the hardcopies or uploaded file, a zero will be given for



that program set.  Output must to be displayed at the end of the program listing(codes)  must use test cases when provided in the Program set question. Provide your own test

cases if the program set does not ask for any. The minimum test cases you provide on your own is 5 or more. If you provide less then 5 test cases per Program Set then that program set will receive a zero grade.

Program Set 1 (40 points) Write list functions for items a to j that carry out the following tasks for a list of integers.

a. Swap the first and last elements in the list. b. Shift all elements by one to the right and move the last element into the first position.

For example, 1 4 9 16 25 would be transformed into 25 1 4 9 16. c. Replace all even elements with 0 (zeroes) d. Replace each element except the first and last by the larger of its two neighbors. e. Remove the middle element if the list length is odd, or the middle two elements if the length is even. f. Move all even element to the front, otherwise preserving the order of the elements. g. Return the second largest element in the list. h. Return true if the list is currently sorted in increasing order. i. Return true if the list contains two adjacent duplicate elements. j. Return true if the list contains duplicate elements (which need not be adjacent).

The main() function to test each of the functions is included here for you. You must use the same function names that is provide for you below. Using other function names will result in a zero for this program. # Program to test functions a to j. # # Define constant variables. ONE_TEN = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] def main() : print(“The original data for all functions is: “, ONE_TEN) #a. Demonstrate swapping the first and last element. data = list(ONE_TEN) swapFirstLast(data) print(“After swapping first and last: “, data) #b. Demonstrate shifting to the right. data = list(ONE_TEN) shiftRight(data) print(“After shifting right: “, data) #c. Demonstrate replacing even elements with zero. data = list(ONE_TEN) replaceEven(data) print(“After replacing even elements: “, data) #d. Demonstrate replacing values with the larger of their neighbors. data = list(ONE_TEN) replaceNeighbors(data) print(“After replacing with neighbors: “, data) #e. Demonstrate removing the middle element. data = list(ONE_TEN) removeMiddle(data) print(“After removing the middle element(s): “, data)



#f. Demonstrate moving even elements to the front of the list. data = list(ONE_TEN) evenToFront(data) print(“After moving even elements: “, data) #g. Demonstrate finding the second largest value. print(“The second largest value is: “, secondLargest(ONE_TEN)) #h. Demonstrate testing if the list is in increasing order. print(“The list is in increasing order: “, isIncreasing(ONE_TEN)) #i. Demonstrate testing if the list contains adjacent duplicates. print(“The list has adjacent duplicates: “, hasAdjacentDuplicate(ONE_TEN)) #j. Demonstrate testing if the list contains duplicates. print(“The list has duplicates: “, hasDuplicate(ONE_TEN)) main() The output should look like this: Run 1 >>> ====== RESTART: E:/IVC/CS10 Python/Homework/HW4 Files/ ====== The original data for all functions is: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] After swapping first and last: [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1] After shifting right: [10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] After replacing even elements: [1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 9, 0] After replacing with neighbors: [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10] After removing the middle element(s): [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10] After moving even elements: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9] The second largest value is: 9 The list is in increasing order: True The list has adjacent duplicates: False The list has duplicates: False >>> Run 2 ======= RESTART: E:/IVC/CS10 Python/Homework/HW4 Files/ ======= The original data for all functions is: [12, 20, 10, 14, 54, 16, 75, 38, 79, 103] After swapping first and last: [103, 20, 10, 14, 54, 16, 75, 38, 79, 12] After shifting right: [103, 12, 20, 10, 14, 54, 16, 75, 38, 79] After replacing even elements: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 79, 103] After replacing with neighbors: [12, 12, 14, 54, 54, 75, 75, 79, 103, 103] After removing the middle element(s): [12, 20, 10, 14, 75, 38, 79, 103] After moving even elements: [12, 20, 10, 14, 54, 16, 38, 75, 79, 103] The second largest value is: 79 The list is in increasing order: False The list has adjacent duplicates: False The list has duplicates: False >>>

Software Reference Architecture Project

Software Reference Architecture Project

Instructions In this assignment you will create a Software Reference Architecture (SRA) document for a fictitious Information Technology department of a large government agency. Your SRA should include at least one software framework. You can assume that the data storage is part of software because it normally uses a database. Before beginning the project read Reference Architecture Description by the Office of the Assistant Security of Defense at l_v1_18Jun10.pdf This explains how to create a Reference Architecture document. This document was primarily created for Network Reference Architecture, but we are going to write a Software Reference Architecture. But we can still learn a lot from this document. Outline Please use the following sample outline, which is modified from Appendix A in Reference Architecture Description. Feel free to add sub-sections (ie x.x.x) if needed.

Software Reference Architecture Outline

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview 1.2 Scope 1.3 Key Authoritative Sources

2 Context

2.1 Guiding Principles 2.2 Constraints and Assumptions

2.2.1 Constraints 2.2.2 Assumptions

2.3 Alignment Priority Areas

3 Data

3.1 Storage 3.2 Data Integrity



3.3 Data Archiving

4 Software

4.1 Business Logic 4.2 User Interface

5 Technical Positions Additional Instructions In section 2.3 you need to align your architecture with the priorities of the organization. Consider these four guiding priorities.

1. Like most government agencies cost is a very important factor. Congress can increase or decrease you budget at any time. So, you have to build an architecture that has low maintenance and purchase costs.

2. All government agencies must comply with government regulations. One major one is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which provides government information to people that request it in a timely manor.

3. 508 is a regulation that requires systems to be handicap accessible. 4. Other government regulations prohibit certain types of information to be

stored about US citizen beyond a certain date. For example, this type of information can only be stored for 30 days for US citizens.

Hints This can be a very difficult project. Most organizations have a Software Reference Architecture but there is no real standard. Many organization don’t even have it documents or even call it a Software Reference Architecture. But by talking with them you can quickly realize that they have these standards. More mature organizations document their Software Reference Architecture, but there is no real standard format. Begin by thinking back across all of the courses you have taken. Try to develop a list of common problems that occur when building software. Depending upon the size of your list you might have to narrow it down to major issues. We have already discussed the benefits of everyone in an organization performing a task the same way. Next think of good solutions to these problems. In many organizations Non-functional Requirements are such solutions. Remember to write clearly. Rubric

1. Includes a software framework and the framework is used correctly. (25%) 2. Solve specific recurring problems in a problem space; explain context, goals,

purpose and problem solving. (25%)



3. Alignment with priorities. (25%) 4. Clearly written and free of spelling and grammar mistakes. (25%)

Use a search engine to find the names of five different cyber viruses.

Use a search engine to find the names of five different cyber viruses.

Using WORD, write a short paragraph on each.

Use your own words and do not copy  the work of another student.

Attach your WORD document here.

Describe the difference between objects and values using the terms “equivalent” and “identical”. Illustrate the difference using your own examples with Python lists and the “is” operator.  


Describe the difference between objects and values using the terms “equivalent” and “identical”. Illustrate the difference using your own examples with Python lists and the “is” operator.

Describe the relationship between objectsreferences, and aliasing. Again, create your own examples with Python lists.

Finally, create your own example of a function that modifies a list passed in as an argument. Describe what your function does in terms of argumentsparametersobjects, and references.

Create your own unique examples for this assignment. Do not copy them from the textbook or any other source.

Part 2

Write a Python program that does the following.

· Create a string that is a long series of words separated by spaces. The string is your own creative choice. It can be names, favorite foods, animals, anything. Just make it up yourself. Do not copy the string from another source. 

· Turn the string into a list of words using split.

· Delete three words from the list, but delete each one using a different kind of Python operation.

· Sort the list.

· Add new words to the list (three or more) using three different kinds of Python operation.

· Turn the list of words back into a single string using join.

· Print the string.

 Part 3

Provide your own examples of the following using Python lists. Create your own examples. Do not copy them from another source. 

· Nested lists

· The “*” operator

· List slices

· The “+=” operator

· A list filter

· A list operation that is legal but does the “wrong” thing, not what the programmer expects

Provide the Python code and output for your program and all your examples.

Starting with the downloadable assignment files, write the Javascript needed for the application

Starting with the downloadable assignment files, write the Javascript needed for the application. Use the book and lectures as a guide. In this exercise, you’ll develop an Image Gallery application that displays different images when the user clicks on the links at the top of the page. This works like the Image Swap application below.

1.  You’ll find the HTML, CSS, and image files for this application in the week 6 folder

You’ll also find an empty JavaScript file named image_gallery.js. You can add your code to this file. Customize the interface with your first and last names.

2.  In the JavaScript file, add an event handler for the ready() event method.

3.  Use the each() method to run a function for each <a> element in the unordered list of items. Then, add jQuery code that gets the URL and caption for each image and preloads the image. You can get the URL from the href attribute of the <a> element, and you can get the caption from the title attribute.

4.  Add an event handler for the click event of each link. The function for this event handler should accept a parameter named evt. The jQuery code for this event handler should display the image and caption for the link that was clicked. In addition, it should use the evt parameter to cancel the default action of the link.

5.  Add a jQuery statement that moves the focus to the first link on the page when the page is loaded.

School of Computer and Information Sciences COURSE SYLLABUS

School of Computer and Information Sciences COURSE SYLLABUS

Course Information

ITS535 – A02 System Analysis and Design Summer 2022 First Bi-Term Course Format: Online CRN: 30333

Instructor Information

Name: Steven Case Email: Phone: 239-220-5339 Office Location: Remote Office Hours/Preferred Contact Times: Available by appointment from 8:00-10:00 PM EDT (Monday- Thursday)

Course Description

This course provides a detailed overview of system analysis and design methodologies. You will examine techniques to develop systems more efficiently, such as the system development life cycle (SDLC) and other processes. System requirements, functional design, display, and end-of-project conclusions and analysis are studied and practiced through a variety of activities.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course:

The application of software engineering techniques in the information systems life cycle.



Present current topics, such as agile development, extreme programming, rapid application development (RAD), Scrum and the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Provide hands-on practice with project management and systems development through exercises in PERT/CPM, user requirements gathering, data and process modeling, and prototyping.

Assessment: Prepare students to think critically about the concepts and practices of Computer Information Technology.

Learner Outcomes

Understand how users working in context with new technology change the dynamics of system.

Understand that organizations and their members are systems and that analysis need to take a system perspective.

Evaluate software by addressing the trade-offs among creating custom software.

Recognize the value of interactive methods for information gathering.

Understand the value for unobtrusive methods for information gathering.

Understand agile modeling and the core practices that differentiate it from other development methodology

Understand how analytics uses data dictionary for analyzing data-oriented systems.

Recognize the difference between structured and semi-structured decision

Understand what objective-oriented systems and design is and appreciate its usefulness

Realize how output bias affects users

Design engaging input display for users of information systems.



Use databases for presenting data.

Design variety of users interface.

Recognize how to ensure data quality through validation

Course Website

Access to the course website is required via the iLearn portal on the University of the Cumberlands website: or

Required Books and Resources

Title: Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition ISBN: ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-478555-4 Authors: Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E Kendall Publication Date: 2019-11-25 Edition: 10th ED.

Course Required text can be found and purchased via the UC Barnes and Noble Bookstore:

Suggested Books and Resources

Systems Analysis and Design ISBN: 9781305533936 Authors: Scott Tilley, Harry J. Rosenblatt Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2016-01-18

Systems Analysis and Design: Techniques, Methodologies, Approaches, and Architecture ISBN: 9781351547277 Authors: Roger Chiang



Publisher: Routledge Publication Date: 2017-07-05

Systems Analysis and Design Methods ISBN: 9786024396879 Authors: Sri Mulyani Publisher: Unpad Press Publication Date: 2020-07-31

Requirements and Policies

Academic Dishonesty Policy

As a Christian liberal arts university committed to the pursuit of truth and understanding, any act of academic dishonesty is especially distressing and cannot be tolerated. In general, academic dishonesty involves the abuse and misuse of information or people to gain an undeserved academic advantage or evaluation.

The common forms of academic dishonesty include:

1. cheating – using deception in the taking of tests or the preparation of written work, using unauthorized materials, copying another person’s work with or without consent, or assisting another in such activities;

2. lying – falsifying, fabricating, or forging information in either written or spoken presentations;

3. plagiarism – using the published writings, data, interpretations, or ideas of another without proper docu mentation.

4. multiple submissions – submitting the same academic written or oral work for which credit was previously received, without the approval of the instructor.



Episodes of academic dishonesty are reported as appropriate to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The potential penalty for academic dishonesty includes 1) a failing grade on a particular assignment, 2) a failing grade for the entire course, 3) suspension or expulsion, or (4) revocation of a degree.

Attendance Policy

Course enrollment and participation will be monitored and verified for all students during the first two weeks of classes. Lack of participation during this time may jeopardize enrollment status. Each student is expected to meet course expectations by completing the coursework required each week. Active participation and staying abreast of the material is essential to success. Program specific attendance policies may still apply.

Participation Policy

Students are expected to actively participate in intelligent discussion of assigned topics in all areas, such as: Discussion Board Activities, Synchronous Sessions, Forums, Shared Papers, etc.

Point adjustments will be taken for non-participation.

Course Evaluations

The course evaluation will be open during the last two weeks of the term. To access the evaluation (during that time), visit and log-in using your UC credentials. A reminder email notification will be sent when the evaluation is available.

We value your feedback. Every evaluation is confidential and anonymous. The anonymous results of the course evaluations are not available for faculty to see until after final grades are submitted. Your thoughtful responses guide future improvements for the course and programs.

Disability Accommodations

University of the Cumberlands accepts students with certified disabilities and provides reasonable accommodations for their certified needs in the classroom, in housing, in food service or in other areas. For accommodations to be awarded, a student must submit a completed Accommodations Application form and provide documentation of the disability to the Disability Services Coordinator (Shirley Stephens, Gatliff Administration Building, Room 114, When all paperwork is on file, a meeting between the student and the Coordinator will be arranged to discuss possible accommodations before accommodations are formally approved. Students must then meet with the Coordinator at the beginning of each semester before any academic



accommodations can be certified for that term. Certifications for other accommodations are normally reviewed annually.

Academic Appeal

Both undergraduate and graduate students have the right to challenge a grade. If discussions with the course instructor and department chair do not lead to a satisfactory conclusion, students may file a formal written appeal with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will forward the appeal to the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee. This formal written appeal must be filed by the end of the 4th week of classes in the next regular term following the term in which the course in question was taken. The Academic Appeals Committee then gathers information from the student, the instructor, and any other relevant parties. The Committee will deliver its recommendation on the complaint to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. After reviewing this recommendation and concurring or amending it, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will inform the student and instructor of the disposition of the complaint no later than the last day of classes of the term in which the complaint was filed. Records of all actions regarding academic grade appeals, including their final disposition, are maintained by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Academic Appeals Committee. (Undergraduate Catalog/Graduate Catalog)

Student Responsibilities

Students should:

Use University of the Cumberlands email system for all academic, administrative, and co- curricular communication between faculty, staff and peers.

Check for email and class announcements using iLearn (primary) and University of the Cumberlands webmail (secondary) daily.

Demonstrate Cumberlands Character in and outside the classroom per the University Mission & Vision

Ensure you have consistent required technology for the course

Participate in courses regularly to:

Find announcements and updates

Complete assignments on time. Keep in mind that all deadlines use Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Engage in discussion

Connect with fellow students and faculty

Present written work in an academic and professional manner.

Take examinations on the designated dates and times. Students should make arrangements with faculty before the designated date for any needed accommodations.



Contact faculty or student success coordinator with questions or concerns.

Course Policies

1. The only authorized electronic means of academic, administrative, and co-curricular communication between University of the Cumberlands and its students is through the UCumberlands email system (i.e. Webmail). Each student is responsible for monitoring his/her University email account frequently. This is the primary email account used to correspond with you directly by the University; imperative program information is sent to this email account specifically from campus and program office.

2. Students should check for e-mail and class announcements using iLearn (primary) and University of the Cumberlands webmail (secondary).

3. Students are expected to find out class assignments for missed classes and make up missed work.

4. Students are expected to find out if any changes have been made in the class or assignment schedule.

5. Written work must be presented in a professional manner.

6. Work that is not submitted in a professional manner will not be evaluated and will be returned as unacceptable.

7. There is a craft to writing. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and diction (word usage) are all tools of that craft. Writing at the collegiate level will show careful attention to these elements of craft.

8. Work that does not exhibit care with regard to these elements will be considered as inadequate for college writing and graded accordingly.

9. Students are expected to take the examinations on the designated dates. If you are unable to take the exam on the scheduled date and know in advance, you are to make arrangements with your professor before the designated date. If you miss the exam, you must have a legitimate reason as determined by your professor.

Recognizing that a large part of professional life is meeting deadlines, it is necessary to develop time management and organizational skills. Failure to meet the course deadlines may result in penalties. Keep in mind that all deadlines are set using Eastern Standard Time (EST). Late assignments will NOT be accepted.

Course Activities and Experiences

Students are expected to:



Review any assigned reading material and prepare responses to homework assigned.

Actively participate in activities, assignments, and discussions.

Evaluate and react to each other’s work in a supportive, constructive manner.

Complete specific assignments and exams when specified and in a professional manner.

Utilize learned technologies for class assignments.

Connect content knowledge from core courses to practical training placement and activities.

Links to Support UC Academic Catalog: UC Student Handbook: Academic Resources & Writing Center: Library: Bookstore: About University of the Cumberlands: Instructions for Accessing, Downloading, and Activating Office 365 Pro Plus (free for UC Students):

Course Evaluation

A student will be evaluated/weighted on the following basis:

A student will be evaluated/weighted on the following basis:

1. Exams – Each exam will consist of multiple-choice, multiple answers, matching, and True/False questions. Exam items derived primarily from lectures and readings. Exams will be available through iLearn and completed independently.

2. Homework Assignments, Discussion, & Quizzes – Assignments, Discussion, & Quizzes will be given throughout the term. Each quiz will consist of multiple-choice/answer, short answer questions, matching, and True/False questions — quiz items derived primarily from lectures and readings. Quizzes will be available through iLearn and completed independently. Assignments and Discussions will come from the course lectures, materials, and required reading assignments.

3. Practical Connection Assignment – Written Assignment where students will reflect on course concepts and their practical connection to a working environment.

4. Residency Project – Research project completed during the residency weekend. Students will be randomly grouped in iLearn. Each group will submit their research project as a group.



Students need to bring their laptops to conduct research, write a research paper (SafeAssign reviewed), create a PowerPoint presentation, and present their project orally before the class. Students must attend the residency weekend to earn a grade; there are no exceptions to this rule. Students not attending will earn zero points and 0% as a grade. Please note that the totality of all residency activities will constitute 60% of the course grade.

Please note:

Course Participation: 10% Course Grade.

Course Weekly Assignments: 30% Course Grade.

Midterm Exam: 10% Course Grade.

Group Assignment: 30% Course Grade.

Final Exam: 20% Course Grade

Grading Scale

Graded work will receive a numeric score reflecting the quality of performance as given above in evaluation methods. The overall course grade will be determined according to the following scale:

A= 900 – 1000 (90% – 100%)

B= 800 – 899 (80% – 89%)

C = 700 – 799 (70% – 79%)

F < 699 (Below 69%)

Course Schedule

Course Schedule Weekly

Unit Readings/Topics Assignments and Po

Due Sunday by 11: Week 1 Chapter 1: Systems Roles and Development Methodology

Chapter 2: Understanding/Modeling Organizational Systems. Assignment 1.1 Start of Term Contract Assignment 1.2 System Roles Assignment 2.1 Business Systems *Failing to participate may result in being dropped from the


Assignment 1.1 (25 p Assignment 1.2 (45 p Assignment 2.1 (45 p Student Introduction

Week 2 Chapter 3: Project Management. Chapter 4: Information Gathering: Interactive Methods. Discussion 3.1 Project Management Assignment 4.1 Gathering Requirements

Discussion 3.1 (45 p Assignment 4.1 (45 p



Week 3 Chapter 5: Information Gathering: Unobtrusive Methods. Chapter 6: Agile Modeling and Prototype. Assignment 5.1 Project #1: Project Schedule Assignment 6.1 Agile Models and Prototyping

Assignment 5.1 (100 Assignment 6.1 (45 p

Week 4

Chapter 7: Using Data Flow Diagrams. Chapter 8: Analyzing Systems Using Data Dictionaries. Assignment 7.1 Change Management and Change Control Assignment 8.1 Data Flow Diagrams and Data Dictionaries Assignment 8.2 Project #2: System Requirements

Assignment 7.1 (45 p Assignment 8.1 (45 p Assignment 8.2 (100

Week 5

Chapter 9: Process Specifications and Structured Decisions Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML Assignment 9.1 Business Processes and Process Management Assignment 10.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Assignment 9.1 (45 p Assignment 10.1 (45

Week 6

Chapter 11: Designing Effective Output Chapter 12: Designing Effective Input Assignment 11.1 Executive Dashboards Assignment 12.1 Data-Driven Input Assignment 12.2 Practical Connection

Assignment 11.1 (45 Assignment 12.1 (45 Assignment 12.2 (10

Week 7

Chapter 13: Designing Databases Chapter 14: Human-Computer Interaction and UX Design Assignment 13.1 Data Management Discussion 14.1 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Assignment 13.1 (45 Discussion 14.1 (45

Week 8 Chapter 15: Designing Accurate Data Entry Procedures Chapter 16: Quality Assurance and Implementation Assignment 15.1 Impact of Emerging Technologies on SAD Assignment 16.1 System Implementation and Maintenance

Assignment 15.1 (45 Assignment 16.1 (45

Total grade for the course (1,000 points)

Syllabus Disclaimer

This syllabus contains important information critical to your success in this course. It includes guidelines for this course and the instructor’s current expectations about content, schedule, and requirements necessary for each student to achieve the best educational results. While you must review and become familiar with the contents of this syllabus, the instructor reserves the right to make adjustments or change in the syllabus from time to time. Any changes to the syllabus will be discussed with the students.

Discuss the potential application of Neural networks in an area of your choice. Discuss the advantages and limitations of NN.

1- Discuss the potential application of Neural networks in an area of your choice. Discuss the advantages and limitations of NN. (450 words)



2- Using the provided dataset, build a Neural Network Model for the university earnings. Predict the earnings if the cost is 22000, grad is 85, debt 80 and city 1. (Dataset in in excel,2nd file )

Payroll Lab

Payroll Lab

You will be taking in a file (payroll.txt) which details a number of departments (at least 1) and in each department are a set of employees (each department will have at least 1 employee or it would not appear on the payroll sheet). Your job is to read the file in separate out each employee and calculate the total values (hours, salary, number of employees) for each department and in each category (F1, F2, F3, F4). In your final submission please include the .cpp file which should work for any kind of payroll file I supply (which will naturally match the format of the examples below). Be sure to indicate in your submission file if you have attempted any of the bonus points .


An example file (note that your program needs to be able to handle any file formatted in a similar way):

The IT Department
Bill 8 hours 20 minutes 7hours 8hours 30 minutes 9hrs 10min 57 minutes F1
Betty 8hrs 8hrs 30min 7hrs 5min 8hrs 7hrs 10min F2
Brandon 10hours 10hours 5 minutes 9 hours 5 hours 55 minutes 9 hours 5 minutes F2
Brad 9hrs 8hrs 10hrs 12min 9hrs 4min 8hours 6min 3hrs 24min 1hr 6min F4

The Sales Department
Kyle $24,000 0.105 F3
Tyler $18,203 0.085 F3
Konner 8hrs 6hrs 5min 7hrs 6 hrs 9 hrs 8 min F2
Sam $30,011 0.045 F3
Kent 9hrs 8hrs 1min 9 hrs 7hrs 5 min 8 hrs 55min 6min 1hr F4

The Overseas Department
Jim $24,000 0.105 F3

Frank 7 hours 10 minutes 6hours 1 minute 1 hour 50 minutes 8hours 10min 1hour 34 minutes F1
Lester 8hrs 5min 8hrs 30min 7hrs 5min 8hrs 7hrs 10min F2


First there is the name of the employee, followed by a list of times (for f1, f2 and f4). The times are reported by a number of different systems and the hours and minutes may be represented differently. Hours and hrs, or Minutes an mins. The final times should be rounded to the nearest half hour, where for example 2 hours and 15 minutes would be 2.5 hours. The times may specify the hours and minutes or just one or the other. And yes they could only work for a few minutes (maybe they only run into work to sign a paper or something). The last in the row after the hours comes the pay grade (F1, F2, F3, F4). The number of hours recorded is based on the pay grade of the employee. F1 and F2s will have 5 numbers for their hours. F3s a bit different since they are commission based where a sales amount and a commission percentage is given. F3s are also assumed to work 30 hours if their commission is 10% or below and 40 hours if their commission is above 10%. F4s will have 7 numbers (as they are on-call during the weekend). Each of the pay grades will also have different pay calculations which are as follows:

F1 = The total number of hours * 12.15
F2 = (The total number of hours – 35) * 18.95 + 500
F3 = The total sales amount * the commission rate
F4 = The first 5 hourly totals * 26.55 + Any weekend hourly totals (the last 2) * 39.75

Your output to the screen should start with the department name, followed by the total pay for all of the employees, then the total number of hours, and the total number of employees. After that you should have a breakdown of each category of employee: F1 total pay and total hours, F2 total pay and total hours…

Each department will have at least 1 employee and each department will contain the word “Department.”

The IT Department
Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##
Roster: Bill, Bob, Betty, Brandon, Brad 


Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##


The Sales Department
Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##
Roster: Kyle, Tyler, Konner, Sam, Kent


Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##


Before coding your solution, take the time to design the program. What are the possible things that the file can have that you need to anticipate? What are the actions that you need to take (read the file, add up hours…)? Are those actions things that could be placed in separate functions? What about the function – can you guess some of the things that will happen? Such as, using substring to pull out part of a line in the file maybe using stoi to convert a string to an integer to add it to the total or creating variables to hold the employee type you find before passing it to another function. Finally, how are these functions called, what is the order and what information is passed to and from?

Scoring Breakdown

25% program compiles and runs
30% program reads in and calculates the figures for output
10% the program is appropriately commented
35% outputs the correct information in a clear format

5% bonus to those who can output the F# responses in a columned output like that shown above.
5% bonus to those who do a chart comparing the data at the end to show the relation between the pay grades and the amount of salary spent in each (they style of chart is up to you and more points may be given for more difficult charts (like a line chart):


B Department
F1 – 00000000
F2 – 000000
F3 – 00000
F4 – 000000000000

K Department
F1 – 0
F2 – 0000
F3 – 0000000000
F4 – 0000000


Or event something like this instead:

0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
F1 F2 F3 F4

Question: Scholarly abstract of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis(Separate papers of 5 pages each with below requirements in the same order)

Question: Scholarly abstract of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis(Separate papers of 5 pages each with below requirements in the same order)


Each paper should contain the below in the following order:

1. Bibliographic Citation – use the correctly formatted APA(APA7) style citation for the work as the title of your abstract, displaying the full citation in bold font.

2. Author Qualifications – name and qualification of each author conducting the research

3. Research Concern – one paragraph summary of the reason for the overall research topic

4. Research Purpose Statement AND Research Questions or Hypotheses – specific focus of the research

5.Precedent Literature – key literature used in proposing the needed research (not the full bibliography or reference list)

6. Research Methodology – description of the population, sample, and data gathering techniques used in the research

7. Instrumentation – description of the tools used to gather data(surveys, tests, interviews, etc.)

8. Findings – summation of what the research discovered and the types of analysis that were used to describe the findings (tables, figures, and statistical measures)