Programming Languages:

Dear Students, To help you get prepared for the Capstone course, we have decided to make a short list of technologies that were previously used by students in their projects. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with at least two different technologies from each category.

Disclaimer: This is by no means an exhaustive list. These technologies are just a few to get you started thinking about what you might need to develop a typical project in this course.


Tools & Technologies

Programming Languages:

· JAVA, C++, Objective-C, C#, Swift, Python, R

Web Programming Languages & Technologies:

· PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, ASP.NET, GO

· jQuery (a JavaScript library)

· CakePHP (an open-source framework for PHP)

· CodeIgnitor (a powerful PHP framework)

· Laravel (another PHP framework)

· Zend (an object-oriented PHP framework)

· Firebase (offers real-time database, multiple authentication types and hosting platform)

· Ionic (a mobile framework)

· React (Facebook’s Javascript library developed for building user interfaces)

· jQuery Mobile

Frameworks for developing responsive websites:

· Bootstrap (a UI framework)

· AngularJS

· Node.js (server-side framework)

· ExpressJS

· KnockoutJS

· ReactJS

· Ruby on Rails

· Django

Cloud Computing Services:

· Amazon Web Services (AWS)

· Google Cloud Platform

· Microsoft Azure

· IBM Cloud

· Kamatera

Relational Databases:


· SQLite

· PostgreSQL

· SQL Server

· Oracle

NoSQL Databases:

· MongoDB

· Cassandra

· Couchbase

Data formats:




Data Mining, and Machine Learning Algorithms:

· Deep Neural Networks

· Convolutional Neural networks

· Linear Regression

· Decision Trees

· Naive Bayes

· K-Nearest Neighbors






· REST (WS access protocol)

· SOAP (WS access protocol)

Mobile App Development (Languages & tools):

· Languages: Swift (for Apple products), JAVA (for Android development), C#

· Phonegap / Cordova (uses JavaScript, HTML, and CSS)

· Appcelerator (HTML, PHP, and JavaScript)

· MoSync (it supports Eclipse-based IDE for C/ C++ programming)


· Atom: A text editor

· Sublime Text: editor for code and markup with great performance.

· Notepad++

· Visual Studio Code

· Coda 2: A text editor for OS X

· WebStorm: A powerful IDE

· Vim

· Brackets: A modern text editor

· Emacs: An extensible, customizable text editor with built-in functions

· Adobe Dreamweaver (for web development)

Wireframe & Prototyping:

· moqups

· balsamiq

· HotGlue

Other Technologies:

· Blockchain (a decentralized technology behind the cryptocurrency)

· Unity (for game development)

· Encryption & decryption

· OpenCV (for real-time computer vision)

Dear Students, To help you get prepared for the Capstone course,

Dear Students, To help you get prepared for the Capstone course, we have decided to make a short list of technologies that were previously used by students in their projects. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with at least two different technologies from each category.

Disclaimer: This is by no means an exhaustive list. These technologies are just a few to get you started thinking about what you might need to develop a typical project in this course.


Tools & Technologies

Programming Languages:

· JAVA, C++, Objective-C, C#, Swift, Python, R

Web Programming Languages & Technologies:

· PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, ASP.NET, GO

· jQuery (a JavaScript library)

· CakePHP (an open-source framework for PHP)

· CodeIgnitor (a powerful PHP framework)

· Laravel (another PHP framework)

· Zend (an object-oriented PHP framework)

· Firebase (offers real-time database, multiple authentication types and hosting platform)

· Ionic (a mobile framework)

· React (Facebook’s Javascript library developed for building user interfaces)

· jQuery Mobile

Frameworks for developing responsive websites:

· Bootstrap (a UI framework)

· AngularJS

· Node.js (server-side framework)

· ExpressJS

· KnockoutJS

· ReactJS

· Ruby on Rails

· Django

Cloud Computing Services:

· Amazon Web Services (AWS)

· Google Cloud Platform

· Microsoft Azure

· IBM Cloud

· Kamatera

Relational Databases:


· SQLite

· PostgreSQL

· SQL Server

· Oracle

NoSQL Databases:

· MongoDB

· Cassandra

· Couchbase

Data formats:




Data Mining, and Machine Learning Algorithms:

· Deep Neural Networks

· Convolutional Neural networks

· Linear Regression

· Decision Trees

· Naive Bayes

· K-Nearest Neighbors






· REST (WS access protocol)

· SOAP (WS access protocol)

Mobile App Development (Languages & tools):

· Languages: Swift (for Apple products), JAVA (for Android development), C#

· Phonegap / Cordova (uses JavaScript, HTML, and CSS)

· Appcelerator (HTML, PHP, and JavaScript)

· MoSync (it supports Eclipse-based IDE for C/ C++ programming)


· Atom: A text editor

· Sublime Text: editor for code and markup with great performance.

· Notepad++

· Visual Studio Code

· Coda 2: A text editor for OS X

· WebStorm: A powerful IDE

· Vim

· Brackets: A modern text editor

· Emacs: An extensible, customizable text editor with built-in functions

· Adobe Dreamweaver (for web development)

Wireframe & Prototyping:

· moqups

· balsamiq

· HotGlue

Other Technologies:

· Blockchain (a decentralized technology behind the cryptocurrency)

· Unity (for game development)

· Encryption & decryption

· OpenCV (for real-time computer vision)

Start with the following Python code.  

Start with the following Python code.

alphabet = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”

test_dups = [“zzz”,”dog”,”bookkeeper”,”subdermatoglyphic”,”subdermatoglyphics”]

test_miss = [“zzz”,”subdermatoglyphic”,”the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”]

# From Section 11.2 of:

# Downey, A. (2015). Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist. Needham, Massachusetts: Green Tree Press.

def histogram(s):
d = dict()
for c in s:
if c not in d:
d[c] = 1
d[c] += 1
return d

Copy the code above into your program but write all the other code for this assignment yourself. Do not copy any code from another source. 

Part 1 

Write a function called has_duplicates that takes a string parameter and returns True if the string has any repeated characters. Otherwise, it should return False.

Implement has_duplicates by creating a histogram using the histogram function above. Do not use any of the implementations of has_duplicates that are given in your textbook. Instead, your implementation should use the counts in the histogram to decide if there are any duplicates.

Write a loop over the strings in the provided test_dups list. Print each string in the list and whether or not it has any duplicates based on the return value of has_duplicates for that string. For example, the output for “aaa” and “abc” would be the following.

aaa has duplicates
abc has no duplicates

Print a line like one of the above for each of the strings in test_dups.

Part 2 

Write a function called missing_letters that takes a string parameter and returns a new string with all the letters of the alphabet that are not in the argument string. The letters in the returned string should be in alphabetical order.

Your implementation should use a histogram from the histogram function. It should also use the global variable alphabet. It should use this global variable directly, not through an argument or a local copy. It should loop over the letters in alphabet to determine which are missing from the input parameter.

The function missing_letters should combine the list of missing letters into a string and return that string.

Write a loop over the strings in list test_miss and call missing_letters with each string. Print a line for each string listing the missing letters. For example, for the string “aaa”, the output should be the following.

aaa is missing letters bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

If the string has all the letters in alphabet, the output should say it uses all the letters. For example, the output for the string alphabet itself would be the following.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz uses all the letters

Print a line like one of the above for each of the strings in test_miss.

Submit your Python program. It should include the following.

  • The provided code for alphabet, test_dups, test_miss, and histogram.
  • Your implementation of the has_duplicates function.
  • A loop that outputs duplicate information for each string in test_dups.
  • Your implementation of the missing_letters function.
  • A loop that outputs missing letters for each string in test_miss.

Also submit the output from running your program.

Your submission will be assessed using the following Aspects.

  1. Does the program include a function called has_duplicates that takes a string parameter and returns a boolean?
  2. Does the has_duplicates function call the histogram function?
  3. Does the program include a loop over the strings in test_dups that calls has_duplicate on each string?
  4. Does the program correctly identify whether each string in test_dups has duplicates?
  5. Does the program include a function called missing_letters that takes a string parameter and returns a string?
  6. Does the missing_letters function call the histogram function?
  7. Does the missing_letters function use the alphabet global variable directly?
  8. Does the program include a loop over the strings in test_miss that calls missing_letters on each string?
  9. Does the program correctly identify the missing letters for each string in test_miss, including each string that “uses all the letters”?

Encapsulate the following Python code in a function named my_sqrt that takes a as a parameter, chooses a starting value for x, and returns an estimate of the square root of a. 

Part 1

Encapsulate the following Python code in a function named my_sqrt that takes a as a parameter, chooses a starting value for x, and returns an estimate of the square root of a.

while True:
y = (x + a/x) / 2.0
if y == x:
x = y

Part 2

Write a function named test_sqrt that prints a table like the following using a while loop, where “diff” is the absolute value of the difference between my_sqrt(a) and math.sqrt(a).

a = 1 | my_sqrt(a) = 1 | math.sqrt(a) = 1.0 | diff = 0.0
a = 2 | my_sqrt(a) = 1.41421356237 | math.sqrt(a) = 1.41421356237 | diff = 2.22044604925e-16
a = 3 | my_sqrt(a) = 1.73205080757 | math.sqrt(a) = 1.73205080757 | diff = 0.0
a = 4 | my_sqrt(a) = 2.0 | math.sqrt(a) = 2.0 | diff = 0.0
a = 5 | my_sqrt(a) = 2.2360679775 | math.sqrt(a) = 2.2360679775 | diff = 0.0
a = 6 | my_sqrt(a) = 2.44948974278 | math.sqrt(a) = 2.44948974278 | diff = 0.0
a = 7 | my_sqrt(a) = 2.64575131106 | math.sqrt(a) = 2.64575131106 | diff = 0.0
a = 8 | my_sqrt(a) = 2.82842712475 | math.sqrt(a) = 2.82842712475 | diff = 4.4408920985e-16
a = 9 | my_sqrt(a) = 3.0 | math.sqrt(a) = 3.0 | diff = 0.0

Modify your program so that it outputs lines for a values from 1 to 25 instead of just 1 to 9.

You should submit a script file and a plain text output file (.txt) that contains the test output. Multiple file uploads are permitted.

Your submission will be assessed using the following Aspects.

  1. Does the submission include a my_sqrt function that takes a single argument and includes the while loop from the instructions?
  2. Does the my_sqrt function initialize x and return its final value?
  3. Does the test_sqrt function print a values from 1 to 25?
  4. Does the test_sqrt function print the values returned by my_sqrt for each value of a?
  5. Does the test_sqrt function print correct values from math.sqrt for each value of a?
  6. Does the test_sqrt function print the absolute value of the differences between my_sqrt and math.sqrt for each value of a?
  7. Does the my_sqrt function compute values that are almost identical to math.sqrt (“diff” less than 1e-14)?

For this module, we’ll be fleshing out your work from previous weeks to complete a rough draft of your final project.

For this module, we’ll be fleshing out your work from previous weeks to complete a rough draft of your final project. You have already identified your topic and the social media choices for your project, and done research on comparable brands or sites.

Now it’s time to get it all ready. This week, you should spend more time researching comparable options on your social media choices. Then it’s time to put it together!

First, you should put together your overview of the project. This starts with the description of your business or brand. Write about what it is and what you want for it, and add the research you have found on comparable businesses or brands. Then what are the goals you have for the business or brand? What are your general goals with social media for it? What audience are you aiming to reach?

Now on to the social media aspect of the project. If you have a real business, brand, or site to work on, you can start by putting the site profiles into the 4 social media sites you’ve chosen (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Screenshots will work for these that you have really made. If you don’t really have a business or brand, you do not need to create faux profiles. However, you should write the information you would include in your profile for each one.

Then, for each social media site, write about your goal for that site, how you will accomplish them, and some ideas for posts or pins. Who is your audience? When and where can you best reach them? How can you really use social media to work for you?

This project should have at least 1-2 pages for your overview and then approximately 1-2 pages per social media site. So the draft will be 5 – 10 pages long.

There will be the option to present your project to your instructor and class next week in the live classroom, so begin thinking about if this is something you’d like to do.

ALA format















HealthPert Mobile Application

Robert Jamerson

Rasmussen College

HealthPert Mobile Application

Brief Outline regarding HealthPert Mobile Application

I. Background Information

· “HealthPert” as a term comes from the words “Health” and “Expert”.

· HealthPert therefore means that it means an expert in health.

· Health experts are always on the forefront to support health among patients in the society.

· HealthPert is an expert in the medical field trying to create a positive health background among patients.

· HealthPert is a mobile application working through android, iOS, and Windows Operating Systems.

· Additionally, HealthPert will also have a website through which individuals will be able to access information relating to the well-being of patients.

II. Functionalities of HealthPert

· HealthPert will link friends and families with their members through a health expert platform.

· HealthPert will ensure that family members and friends are able to acquire updates relating to the health status of their members.

· A patient will provide friends and family members with permission to check about their health progress.

· Concerning health progress, the app will have information about weight, height, lifestyle diseases, progress of treatments/diagnosis, and development of health.

· A family and friends may make comments on how their members and acquaintances may improve their health.

· In case one has an attack (may be stroke/heart), he/she may press the alert button which will show the location of the patient for easy access.

· When the alert button is pressed, it means that a person will be able to call the key person on the phone.

· Also, the alert button will provide the possibility of ensuring that a text is sent as a reminder that the person is in danger of losing a life/whether the person has already acquired medical assistance.

· HealthPert is connected to the primary care giver of the patient and the communication will be between the ambulatory service, family members/friends, and the patient.

· Therefore, HealthPert will be instrumental in saving a life when it comes to facilitating its communication.

III. Advantages of the Application

· Individuals lose their lives when they are not in communication with their loved ones.

· HealthPert allows patients and their family/members to form a health club for them to have the capacity to ensure continuous assistance to each other.

· HealthPert will save costs of treatment because it will allow patients to fund raise when it comes to the health of their members.

Similar Brands Relating to HealthPert

The market possesses apps that focus on the family and health issue. The one with the same similarities of the HealthPert App includes the following: CareZone and WildFlower. The similarities in the applications is that they focus on the well-being of family members and allows care to occur continuously throughout the year. Family members have the opportunity to create an impact on each other’s health without the involvement of hospitals at all times. The apps are also available on the worldwide web since it is one of the most sought-after platforms in the international business community. The situation has influenced the members of the public to receive health benefits and assistance with much ease.

Social Media Sites for the HealthPert

The social media platforms that are instrumental in sharing data belonging to HealthPert in this case comprise of the following:

· Facebook

· Twitter

· Instagram

· LinkedIn

· Pinterest

Re-create at least 1 visual aid from Tufte’s article that you believe would better describe the dangers surrounding the launch.

APA formated document, describing the specific aspects from the Challenger accident that helps us better understand the importance of effective data visualization.

Also, complete the following activity:

  • Re-create at least 1 visual aid from Tufte’s article that you believe would better describe the dangers surrounding the launch.
  • Expound upon Richard Feynman’s congressional investigation and articulate a better argument as to the cause of the accident.
  • What did you learn from this case study?

Project Description:

Project Description:

See textbook page 122

Chapter 2: Array Based Structures

Programming Exercises 21 (Code an application program that keeps track of student information at your college…)


  • One project report in the form of PDF
  • One separate zip folder which contains all the source codes (java preferred.)
  • ONLY ONE group member submits the files on behalf of the whole group.


  • Report: In the project report, please illustrate what the project is about, what operations you have implemented, and what the testing results are. Both text and pictures should be used to show the running results. Include the names of all team members clearly and contributions of each. (The contributions of all team members will be assumed to be equal by default.) The structure of the report should be clear and organized.(20%)
  • Code: Check whether all operations have been successfully implemented. Check whether the code is commented appropriately and structured well. (80%)

senior Project course starting


I have a senior Project course starting august 28th 2019 – December 15th 2019.

I need help with this course from start to end. I will attach a document my professor sent me on what to expect to work with for the course projects….PLEASE DON’T BID IF YOU CANT HELP OR KNOW COMPUTER SCIENCE.. 

Thank you.

understanding of advanced functions, parameter passing, and local variables.


  1. Convert the following C++ program into an x86 assembly language program.
    Make sure to use your “Chapter 8” understanding of advanced functions, parameter passing, and local variables.
    Post ONLY your ASM file here to Blackboard when complete.#include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int IsSemifauxtrifactored(int value)
        // Return 1 if a number’s factors/divisors from (value – 1) to 1 sum up to half the number value
        // Return 0 otherwise

        // A number is called “semifauxtrifactored” if its summed factors/divisors equal half the number itself
        // Integer division is used, so remainders on the halving can be lost
        // That’s why…

        // 9 is a semifauxtrifactored number
        // 9 cut in half with integer division is (9 / 2) = 4
        // 9 % 8 -> 1
        // 9 % 7 -> 2
        // 9 % 6 -> 3
        // 9 % 5 -> 4
        // 9 % 4 -> 1
        // 9 % 3 -> 0   FACTOR!
        // 9 % 2 -> 1  
        // 9 % 1 -> 0   FACTOR!
        // 9 is a semifauxtrifactored number since its factors (1 + 3) equal half the number (4)

        // 6 is a normal number
        // 6 cut in half with integer division is (6 / 2) = 3
        // 6 % 5 -> 1
        // 6 % 4 -> 2
        // 6 % 3 -> 0   FACTOR!
        // 6 % 2 -> 0   FACTOR!  
        // 6 % 1 -> 0   FACTOR!
        // 6 is a normal number since its factors (1 + 2 + 3) do not equal half the number (3)

    int main()
        cout << “Enter a value: “;
        int value;
        cin >> value;
        value = IsSemifauxtrifactored(value);
        if (value == 1)
    cout << “The number is semifauxtrifactored!”;
    cout << “The number is normal”;

        cout << endl;