Information Systems Review

4/16/23, 4:43 PM Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review… 1/4

Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review 4/16/2023

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Information Systems Review Review the attached Case Analysis & Trend Report #7-Information Systems Review document and complete the following:

1. Submit your analysis in a minimum one-page word document 2. Submit your revised system’s diagram as a PDF or a screen capture (pic file)

I303-Case Analysis & Trend Report #7-Information Systems Review.pdf (

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4/16/23, 4:43 PM Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review… 2/4

Report + Diagram

Criteria Ratings Pts

Content view longer description / 15 pts

Development view longer description / 15 pts

Organization view longer description / 5 pts

15 to >12 pts Full Marks

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in- depth analysis and evidence of original thought and support for the topic.

12 to >8 pts Above Average

Content indicates original thinking and develops ideas with sufficient and firm evidence

8 to >4 pts Average

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas.

4 to >0 pts Below Average

Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdevel oped and unoriginal.

0 pts No Marks

Content underdevel oped and unoriginal.

15 to >12 pts Full Marks

The main points well developed with high- quality support. Reveals a high degree of critical thinking.

12 to >8 pts Above Average

The main points well developed with quality supporting details. Critical thinking is weaved into points

8 to >4 pts Average

Main points are present with limited detail and developmen t. Some critical thinking is present.

4 to >0 pts Below Average

Main points lack detailed developmen t. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.

0 pts No Marks

No detailed developmen t. Ideas with little evidence of critical thinking.

5 to >3 pts Full Marks

The analysis shows a high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points. Unity clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thought regarding the topic.

3 to >0 pts Average

The analysis is coherent and logically organized. Some points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. Transitions evident but not used throughout the analysis.

0 pts No Marks

No logical organization present. Serious errors throughout, with no coherent unity.


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4/16/23, 4:43 PM Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review… 3/4

Choose a submission type

Report + Diagram

Criteria Ratings Pts

Grammar, Mechanics, Style/Format view longer description

/ 5 pts

Diagram view longer description / 10 pts

Total Points: 0

5 to >3 pts Full Marks

The analysis is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absence of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. Shows outstanding style going beyond usual college level; rhetorical devices and tone used effectively. Meets formatting requirements with evidence of attention to detail; all margins, spacing, and indentations are correct; the analysis is neat and correctly assembled with a professional look. Sources properly cited.

3 to >0 pts Average

Most spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct allowing reader to progress through the analysis. Some errors remain. Approaches college level usage of some variety in sentence patterns, diction, and rhetorical devices. Generally correct margins, spacing, and indentations; the analysis is neat but may have some assembly errors. Sources cited.

0 pts No Marks

Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors create a distraction, making reading difficult; fragments, comma splices, run-ons evident. Errors are frequent. Mostly in elementary form with little or no variety in sentence structure, diction, rhetorical devices, or emphasis. The neatness of the analysis needs attention, along with formatting.

10 to >0 pts Critique of diagram understanding

Understands and interprets information correctly and systematically.

0 pts No Marks

Diagram insufficient/or missing from the assignment.

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Information Assurance

CS-465/565 Information Assurance


Dr. Chuck Cartledge

December 31, 2022


List of Figures 1

1 Introduction 1

2 Background 2

3 Assignment 2

4 Deliverable 4

5 References 7

List of Figures

1 The process of risk management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Never under estimate human errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1 Introduction

“Information assurance is ensuring that your information is where you want it, when you want it, in the condition that you need it and available to those that want to have access to it – but only them.”

Blyth and Kovacich [3]

You will be taking on the role of Chief Information Assurance Officer (CIAO) in a small manufacturing company ABC Inc. Recently ABC’s internal network was compromised and administrative and financial operations were curtailed for a few weeks. You have been tasked with creating a set of information assurance (IA) policies and procedures to reduce the risk of company disruption and of internal proprietary information being compromised again. Your initial deliverable will be a report about what happened, some of the apparent consequences of the breach, and policies and procedures to be put in place to reduce the likelihood of future incidents.



2 Background

ABC is a manufacturing company employing approximately 1,000 people. It has a logically segmented network with financial, and administrative on one segment, and engineering and manufacturing processes on another segment. The administrative segment can be thought of as the information technology (IT) side, and the engineering and manufacturing segment can be thought of as operational technology (OT). Both share a common infrastructure, connected by a custom enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The IT segment is responsible for the accounts receivable and accounts payable aspects of the company (essentially those functions that control the flow of money into and out of the company). Employees have personalized e-mail addresses to facilitate both internal and external communications. ABC was subject to a ransomware threat, and was unable to bill its customers, or pay its vendors for 3 weeks.

In house technical support staff was anxious to restore, or recreate a working infrastructure, but upper management decided it would be faster and more through to bring in experts. Outside cyber-security support was brought in to help resolve the situation.

A post-mortem investigation revealed an administrative support employee received an e-mail from what appeared to be a valid source with an Excel spreadsheet attachment. Within 4 minutes of opening the spreadsheet a version of a Zloader[2] began harvesting logins and passwords. Three weeks passed between the time Zloader was installed, and the financial and administrative system was locked down with ransomware demands. The presence of Ryuk[6] ransomware related files were found on more than 40 computers on the ABC IT network. The engineering segment and the manufacturing programmable logic controllers (PLC) activities were not apparently impacted1.

With the support of the cyber-security organization, all suspicious, or compromised files were removed from ABC’s network, computers, servers, and backups, and full company activities resumed.

3 Assignment

As the incoming CIAO, you are tasked with writing a detailed report about the incident, its consequences, and detailed measures to prevent a recurrence. With that in mind:

1. Assume that this report will be submitted to your new boss. Your continued employment depends on the objectivity, and thoroughness of your investigation.

2. With self preservation in mind; there should be:

(a) A summary of what happened.

(b) A background section outlining ABC’s commercial responsibilities, intellectual properties, strate- gic and corporate alliances, and a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the network infrastructure.

(c) What were the consequences of what happened?

(d) A vulnerability assessment of the company’s assets and ability to function (i.e., perform services, charge for services, receive payment for services, and pay for services). Label each as to whether they are critical, essential, or ancillary to the company’s operation. Remember the goal of IA is the assurance of services, including: • integrity, • availability, • confidentiality, and • non-repudiation.

(e) A threat matrix risk based based on your vulnerability assessment (see Figure 1).

(f) A recommended company communications plan (make sure to address both internal and external communications).

(g) How will you ensure that it won’t happen again?




Figure 1: The process of risk management. Figure from [3].




The report is for ABC internal use only, and deals strictly with IA issues. The content of internal and external data and communication, and how such things were used, is not part of the report.

Because this is a fictionalized company based on real experiences, not all data will be available at the time of the report, you may use a certain amount of creative license when writing the report. Be sure to cite things that are available via a reference, this includes books, publications, blogs, etc. Keeping in mind that each type of reference is formatted differently. Where you believe there are blanks in the citable references, you may be creative about filling them in. Your creativity should be bounded by reasonableness, possibility, and state of the art practicality. The COVID-19 pandemic has made IA especially vexing[4]. Your recommendations need to address “working from home.”

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

M. Twain [7]

Be sure to couch your recommendations using the risk management ideas from chapters 3 and 11 of the text, recognizing that human error (see Figure 2) is a real and always present danger.

4 Deliverable

CS-465/565 is a senior/graduate student course. As such, the expectation is that you are capable of producing senior/graduate level work products. The course project is one of those work products.

The current paper formatting instructions say the references (and by association the citations) should be in either American Psychological Association (APA), or Modern Language Association (MLA) style. The instructions do not explicitly talk about the rest of the paper. The rest of the paper should be in the same style (APA, or MLA) as the references and the citations. Either APA, or MLA is acceptable. Each comes with its own set of recommendations for page layout, headers and footers, line spacing, page numbering, font selection, and the simple things of citations and references.

Here are some general places to look for information about the different styles:

• APA:

• MLA:

Here are some general words about different word and text processors relative to APA and MLA:

• LATEX has APA and MLA packages See these sites for packages:



• LibreOffice writer does not appear to have APA, or MLA templates installed by default. See these sites for templates:



• Word has APA and MLA built-in styles for references and citations. See these sites for templates:


1PLCs were the target of the Stuxnet worm.





The report must be submitted as a PDF, and needs to meet the following physical and logical require- ments:

1. Between 10 – 15 pages (not including front matter, back matter, or figures from other sources). Front matter includes things like title page, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, etc. Back matter includes things like references or appendices.

2. Minimum page counts:

• CS-465 students – 10 pages

• CS-565 students – 15 pages

3. If you include tables or figures, then they must be referenced in the text. Remember that tables and figures need captions, and that the captions show up in the front matter. Captions can be as long or large as necessary, but long captions should not show up in the table of contents. (For those of with a LATEX bend, you might want to check out the optional argument to the caption macro.)

4. Use your word, or text processor to create the front and back matter. It is easy to tell when someone has tried to do it by hand, so please don’t.

5. You can use whatever resources you feel are appropriate, just be sure to cite them.

6. Spell out abbreviations before using them.

7. Be consistent when capitalizing acronyms (Arm 6= ARM).

8. Spell check, spell check, and then spell check again.

9. If your word or text processor does not save files natively as PDFs (meaning that you have to “export”, or “print” them), be sure and look at the file in an external reader (Adobe Acrobat is probably the best). Not all internet browsers implement all aspects of the PDF specification, so check your product with a real reader to see what it looks like.

10. Be sure to address each of the line items identified in the Assignment section, and make it easy for me to find them. A suggestion is to have each item be a section or chapter that stands proud in the Table of Contents.

11. It is very easy to “jigger” the page count by “diddling” the font size, the font type, line spacing, and what not. Please don’t do any of those silly things, it won’t help. One of the first things that I will do with your PDF is run it through a command like this:

echo ‘‘scale=2; p̀dftotext project.pfd – | wc -ẁ / 250’’ | bc

which will extract the text from the PDF file, and then count the number of words in the file. Assuming there are approximately 1,000 characters per double spaced page, and that a word has on average 4 to 5 characters, then there should be about 200 and 250 words per page. Tossing out some of those words for the front and end matters, gives a range of words (and pages) in the PDF.




Figure 2: Never under estimate human errors. A human will find a way to thwart the best laid plans (figure from [5]). “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” from [1].




5 References

[1] Robert a Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973.

[2] Greg Belding, Zloader: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it, https://resources.

malware-spotlight/, 2020.

[3] Andrew Blyth and Gerald Kovacich, Information Assurance, Security in the Information Environment, Springer-Verlag Ltd, London, 2006.

[4] Sean Gallagher, Dr. Strangenet – or, how i stopped worrying and embraced the WFH IT apocalypse,, 2020.

[5] John Klossner, Untitled,

wktpnx3p7sqi73aj18g1fglmbswg92, 2006.

[6] Malwarebytes Staff, Ryuk ransomware,, 2021.

[7] Mark Twain, Following the equator: a journey around the world, Harper & Brothers, 1903.



Please the most important for me is question 2 ( system’s diagram) .  You can use or another application you are most familiar with to draw. 

please see attached files for instructions:

-Attachment 1 is the assignment instructions

-Attachment 2 is the study case.

  1. Submit your analysis in a minimum one-page word document
  2. Submit your revised system’s diagram as a PDF or a screen capture (pic file)

Please the most important for me is question 2 ( system’s diagram) .  You can use or another application you are most familiar with to draw.

NB: I need this assignment done in the next 24 hours.

HFA Desktop Migration: Corporate PC Refresh Documentation

Source: UMGC

HFA Desktop Migration: Corporate PC Refresh Documentation

Background Information

HFA Associates User Profiles, Existing Desktop Computer Specifications,

and Requirements Analysis

HFA Associates User Profiles

Common Users Super Users

Common users are

goal- oriented and focus on

what they want to

accomplish. They may not

understand nor care about the technology and

software used but just

want to type a document,

send an email, or use

the internet. These users

need basic machines with office productivity

software, a web browser,

and other common

programs associated with

the average business

machine. are goal- oriented

and focus on what they want to accomplish. They

may not understand nor

care about the technology

and software used but just

want to type a document,

send an email, or use the internet. These users

need basic machines with

office productivity

software, a web browser,

and other common

programs associated with the average business


Creative users are application-

oriented and have the

training and experience to

employ expensive purpose-

built and often complex software. They are typically

computer-savvy because

using these complex

applications requires them

to know the technology at

a level beyond goal- oriented users. Creatives

require capable machines

with better-than-average

processors and memory,

and a high-DPI display.

Coders use the most

advanced features of their

computer hardware and

operating systems to

develop specific HFA workflows, applications,

and websites. Coders are

characterized by a high

degree of technological

competence. These users

require highly specialized programming utilities and

applications, and the most

capable, innovative

machines with

multiple/fast processors,

substantial amounts of

memory, and multiple high- resolution displays.

HFA Associates Existing Desktop Computer Specifications

Common Creatives and Coders

Course Resource



Common Creatives and Coders

Number: 40 10

Processor: Intel I3 Dual Core Intel I5 Dual Core

Memory: 4 GB 8 GB

Graphics: HD HD+

Storage: 3.5″ 7,200 RPM 500 GB HDD 3.5″ 7,200 RPM 1 TB HDD

Applications: Office 2013, Microsoft

Internet Explorer

Adobe Illustrator, CLO Enterprise

Edition, ApparelMagic Enterprise Edition, Safari

All users require the capability to add external peripheral via fast USB connections and/or the latest

Bluetooth standard. Additionally, all computing devices must be physically secured against theft. You

should include warranty, support, antivirus, and office/mobility accessories. Consider if

external monitors are appropriate to the user profile. All users should be afforded the capability to

quickly disconnect from the office environment.

Management made a business decision to standardize on two configurations. Thus, the Creative and

Coder user types will receive the same machines. You should ensure that both groups of users’

requirements are satisfied. Note: You are not required to include purchase recommendations on

software applications.

HFA Associates Minimum Requirements Analysis

Common Creatives and Coders

Number: 40 10

Processor: Intel I3 Dual Core Intel I5 Dual Core

Memory: 4 GB 8 GB

Graphics: HD HD+

Storage: 256GB SSD 500GB SSD and additional storage

Applications: Microsoft Office, Internet


Adobe Illustrator, CLO Enterprise Edition, ApparelMagic Enterprise

Edition, Internet Browsers

Proposal Requirements

Section 1: PC Purchase Research

Using the background information above, research a PC purchase meeting all HFA

Associates’ requirements at the best price:

Purchase of 50 new PCs to replace all existing employee desktops with laptops.

Consider external/multiple monitors.



Consider additional peripherals via USB 3.0 and Bluetooth.

Consider physical security mechanisms.

Consider the capability to allow users to quickly disconnect in the office environment.

Section 2: PC Purchase Recommendation

Using an online configuration/customization tool, build out your recommended PC purchase. Use a tool

from one of HFA’s three preferred vendors:

Dell (

Lenovo (

HP (

As you formulate your recommendation, follow these general guidelines:

Add the recommended build to a cart or quotation:

Ensure your configuration includes the estimated cost per machine

Using the vendor’s “comparison” feature can be helpful

Use the “build your own” or configure options

Build your configuration. Proceed to the shopping cart/other stage to view the result:

Enter “first name last name CMIT 202 xxxx Semester Year,” where xxxx is the section number

and semester is the UMGC term (example: CMIT 202 6380 Spring 2021) into the coupons form


Note: Do not click on “apply coupon” and do not submit the cart!

Print the pages to PDF (ensure the headers/footers are on)

In your proposal:

Include warranty, support, antivirus, and accessories.

Add the recommended build to a cart or quotation.

Enter “first name last name cmit 202 xxx” where xxxx is the section number (example: 6380) into

the coupons form area. Do not click on apply coupon and do not submit the cart!

Print the pages to PDF (ensure the headers/footers are on) and upload the image to the assignment

folder along with your report.

Ensure you have included a cost estimate.

For Reference

Configurator Example from Dell (


Configurator Example from HP (


Configurator Example from Lenovo (


© 2023 University of Maryland Global Campus

All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or integrity of information located

at external sites.


How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

I must be sure this is done very professionally without filler words but instead working technical knowledge. Also, the quote for all upgrades and accessories will be in the configurator as per the examples shown in the request. Please review all instructions thoroughly to ensure you know everything needed.


How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

For this assignment, you are asked by your manager to research the replacement of 50 aging desktop machines with new laptops. Review the business needs of your manager carefully so that you fully appreciate the requirements you must address in selecting the new laptops.

For example, what is significant about the need for “multiple external monitors”? Ask yourself what it takes to connect a laptop to external monitors. What ports are included on your recommended laptop? What kind of cables are required? Can those ports/cables be used with the external monitors? Does the laptop have sufficient graphics capabilities to drive external displays, and if so, how many and at what resolution? Follow this same process for all business needs.

By documenting your choices and the overall recommendation in an effective background report, you are showing how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. Your ability to express your findings using the right mix of technical detail in a business context is a critical workplace skill.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.

1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.

1.4.3: Write concise and logical sentences in standard academic English that clarify relationships among concepts and ideas.

2.1.2: Describe the context surrounding the issue or problem.

2.3.3: Explain inferences and deductions that follow logically from the evidence provided.

10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.

13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.

13.2.1: Evaluate vendor recommendations in the context of organization requirements.

This project is a three- to four-page business-oriented proposal that should contain the following:

  • at least one high-quality graphic
  • one or more tables to present information
  • at least one online configurator
  • your purchase recommendations, specifications, and justification for your choice
  • one to two IEEE references

If you didn’t download it last week, download the Desktop Migration Proposal Resources now and follow the instructions in the document.

Delete the instructional text from the template before you submit it.

Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast? 

Answers the question: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast?  Why or why not?” Understand that this post is an intersection of Theology and Technology question. You cannot answer this post without considering both.
Technology can be used for good. Think of all medical devices that have saved countless lives over the decades.
Technology can also be used for evil. Think of how technology can be used to manufacture biological weapons and mind-altering drugs or to facilitate kidnapping, human trafficking, and even murder.
In the hands of good people, any technological device can be used for good.  In the hands of evil people, the same device can be used for evil.  Thus, it is true for RFIDs.
Some people have suggested different uses for RFIDs, including the tracking of humans through the use of chip implants beneath the skin.  For all of the benefits that this potentially brings, could there be hidden dangers as well? Some people have likened embedded RFIDs in humans to the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:17 (NIV): “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
You will find countless resources by An Internet search on topics like:

  •     End time Prophecy and RFID
  •     Is RFID the Mark of the Beast
  •     Technology as the Mark of the Beast

given Global Health Organizations is SAVE THE CHILDREN.

given Global Health Organizations is SAVE THE CHILDREN.

Your individual presentation can include up to 8 powerpoint slides about ” SAVE THE CHILDREN” organization plus a title slide and slide with the reference list in APA format. You will be graded on completeness of the information, visual quality of your slides (with maps, photos, charts, graphs, etc.), as well as the overall content and professionalism of your presentation.

Your presentation should include the following:
• Organization mission/goals
• History (established when and by whom, where, etc.) & current leadership
• Main focus (health problem, geographical focus, target populations, etc.)
• Funding (annual budget, operating costs, where money goes, who funds, etc.)
• Main programs (some examples)
• Examples of successes, or anything controversial, interesting/useful

population health

According to Kindig and Stoddart (2003), population health is the health outcomes of a group of individuals. While some perspectives consider population health as only the distribution of such health outcomes within the group, there are others who are concerned with social and environmental factors, policies, and interventions as indicators of population health. As a health care professional, some combination of both is likely how you will address the factors and distribution of the health outcomes with a given population.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate how your skill in population health can improve individuals’ health outcomes through improved care. This happens by analyzing approaches to connecting public health and the health care system.

Create a 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you:

  • Compare at least 3 countries’ health care systems.
  • Compare each country’s approach to connecting population health and the health care system.
  • Explain lessons learned from past population health issues.
  • Identify trends in population health.

references according to APA guidelines.

Describe the vulnerable population you chose and explain why this group faces health inequity.

Research a vulnerable population (inner city, rural area, or developing nation). In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, evaluate the environmental health issues facing the chosen population, and propose strategies to promote health through environmental stewardship. Include the following:

  1. Describe the vulnerable population you chose and explain why this group faces health inequity.
  2. Describe the environmental health issue affecting this population: What caused the issue or what was the environmental exposure linked to the environmental health issue negatively influencing the public health of this population? Discuss the correlating public health issues. Identify one or more surveillance reports, provide morbidity and mortality rates, and explain the burden of disease from the environmental exposure.
  3. Evaluate current policy as it relates to the promotion of public health, health equity, and environmental stewardship. What changes need to be made, or what policies need to be implemented, to improve public health and health equity through environmental stewardship. Discuss the policymaking process, including shared decision making that must occur to create functional policy. Include the roles of ethical evidence-based decision making in this process. Consider Health in All Policies as you complete the evaluation and make recommendations.
  4. Discuss what is currently being done through local policy to address the environmental health issue, as well as the health of the community. Evaluate the effectiveness of these efforts. Consider aid given, models implemented, and private-public partnerships promoting health and environmental stewardship.
  5. Introduce a community design to further address the environmental health issue and improve public health through long-term environmental stewardship. Include renewable and sustainable resources.
  6. Identify stakeholders necessary for implementation of the proposed strategies/community design. Include community members, local and federal government, global organizations, organizations offering aid, and faith-based and other nonprofit organizations, etc.

You are required to cite five to seven sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Research a vulnerable population

Research a vulnerable population (inner city, rural area, or developing nation). In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, evaluate the environmental health issues facing the chosen population, and propose strategies to promote health through environmental stewardship. Include the following: Describe the vulnerable population you chose and explain why this group faces health inequity. Describe the environmental health issue affecting this population: What caused the issue or what was the environmental exposure linked to the environmental health issue negatively influencing the public health of this population? Discuss the correlating public health issues. Identify one or more surveillance reports, provide morbidity and mortality rates, and explain the burden of disease from the environmental exposure. Evaluate current policy as it relates to the promotion of public health, health equity, and environmental stewardship. What changes need to be made, or what policies need to be implemented, to improve public health and health equity through environmental stewardship. Discuss the policymaking process, including shared decision making that must occur to create functional policy. Include the roles of ethical evidence-based decision making in this process. Consider Health in All Policies as you complete the evaluation and make recommendations. Discuss what is currently being done through local policy to address the environmental health issue, as well as the health of the community. Evaluate the effectiveness of these efforts. Consider aid given, models implemented, and private-public partnerships promoting health and environmental stewardship. Introduce a community design to further address the environmental health issue and improve public health through long-term environmental stewardship. Include renewable and sustainable resources. Identify stakeholders necessary for implementation of the proposed strategies/community design. Include community members, local and federal government, global organizations, organizations offering aid, and faith-based and other nonprofit organizations, etc. You are required to cite five to seven sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide