Given your own chosen research topic being “does obesity cause depression”,  which specific NIH center, institute or office do you think your research will fall under? Why do you think so?



Step 1:

In the body of your message, post your answers/comments to the following 4 questions.

1.  (1 point)  Review the following website that lists all NIH centers, institutes, and offices: (Links to an external site.) Given your own chosen research topic being “does obesity cause depression”,  which specific NIH center, institute or office do you think your research will fall underWhy do you think so?

2.  (1 point)  Now click on the link to the NIH center/institute/office that you’ve identified in question 1.  Within that website there should a specific link to their grant funding page (it may be called “Funding”, “Grant funding”, “Grants & Funding”, “Research & Funding” — essentially it would most likely have the word “funding” or “grants”). Explore that funding page. In there, find the specific page that provides information or announcements on current funding opportunities. Please write the URL to that specific funding opportunity or funding announcement page here: ______________. Feel free to provide any descriptions or your own clarifications on that webpage.

3.  (1 point)  For the sample topic that I use, I found this specific funding announcement: (Links to an external site.). Look over this announcement. If I were to apply for it, how much funding does this particular opportunity provide and for how many years?

4.  (1 point)  Overall, what are your impressions about the scope, magnitude, and seriousness of our NIH grant funding system?

public health and Epidemiology.

1 hour tutoring session. Saturday for a timed assignment must have considerable knowledge in public health and Epidemiology. Please answer this to be considered.

Define the  following frequency measure terms As it relates to epidemiology in 1-3 sentences

  1. Ratio
  2. Proportion
  3. Rate

Final Practicum Presentation Draft


Final Practicum Presentation Draft

The MPH Practicum course project is the culminating assignment for your last practicum course. This project demonstrates your research, application, and synthesis of your chosen public health issue or problem, agency needs, or client and community problems.

Further, you will reflect on and synthesize your experiences during your practice immersion and offer recommendations for further insight into advanced public health practice in your chosen area of interest. The final product should be a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation.


  • Draft a PowerPoint presentation to submit to your instructor for feedback and guidance to inform your Unit 9 Final Practicum Presentation.
  • Use the following section headings in your PowerPoint Presentation; please note that you may have multiple slides under each heading:
    • Title Page.
    • Table of Contents.
    • Abstract.
    • Introduction.
    • Issue or Problem (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH5921, Unit 2).
    • Target Population (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH 5921, Unit 2).
    • Interventions.
    • Implementation Procedures.
    • Results and Outcomes.
    • Recommendations.
    • References.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Discuss your practicum agency characteristics, including the public health needs and capacities of the population served.
    • Define public health needs and capacities.
  2. Analyze the social issue or community problem as well as community assets and capacities and relate these aspects to public health goals addressed in your practicum project.
    • Define the social issue or community problem.
    • Define the community assets and capacities.
    • Discuss the role you served in understanding the formal and informal networks, organizations, systems, and procedures.
    • Describe your practicum site’s ability to approach the community so community members feel engaged and valued, and diversity is respected.
  3. Analyze your target population and the insights gained concerning gender, race, poverty, history, migration, and culture when working toward health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels.
    • Discuss how these determinants undermine health and create challenges.
    • Discuss inclusive ways to achieve health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.
  4. Discuss your practicum intervention to the identified problem relating to any theories applied by your site for other interventions or prevention services.
    • Define public health interventions.
    • Discuss theories that support public health interventions.
  5. Discuss how you have applied a socioecological framework to the development of population-based intervention strategies to improve health and reduce inequities for the population you are serving.
    • Define socioecological framework.
    • Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based interventions.
    • Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based intervention evaluations.
  6. Discuss how your practicum agency compares to other local, national, and international agencies relative to structure, systems, and public health practices.
    • Define the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.
    • Provide examples of the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.
  7. Analyze the systems-thinking or building tools you employed at your practicum site.
    • Define systems-thinking or building tools.
    • Describe how you have used these tools to influence the community’s health behaviors to address health disparities or public health concerns.
    • Describe the reasons these tools benefited the community.
  8. Write following APA style for in-text citations and references.
    • Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.
    • Apply the principles of effective composition.
    • Describe any professional and scholarly resources: primarily peer-reviewed journal articles, government Web sites, and experiences gained in the practicum.
  9. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
    • Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.
    • Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 15 slides minimum, plus title and reference slides.
  • Font: Follow typographic and style guidelines such as those provided in Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX], linked in Resources.
  • References: Cite at least fifteen references from peer-reviewed journals and primary Web sites in addition to your text.
  • Format: Follow current edition APA style and formatting for citations and references.


Power Point Presentation Grading Rubric

1 Power Point Presentation Grading Rubric

AHS 619: Spring 2020 Power Point Presentation Grading Rubric 60 total possible points

Power Point Presentation Exceptional Acceptable Fair Poor

1. Content (50%)

Score: ______ Out of 40 pts.

(37-40pts) Abundance of points presented. Content relevant & excellent. Emphasis appropriate for target audience. Convincing for audience. Evidence of critical thinking.

(35-36 pts) Sufficient info given, many good points, but not in- depth. Somewhat convincing argument for stakeholders. Good amt of insight. Uses some critical thinking.

(22-34 pts) Adequate info given. Couple good points addressed. Avg. insight. Only fairly convincing. May lack some required elements. Uses little critical thinking.

(21 pts. or less) Inadequate amount of info. No additional points made. No insight given. Not convincing for stakeholders. Lacks required elements of content.

2. Creativity/Style (20%)

Score: ______ Out of 8 pts.

(8 pts) Highly interesting & engaging. Excellent use of color & style. Appropriate for target audience.

(7 pts) Interesting & engaging. Some use of color & style. Appropriate for target audience.

(6 pts) Adequately interesting & engaging. Mostly appropriate for target audience.

(5 pts. or less) Lacks creative focus. Not entirely appropriate for target audience.

3. APA Format and Organization (15%)

Score: _______ Out of 6 pts.

(6 pts) Proper APA throughout. Required length (15 slides minimum). Title slide & reference slide included. Unified, focused, organized. Flows logically.

(5 pts) 1-3 APA errors in citation or reference list. Required length (15 min.). Title slide & reference slide included. Mostly organized & flows logically.

(4 pts) APA format, but with > 3 errors; Required length (15 min.) & title & reference slide might have problems. Some organization & flow issues.

(3 pts. or less) APA format not used or > 5 errors. Under length required; no title &/or reference slide; Poor organization & flow. Not unified.

4. Overall Impression (15%)

Score: ______ Out of 6 pts.

(6 pts) True reflection of project. All directions followed.

(5 pts) Some reflection of project, with some degree of problems. Most or all directions followed.

(4 pts) Limited reflection of project. Some directions followed.

(3 pts. or less) No reflection of project. Many directions not followed.

TOTAL SCORE: ______/40

This assignment is intended for you to put all of your hard work this semester into a final program plan.

1.  This assignment is intended for you to put all of your hard work this semester into a final program plan.  Please take the time to revise the various components of your program (see attached document for a detailed list) based on the feedback provided during the semester.  For your final document, you will take those revised components and compile them into a full, logical, professional program plan.  As you will see in the length requirements for each section of the plan, some of your original components will need to be streamlined.


There are hundreds of sites with information on how to create and present an effective PowerPoint presentation (please review the grading rubric and helpful link).  Please pay special attention to the “6×6 rule” to avoid putting too much text on your slides.  Using too much text is a common error that many students (and faculty) make.  With this rule, you limit each of your slides to just six bullets, with only approximately six words per bullet.  The focus of any presentation should be on you, the presenter, verbally explaining/delivering the content.  The slides should not contain the full content of the presentation, rather they are simply meant to represent brief prompts for the key points of the presentation, much like an outline.


Please both both assignments in separate documents

During this module/week you will find an article describing the implementation of a new health initiative within a community from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, American Journal of Public Health

HLTH 630

Article Review 4


During this module/week you will find an article describing the implementation of a new health initiative within a community from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, American Journal of Public Health, or another peer-reviewed source. You will read the article, evaluate program implementation methodologies, briefly summarize its contents, and discuss where the initiative fits into the Healthy People 2020 objectives.


Title Page

The primary goal of a title should be to summarize the main idea(s) of your paper simply and clearly. The title should be positioned in the upper half of the page and centered. Do not bold, underline, or italicize the title.


Article Abstract

You will write your own abstract for the article, using the author’s abstract as a model. You are to write an original abstract (short article summary) of no more than 100 words. Include your first name, middle initial(s), and last name. Omit all titles (e.g. Dr., Professor) and degrees (e.g. MA, PhD, EdD), if applicable. Center and double space your name and the name of your college, university, or institution. The abstract should be on the title page.


Article Review

Include the following headings in your article review section:


In this section, discuss the following: Statement of the Problem; Purpose of the Study; Research Questions or Hypotheses and Limitations (if any).



This section will include Methods; Participants; Data Collection Procedures and Data Analysis Procedures. You will also discuss the quality of the ‘literature review’ your author completed before they wrote the article. In some cases, you will find a section that discusses the literature reviewed for the study. In other articles, the information is dispersed throughout the article. Discuss the following in this section: Was literature review present? Was it useful? Rigorous? What did you learn? Were there surprises?





Report the results of the study as clearly as possible. If your article reported a quantitative study, report the results in numbers with a good level of detail. If this was a qualitative study, also report the outcomes of the study, being specific about emerging themes, topics, etc.


Conclusions and Recommendations

Did the researcher come to any conclusions or make recommendations? Sometimes this section is given a heading that says: Implications. This is the “so what” section of the research study. What does it mean to practice? Expected length of article review: 2-3 pages. In your review, describe how your selected article addresses each of the sections listed above.




Begin this section on a new page, following your conlcusions/recommendations. Expected length of your discussion is 1-2 pages. In this section, evaluate research methods in the article, discuss the research project, including your opinion of its rigor, usefulness, validity, reliability, soundness, design, and applicability to community health.



Please provide at least 1 more reference in addition to the article reviewed. Organize the references numerically in AMA format. The reference page should begin on a new page and the word ‘References’ should appear bold and left hand justified on the top of the page. References should be numbered consecutively in the order they were cited in text.



Article Review 4 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

Final Practicum Presentation Draft


Final Practicum Presentation Draft

The MPH Practicum course project is the culminating assignment for your last practicum course. This project demonstrates your research, application, and synthesis of your chosen public health issue or problem, agency needs, or client and community problems.

Further, you will reflect on and synthesize your experiences during your practice immersion and offer recommendations for further insight into advanced public health practice in your chosen area of interest. The final product should be a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation.


  • Draft a PowerPoint presentation to submit to your instructor for feedback and guidance to inform your Unit 9 Final Practicum Presentation.
  • Use the following section headings in your PowerPoint Presentation; please note that you may have multiple slides under each heading:
    • Title Page.
    • Table of Contents.
    • Abstract.
    • Introduction.
    • Issue or Problem (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH5921, Unit 2).
    • Target Population (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH 5921, Unit 2).
    • Interventions.
    • Implementation Procedures.
    • Results and Outcomes.
    • Recommendations.
    • References.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Discuss your practicum agency characteristics, including the public health needs and capacities of the population served.
    • Define public health needs and capacities.
  2. Analyze the social issue or community problem as well as community assets and capacities and relate these aspects to public health goals addressed in your practicum project.
    • Define the social issue or community problem.
    • Define the community assets and capacities.
    • Discuss the role you served in understanding the formal and informal networks, organizations, systems, and procedures.
    • Describe your practicum site’s ability to approach the community so community members feel engaged and valued, and diversity is respected.
  3. Analyze your target population and the insights gained concerning gender, race, poverty, history, migration, and culture when working toward health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels.
    • Discuss how these determinants undermine health and create challenges.
    • Discuss inclusive ways to achieve health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.
  4. Discuss your practicum intervention to the identified problem relating to any theories applied by your site for other interventions or prevention services.
    • Define public health interventions.
    • Discuss theories that support public health interventions.
  5. Discuss how you have applied a socioecological framework to the development of population-based intervention strategies to improve health and reduce inequities for the population you are serving.
    • Define socioecological framework.
    • Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based interventions.
    • Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based intervention evaluations.
  6. Discuss how your practicum agency compares to other local, national, and international agencies relative to structure, systems, and public health practices.
    • Define the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.
    • Provide examples of the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.
  7. Analyze the systems-thinking or building tools you employed at your practicum site.
    • Define systems-thinking or building tools.
    • Describe how you have used these tools to influence the community’s health behaviors to address health disparities or public health concerns.
    • Describe the reasons these tools benefited the community.
  8. Write following APA style for in-text citations and references.
    • Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.
    • Apply the principles of effective composition.
    • Describe any professional and scholarly resources: primarily peer-reviewed journal articles, government Web sites, and experiences gained in the practicum.
  9. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
    • Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.
    • Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 15 slides minimum, plus title and reference slides.
  • Font: Follow typographic and style guidelines such as those provided in Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX], linked in Resources.
  • References: Cite at least fifteen references from peer-reviewed journals and primary Web sites in addition to your text.
  • Format: Follow current edition APA style and formatting for citations and references.


Select an economic, historical, demographic or policy issue that has an impact on the provision of population healthcare 

A. Select an economic, historical, demographic or policy issue that has an impact on the provision of population healthcare

B. Clearly state the single area out of this list that you plan to describe.

C. Discuss the  background of the issue(s), the  impact that it exerts on public health, and the  resulting issues related to population health.

D. Provide recommendations for dealing with the issue in the future.

E. How can nurse leaders have a positive influence on expected trends in the future?

Do you think that Texas is making the correct decision to update the curriculum?

To Do: Read the article posted, respond to the initial questions (short 1 or 2 sentence response).


  • Do you think that Texas is making the correct decision to update the curriculum?
  • What alternative methods of getting this information out to its teen population may be used?
  • How might the curriculum and intent to reduce teen pregnancy be impacted by recent changes with abortion laws?
  • Do you think that what is being done in Texas should be done in other states and why?

Find a media article (NOT a scientific study) pertaining to epidemiology or public health and prepare a 5-minute oral presentation based on its content.

Find a media article (NOT a scientific study) pertaining to epidemiology or public health and prepare a 5-minute oral presentation based on its content.

1) Give a reference of the article you used at the top of the first page. The reference must be in correct APA format.

Write your answers to the questions using full sentences (minimum 250 words) and upload the document to Moodle. The document does not have to be in APA format, aside from the reference at the top of the page.

3) Answer the assigned questions in your presentation and be prepared to answer additional questions after your presentation.

Presentations will take place in Weeks 4-8. There will be sign-ups for presentation dates in Moodle.

Submit in either Microsoft Word or as a PDF. Do not use Pages or turn in handwritten work. Any assignment not submitted in either Microsoft Word or PDF format will not be accepted.

Assigned Questions

1. What is the problem? Is it an epidemic? Why or why not?

2. Who is affected?

3. What is/are the risk factor(s)?

4. What regulatory or public health bodies are involved?

5. What control measures have been taken (disease control, risk control, prevention)?

6. What obstacles to control are there, if any?

7. What kind of testing, if any, was done?

8. What research questions and study designs might be applicable to this situation and why?