Analyzing and interpreting programs is another significant process of program evaluation. Conducting an evaluation means reviewing all sections starting with the introduction and background of the program to cultivate a detailed understanding of the program,

Analyzing and interpreting programs is another significant process of program evaluation. Conducting an evaluation means reviewing all sections starting with the introduction and background of the program to cultivate a detailed understanding of the program, then understanding the history and learning how it will affect the target population or community. Analyzing and interpreting the program also leads to developing cohesive goals and objectives, plus deciphering what to measure, and predicting possible barriers that will preclude a successful program. Furthermore, this process affords a better understanding of the design strategy and data collection and analysis.

In this assignment, you will continue working on sections for your final project. You will develop a matrix for this assignment.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet for research, select scholarly references on three public health evaluation programs. You will use these references to support your responses. These references can be similar to the CDC publication, Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide.

Be sure to review public health programs in your state and include at least one program that addresses the health issue or health disease that you selected as your main theme or topic throughout the course. Use the following public health program matrix guide to analyze and interpret the three programs you selected.

Click here to download the Matrix Guide.

You will need to review, analyze, and interpret each program and use the matrix guide to address the following components:

  • State the title of the public health program evaluation and its author.
  • List the objectives and goals.
  • Explain the purpose of the program (summarize).
  • Describe the method and research data collection process (if applicable).
  • Explain the framework and why it was selected.
  • Address funding options.
  • Summarize the findings of the program and include a brief note providing your evaluation of the program.

Submission Details:

  • Fill in your information directly in the matrix. Submit one matrix for each public health program. Be sure to include a 100–200-word summary and evaluation of the program.
  • Submit your matrix in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned

Program Planning and Evaluation

Page 1 of 1 Program Planning and Evaluation

©2014 South University





Public Health Program Evaluation Matrix Guide

Name of the Public Health Program Evaluation



Objectives and Goals

Purpose of the Program (summarize)


Method/Research Data Collective Process (if applicable)


Framework (explain the framework and address why it was selected), how does the framework connect to the program?


Funding Options (e.g., county, state, federal, frequency, amount, data analysis, etc.)


Summarize the findings of this program (in approximately 100 words). Address strategies, expected outcomes, short- or long- term outcomes, and evaluation process.


Personal Summary (evaluate the program). What was your opinion of this program (e.g., by using a SWOT analysis)?

Choose a public health problem to investigate that is a  concern in your community.


  1. Choose a public health problem to investigate that is a  concern in your community. Describe your community in terms of the  overall population figure; demographic breakdown (male, female, race and  culture), and socio-economic status.
  2. Analyze five successful evidence-based interventions in the  literature that have been used to address that public health problem.
  3. Recommend an intervention that can be adapted to meet the needs of your community.
  4. Submit the results of your investigation and your recommendations in a written report to the committee.

Thinking back to the many things you have learned in this course about the roles, responsibilities, and challenges of a community health worker (CHW),

Thinking back to the many things you have learned in this course about the roles, responsibilities, and challenges of a community health worker (CHW), discuss what community organizing now means to you and how the five steps of the community action model (CAM) can be used by a community health worker to facilitate change in the community. Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Competency 1: Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.   

Assume the role of a manager in a local public  health office located in your community. Public health problems exist in  every community, and your job in this scenario is to help your staff  understand how to create a qualitative research proposal to address any  problem they might confront. You will be developing an exemplar or model proposal for your staff to use in their professional development training. Choose a new public health problem in your community, different  from the problem addressed in Unit 6 (obesity), and propose a qualitative research  method to study the problem.

  • Competency 1: Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.
  • Apply qualitative research methods appropriate in a current public health context.
  • Identify key ethical issues applicable to a specific research method.
  • Propose a source of funding for a qualitative research project and a time frame for completing the research.
  • Competency 2: Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice.
  • Assess the importance of a public health problem.
  • Competency 3: Apply key theoretical constructs to social and  behavioral sciences research and the dissemination of research findings.
  • Apply an accepted public health theory or model to a public health problem.
  • Create a plan to communicate public health research findings.

After a program has been created, it must be evaluated in order to determine its success. For this assignment, complete the following:

After a program has been created, it must be evaluated in order to determine its success. For this assignment, complete the following:

1. Incorporate the changes to address the feedback received.

a. Use the feedback from your instructor to address pertinent sections for errors or insufficiencies. Implementing this feedback will help you draft this assignment and your course project.

2. Discuss the program to be introduced to the selected population to address the specific public health problem or issue.

a. Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health through epidemiological records and literature reviews. Explain activities and resources to be introduced and used for this program to change behaviors and health outcomes and why they are selected.

b. Describe the projected goals for the program.

c. Based on past studies and available data, analyze the projected expected effects of the program.

3. Identify the engaged stakeholders.

a. Describe those involved, those affected, and the primary intended users.

4. Gather credible evidence to substantiate the need for the program.

a. Identify past programs similar to the proposed program and the outcomes for those past programs.

b. Explain past study results and epidemiological data for similar programs implemented.

c. Justify conclusions on the past programs and provide lessons learned for implementing this program.

5. Analyze how data will be collected from program participants and other relevant stakeholders to determine program effectiveness.

a. Identify what instruments will be used to collect data, such as surveys, focus group interviews, or key informant interviews.

b. Determine who will analyze the data and how the data will be analyzed.

6. Propose policy recommendations.

a. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence.

b. Discuss dissemination and communication suggestions for the evaluation results both in writing and through oral presentation.

c. Explain how the results will be shared with key stakeholders and the community.

d. Identify how the results will inform future programs and how they can improve health outcomes.

View the scoring guide to ensure you fulfill all grading criteria.


Additional Requirements

· Length: A minimum of 10–12 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.

· Font: Arial, 12 point.

· References: Cite at least eight references from peer-reviewed journals.

· Format: Use current APA style and formatting.





Great program intervention paper with SMART objectives! When reading through your work, I could see a clear plan for your program intervention with SMART objectives. You have identified the intervention to be implemented, analyzing how it will be used and included SMART objectives. You designed a population-based policy, program, project or intervention based on best practices for your issues. SMART objectives are an essential public health tool for programming, policy, research and evaluation. I am very proud of the work you put into this assignment.


Content: Points made are great. Appropriate amount of detail to document the need to examine your public health issue. Well written/formatted, and your references all substantiate your supporting points.

Mechanics: Well written and nicely organized

Format: Thank you for including all the required information

Overall Comment: Great program intervention paper with SMART objectives!


Dr. E

After a program has been created, it must be evaluated in order to determine its success. For this assignment, complete the following:

After a program has been created, it must be evaluated in order to determine its success. For this assignment, complete the following:

1. Incorporate the changes to address the feedback received.

a. Use the feedback from your instructor to address pertinent sections for errors or insufficiencies. Implementing this feedback will help you draft this assignment and your course project.

2. Discuss the program to be introduced to the selected population to address the specific public health problem or issue.

a. Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health through epidemiological records and literature reviews. Explain activities and resources to be introduced and used for this program to change behaviors and health outcomes and why they are selected.

b. Describe the projected goals for the program.

c. Based on past studies and available data, analyze the projected expected effects of the program.

3. Identify the engaged stakeholders.

a. Describe those involved, those affected, and the primary intended users.

4. Gather credible evidence to substantiate the need for the program.

a. Identify past programs similar to the proposed program and the outcomes for those past programs.

b. Explain past study results and epidemiological data for similar programs implemented.

c. Justify conclusions on the past programs and provide lessons learned for implementing this program.

5. Analyze how data will be collected from program participants and other relevant stakeholders to determine program effectiveness.

a. Identify what instruments will be used to collect data, such as surveys, focus group interviews, or key informant interviews.

b. Determine who will analyze the data and how the data will be analyzed.

6. Propose policy recommendations.

a. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence.

b. Discuss dissemination and communication suggestions for the evaluation results both in writing and through oral presentation.

c. Explain how the results will be shared with key stakeholders and the community.

d. Identify how the results will inform future programs and how they can improve health outcomes.

View the scoring guide to ensure you fulfill all grading criteria.


Additional Requirements

· Length: A minimum of 10–12 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.

· Font: Arial, 12 point.

· References: Cite at least eight references from peer-reviewed journals.

· Format: Use current APA style and formatting.





Great program intervention paper with SMART objectives! When reading through your work, I could see a clear plan for your program intervention with SMART objectives. You have identified the intervention to be implemented, analyzing how it will be used and included SMART objectives. You designed a population-based policy, program, project or intervention based on best practices for your issues. SMART objectives are an essential public health tool for programming, policy, research and evaluation. I am very proud of the work you put into this assignment.


Content: Points made are great. Appropriate amount of detail to document the need to examine your public health issue. Well written/formatted, and your references all substantiate your supporting points.

Mechanics: Well written and nicely organized

Format: Thank you for including all the required information

Overall Comment: Great program intervention paper with SMART objectives!


Dr. E

Unit I Scholarly Activity

Unit I Scholarly Activity


Weight: 10% of course grade




As discussed in Chapter 1, several environmental health issues have affected our population. These range from air quality to water quality. For your final project in this course, you will complete a research paper on a topic in environmental health that has an impact on your community. The health issue should be related to human exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, or radiation. You will complete this paper over the course of several units. Be sure to read the instructions for each paper segment in the course before choosing your topic to ensure that your chosen topic will be a good fit for the project.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper. In this section, you must include the following items:

· an overview of your chosen topic (a brief history of the issue, why it is a problem, how it affects your community, etc.) and your current knowledge of the topic;

· how this issue relates to public health and what you have learned in this unit; and

· two job opportunities that could come from this issue and how these jobs would potentially assist in solving this problem.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of two references, one of which could be your textbook. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community (such as a newspaper or journal article). Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in APA Style.



Global warming is also tied to this because of the heat these past couple of years people of Texas are more prone to skin cancer

In order to design a public health program, public health officials  and collaborative partners first must define the problem, issue, or  situation and how the proposed program can meet the needs of the  population. For this assignment, select a public health issue impacting a  specific community and population.

In order to design a public health program, public health officials  and collaborative partners first must define the problem, issue, or  situation and how the proposed program can meet the needs of the  population. For this assignment, select a public health issue impacting a  specific community and population.

To complete this assignment:

  1. Identify the problem, issue, or situation.
    1. Provide a brief background on the selected public health problem or issue and the community and population selected.
    2. Describe the problem your intervention will address.
    3. Identify any cultural or societal influences or norms that may influence the health status of the population identified.
  2. Utilize epidemiological statistics to profile for the targeted population.
    1. Describe the data source used to profile the target population.
    2. Provide details on the issue prevalence,  incidence, and any other pertinent statistics about the issue impacting  the target population.
    3. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of  settings and situations in public health practice. Compare local rates  to other county or state rates for that health problem or issue.
    4. Identify the health status and risk factors for different racial or ethnic groups for that specific problem or issue.
  3. Evaluate the available resources and the missing resources to address the health problem.
    1. Describe available resources, to include programs,  facilities, transportation, and educational materials to the selected  population within the chosen community and the importance of cultural  competence in communicating public health content.
    2. Evaluate how these resources, or lack of available  resources, either assist in improving the health outcomes or are  integral in poor health outcomes for the selected population.
  4. Identify community leadership stakeholders who would  be involved with implementing public health-related programs for this  specific problem or issue.
    1. Describe those who will serve as both the  stakeholders and gatekeepers of information and resources for this  selected health problem or issue.
    2. Identify factors that enable access to these resources and information for the selected population.
    3. Identify obstacles for accessing resources and  information for the selected population and how the stakeholders can  assist in breaking down barriers.

professional development activities during your MPH studies and practicum

describe how you were introduced to service, community engagement, and professional development activities during your MPH studies and practicum and how this understanding helps promote the public health agenda of addressing complex issues, awareness, and prevention. You may  write this assignment in first person.