Unit VII Reflection Paper

Unit VII Reflection Paper


Weight: 11% of course grade


Interview and Reflection

There are several, popular technological trends in health care, from virtual medicine to apps and software. Like most trends, some will continue to be acceptable while others will no longer be used, with other trends replacing them.

Interview a health care worker in your community to learn popular trends for electronic health records (EHR). Address the questions below.

· What EHR trends do you currently encounter in your position?

· What are the pros and cons of using the trend?

· How does this trend benefit the patients?

· How does this trend benefit the medical staff?

· Do you think this trend will remain a staple in the medical field? Why?

· Are there any trends relating to EHR that you are aware of not currently being used but could be in the future?

· What does the future look like in regard to EHR?

· Add an original question of your own.


Report the interviewee’s answers to your questions in a question and answer format. Then add a reflection to the interview in which you complete the following items listed below.

· Connect the information you received from the interview to what you have learned in this lesson.

· Evaluate the trend your interviewee spoke of, and comment on how you think it can be improved and where it is lacking (for a simple example, calling a Teledoc physician cannot give the doctor an official weight or temperature reading).

· Pulling from earlier units, reflect on how you think these new technological trends might cause further disparities in certain populations.

· Dicuss what you think needs to be done in order to make this trend sustainable.


Your interview and reflection paper must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of two outside sources. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community (such as a newspaper or journal article). Remember that all written assignments must be formatted using APA Style especially in-text citation and references.

Unit III Assignment -Video Presentation (I will record the video and post to YouTube)

Unit III Assignment -Video Presentation (I will record the video and post to YouTube)


11% of course grade


For this assignment, you will create a 5- to 7-minute video outlining a community plan or process addressing a particular disparity. Imagine that you will present your video to your community’s city council or county commission. They might have little understanding of community health issues, but they are tasked with making decisions regarding these matters for the tax payers. You want to educate them on a particular disparity in their community and the best approach to addressing this disparity.

Part 1: Identify a health disparity in your community. Below are some possible questions you can address in order to analyze the disparity:

· Who is the disparity affecting the most (e.g., family, friends, and specific demographics)?

· What is the disparity? What is the issue? What interventions and/or strategies are put in place to decrease it?

· How is the disparity affecting those in the community?

· Why is this disparity a concern?

· Where is the disparity occurring? Where are possible resources located to assist with this disparity in your community?


Part 2: Assess current communication strategies and their effectiveness on improving healthy equity for all community members. Conclude your video by explaining how communication in public health within your community helps to reduce the disparity. (Remember your audience in this section. They need to know how best to help you communicate this information.)

Provide data to support your responses. You will also provide a transcript of your video, and, in this transcript, you will include proper APA citations and references. Be sure to include separate title and reference pages.

You will need to upload your video to YouTube, and then provide the link to the video at the top of the first page of your transcript. The transcript document is what you will upload to Blackboard.

Access the two assignment resources below to help you create a quality video, and upload that video to YouTube:

Case Study

Case Study

Maria was just born in Honduras into a Mestizo family of 8. Her family has very little education. Nutritious food is difficult for her mother and father to find. Sanitation is poor. The village in which she was born has several missions supporting families and work with the families on medical care, nutrition and jobs.

Adlee is a 25-year-old obese Turk male living in Turkey. He’s been raised by a family of upper-middle income. Adlee is well educated and exposed to wealth and travels to other countries. He looks forward to a future of great fortune.

Karabo is a 30-year-old healthy Black African woman living in South Africa. She is in her second trimester of pregnancy for her first child. She has an education level of middle school. The village she lives in has little medical resources and limited safe water supply. Women within the village work together to assist women in childbirth.

James is a 50-year-old Latino male living in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. He was born and raised in a low-income area of Fort Wayne. James worked his way through college and has advanced to an executive position at a high-tech organization.  He lives in an upper-income community with access to medical care. Recently James was diagnosed with diabetes.

Utilizing four key health status indicators, identify the health status of each community provided in the four scenarios above. Complete a comparison of the four scenarios describing your findings and conclusions on the results. How would you rate the health status of each individual? What is the likelihood that each individual will have a healthy and productive life in the future?


In this work, you will assess a case study of different global (worldwide) communities. Your response will be saved in .doc or .docx format, use APA format and resources, and be 3 pages in length.

*To view the grading rubric for this assignment, click the name of the assignment, then click “View Rubric”.


1. Write a response in an APA format in .doc or .docx format.

2. Identify the health status of each community and answer the additional questions in the case study




The MPH Practicum course project is the culminating assignment for your last practicum course. This project demonstrates your research, application, and synthesis of your chosen public health issue or problem, agency needs, or client and community problems.


Further, you will reflect on and synthesize your experiences during your practicum and offer recommendations for further insight into advanced public health practice in your chosen area of interest. The final product should be a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation.



Draft a PowerPoint presentation to submit to your instructor for feedback and guidance to inform your Unit 9 Final Practicum Presentation.

Use the following section headings in your PowerPoint Presentation; please note that you may have multiple slides under each heading:

Title Page.

Table of Contents.



Issue or Problem (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH5921, Unit 2).

Target Population (use content from the Social Issues Proposal assignment for MPH 5921, Unit 2).


Implementation Procedures.

Results and Outcomes.




Include the following in your presentation:


Discuss your practicum agency characteristics, including the public health needs and capacities of the population served.

Define public health needs and capacities.

Analyze the social issue or community problem as well as community assets and capacities and relate these aspects to public health goals addressed in your practicum project.

Define the social issue or community problem.

Define the community assets and capacities.

Discuss the role you served in understanding the formal and informal networks, organizations, systems, and procedures.

Describe your practicum site’s ability to approach the community so community members feel engaged and valued, and diversity is respected.

Analyze your target population and the insights gained concerning gender, race, poverty, history, migration, and culture when working toward health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels.

Discuss how these determinants undermine health and create challenges.

Discuss inclusive ways to achieve health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.

Discuss your practicum intervention to the identified problem relating to any theories applied by your site for other interventions or prevention services.

Define public health interventions.

Discuss theories that support public health interventions.

Discuss how you have applied a socioecological framework to the development of population-based intervention strategies to improve health and reduce inequities for the population you are serving.

Define socioecological framework.

Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based interventions.

Describe how you apply a socioecological framework to the development and implementation of population-based intervention evaluations.

Discuss how your practicum agency compares to other local, national, and international agencies relative to structure, systems, and public health practices.

Define the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.

Provide examples of the agency structure, systems, and public health practices.

Analyze the systems-thinking or building tools you employed at your practicum site.

Define systems-thinking or building tools.

Describe how you have used these tools to influence the community’s health behaviors to address health disparities or public health concerns.

Describe the reasons these tools benefited the community.

Write following APA style for in-text citations and references.

Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.

Apply the principles of effective composition.

Describe any professional and scholarly resources: primarily peer-reviewed journal articles, government Web sites, and experiences gained in the practicum.

Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.

Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.


Additional Requirements


Length: 15 slides minimum, plus title and reference slides.

Font: Follow typographic and style guidelines such as those provided in Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX], linked in Resources.

References: Cite at least fifteen references from peer-reviewed journals and primary Web sites in addition to your text.

Format: Follow current edition APA style and formatting for citations and references.

Compare and contrast Brazil and the United States. What do you already know about Brazil? What do you think is similar between the US and Brazil? What do you find different? Why is it important to learn about other countries?

  1. Compare and contrast Brazil and the United States. What do you already know about Brazil? What do you think is similar between the US and Brazil? What do you find different? Why is it important to learn about other countries?
  2. Reflect on one concept in the article on decolonizing global health. How does that shape your comparison of the US and Brazil?
  3. In this module, we learn about the term collective health. What do you think it means? Is it different than public health? How can learning about how others think about health help you in your work?
  4. What is one way you hope to be engaged in the course this summer? How can you enhance engagement in the content? How can your classmates? How can your professors?

Discover which agencies, in your state, are responsible for public health of citizens.

Discover which agencies, in your state, are responsible for public health of citizens.

·         Research if there are centralized or decentralized management of state responsibilities?

·         Determine minimum 3 key indicators of health.

provide with the agencies link

For this assignment, you will complete the research paper that you have been working on throughout the course. First, you will compile the first three sections that you completed:

Unit VII Research Paper


Weight: 12% of course grade


For this assignment, you will complete the research paper that you have been working on throughout the course. First, you will compile the first three sections that you completed:

· Unit I (the introduction section),

· Unit III (the review of literature), and

· Unit V (the air and water quality affects). Be sure to incorporate any feedback you have received from your professor.

Then you will add the items listed below.

· Include a section that examines injuries or workplace hazards related to your topic. In this section, you should include the following items:

. a brief overview of the injuries or workplace hazards associated with your topic to include the effects of these hazards,

. an explanation of the environmental factors associated with these hazards,

. a discussion of methods for preventing these hazards, and

. an explanation of the significance of occupational health in relation to your topic.

· Include a conclusion section that sums up your paper and includes any final thoughts you have on your subject.


Your final paper must be at least eight pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at least seven academic resources in your paper. Any information from those sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Effective initial postings to the discussion should be at least 200 words in length, rarely more than 400 words. 

Answer the question below.  Effective initial postings to the discussion should be at least 200 words in length, rarely more than 400 words.

Chapter 13:  Identify one current healthcare policy issue of interest to public health nursing in terms of the policy problem, the solution, interested parties, and their relative power and influence.

Define urbanization. Describe three pros and three cons for urbanization and include examples.

Define urbanization. Describe three pros and three cons for urbanization and include examples. Pick one form of urbanization and describe how that form of urbanization can impact an individual’s health status. Pick a health issue of your choice and describe how urbanization and vulnerable populations play a role in the prevalence of that health issue. Name at least one public health intervention that is used to address urbanization (Describe that intervention and how it is used to address urbanization).

Unit V Scholarly Activity

Unit V Scholarly Activity


Weight: 10% of course grade





For this assignment, you will continue your research on the topic that you chose in Unit I. So far, you have completed the introduction and the literature review. In this unit, you will compose a section that relates to the content of this unit: air and water quality.

In this section, you should include the following items:

· a brief explanation of the potential air and water quality effects surrounding your chosen topic,

· a description of the adverse health effects of these air and water quality issues, and

· an explanation about what can be done to correct these issues. How can they be controlled?

This section of your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two scholarly sources. More sources may be used as needed. Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.