Choose from one of the following tweets and answer the 4 questions, Include at least one scholarly source***** The link is included in each tweet for more information.


Choose from one of the following tweets and answer the 4 questions, Include at least one scholarly source***** The link is included in each tweet for more information.

1. Identify a healthcare issue within your community and explain the issue to your class colleagues. (You may use the same issue you identified in Week 2, but please expand your responses to address this week’s focus). 2. Describe the type of healthcare policy you would advocate for in an effort to change this issue. 3. What type of campaign would you need to launch in order to gather a network of support? 4. Compose a Tweet that describes what you have shared with your class colleagues. Remember, Twitter only allows for 140 characters so you will need to be concise.

1.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Tara Heagele, PhD, RN, PCCN, EMT@TaraHeagele


#NurseTwitter Hurricane season starts today! Helping Vulnerable People Before Disasters Strike | Campaign for Action …


Helping Vulnerable People Before Disasters Strike | Campaign for Action

Floods, tornadoes, heat waves, blizzards, earthquakes, and hurricanes threaten the health and well-being of millions of people each year








2.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Diana Mason@djmasonrn


By @AmyAndersonDNP Living in fear: An unacceptable risk for schoolchildren. Thoughts @RobinCogan ? … via @Newsday


Living in fear: An unacceptable risk for schoolchildren

Will your neighborhood school open on schedule in the fall? The answer should vary by location, but some headline-grabbing declarations are prolonging the uncertainty for families and students. And un


May 31, 2020






3.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted





The risk of deaths of despair rising as the pandemic continues needs to be taken seriously. …


75,000 Americans at risk of dying from overdose or suicide due to coronavirus despair, group warns

As many as 75,000 Americans could die because of drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis conducted by the national public health group…








4.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted





Now more than ever, we must do our part to support diversity and inclusion and to stand for social justice. Read more from @lisawwardell, Chairman & CEO of Chamberlain’s parent company, on how we stand against racial injustice.

May 31, 2020






5.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


The Nation’s Health@nationshealth


A U.S. withdrawal from WHO would have dire consequences for global health and security: “It’s a disastrous decision.” Via @statnews …


Experts warn of dire global consequences if U.S. withdraws from WHO

An American withdrawal from the WHO could wreak profound damage on efforts to eradicate polio and respond to disease threats, experts warned.








6.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted





“Ultimately, the hope is that, together with speedy and widespread testing and isolating cases, contact tracing can help keep outbreaks at a wieldy simmer, and buy the country time until better drugs and vaccines arrive.” 


Contact tracing may help avoid another lockdown. Can it work in the U.S.?

Contact tracing is an essential part of the plan to reopen the U.S. — but experts say the country will need more people, money, and cooperation.


May 29, 2020






7.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Public Health Law@networkforphl


Tenants will soon have the right to sue landlords who violate restrictions that Los Angeles has placed on evicting renters during the coronavirus crisis, under a law passed Wednesday by the City Council: … #publichealth #COVID19 #housing


City Councilmember Nury Martinez

New law allows tenants to sue landlords over violating L.A. restrictions on evictions

L.A. tenants will soon have the right to sue landlords who violate restrictions the city has put in place during the coronavirus crisis.


May 28, 2020






8.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Campaign For Action



A nursing director at New Jersey’s nursing home dedicated exclusively to the care of firefighters shares insights about #COVID19 on the nursing home residents, their families, and staff. 


COVID-19 Nursing Home Residents Pose Special Challenges |

Donna Russo, director of nursing at the New Jersey Firemen’s home shares her insights about COVID-19 on the nursing home residents, their families,


May 29, 2020






9.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Chamberlain University Community Health RNBSN@CURNBSN_ComHlth


Is Your Neighborhood Raising Your Risk of Coronavirus Exposure? …


Is Your Neighborhood Raising Your Risk of Coronavirus Exposure?

Once redlined decades ago, many communities are at risk for greater danger.


May 28, 2020






10.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation



A year ago, we looked at the ways in which historic policies and decisions have shaped health and opportunity in Austin, Texas. Neighborhood-level data highlighted disparities by race and other socioeconomic factors.

May 29, 2020






11.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


SC Behavioral Health Coalition@SCBHCoalition


How a bench and a team of grandmothers can tackle depression … via @BBC_Future


How a bench and a team of grandmothers can tackle depression

Zimbabwe is pioneering a groundbreaking mental health programme with stunning results – and the rest of the world is taking note.


May 28, 2020






12.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


The New York Academy of Medicine@NYAMNYC


How can hospitals ensure truly fair resource allocation, free of both conscious and unconscious bias, during #COVID19@Health_Affairs shares lessons from Oregon

May 19, 2020






13.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Johnson & Johnson Nursing@JNJNursing


Staying at home during #COVID19 might not feel safe for everyone. In our NEW episode of #SeeYouNow we speak with nurse scientist @CamilleBurnett from @ukynursing about how #nurses are positioned to screen and intervene re: intimate partner violence. Click and listen today:

May 22, 2020






14.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Helen Branswell



This is a disaster in the making. A critical part of learning to live in a #Covid19 world is figuring out how to restore routine childhood immunization asap. …


WHO warns millions of children at risk as pandemic disrupts vaccinations

Some 80 million babies worldwide are at higher risk of diseases as the Covid-19 pandemic hinders routine vaccinatios, global health officials warned Friday.


May 22, 2020






15.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


GW Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement@GwPolicy


Join us today for this webinar and expert panel on global APN leadership during #COVID19. Register now!

May 26, 2020






16.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


World Health Organization (WHO)



Replying to @WHO

Recent #HealthForAll gains include the expansion of: -HIV self-testing -treatment for tuberculosis -hepatitis C curative treatment to low- and middle-income countries -treatment for neglected tropical diseases 

View image on Twitter

May 23, 2020






17.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


World Health Organization (WHO)



Replying to @WHO

Significant progress has been made in ramping up the capacity to #BeatNCDs within #primaryhealthcare, in particular those for hypertension, heart disease, childhood cancer and mental health.  #WHOImpact

View image on Twitter

May 23, 2020






18.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus



Thank you @novonordisk for your donation of #insulin to @WHO for distribution to 50 low- and middle-income countries. It is essential that people with noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, continue to have access to life-saving drugs during #COVID19 


WHO receives first-ever donation of insulin


May 23, 2020






19.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


World Health Organization (WHO)



Replying to @WHO

Some crises never made the headlines due to successful prevention efforts.#Cholera cases declined by 60% in 2018 thanks to the delivery of 18M vaccines. Mass vaccination against #yellowfever protected over 100M people in 2018–2019. 500M people were vaccinated for flu in 2019.

View image on Twitter

May 24, 2020






20.  NR708HealthPol Retweeted


World Health Organization (WHO)



Replying to @WHO

Achieving 1B more people living with better health & well-being: At the 2019 #ClimateAction Summit 2019, 50 countries – representing over 1B people – answered WHO’s call to provide citizens with clean air by 2030.  #WHOImpact 


Health commitments for the SG Climate Action Summit

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General will host the 2019 Climate Action…

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