Compare and contrast of the husband and wife from cathedral by raymond carver and how they interact with the blind man

Compare and contrast of the husband and wife from cathedral by raymond carver and how they interact with the blind man

A paper that compares and contrasts. A comparison and contrast of two poems or stories
or plays that share at least one common feature leads to a better understanding of both.
Two characters either from the same literary work or found in a different work, share
some common traits may also be compared and contrasted. You may not compare works
composed from different literary genres (ex. A poem and a play). Be careful not to point
out the obvious, but strive to discover what may not at first appear obvious. Also, two
opposing critical views of a particular work or character may be discussed. Examining
and evaluating what opposing critics have to say about a work often leads to a much
enriched understanding of the work or character.
In addition to the primary source(s), the essay must include a minimum of three secondary
sources of information from vetted academic source material that is related to arguing t
topic at hand (psychology, history, literary, etc.) Encyclopedias, Wikipedia, dictionaries, and
any open source website are not counted as proper academic sources and will not be accepted.

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