Compare and contrast plan strategies and plan tactics.
Quiz 3: Behavioral Consultation in Homes, Schools and Communities Module 6
- Compare and contrast plan strategies and plan tactics.
Plan strategies are overarching objectives and have to do with the big picture. Strategies are about deciding which goals you want to achieve, how you will go about it and what type of changes would need to be made in order for you to make progress. Particularly, strategic planning lays out the long-term, broad goals that a behavior analysts or individual involved wants to achieve. These overarching objectives are usually based on the main problem that behavior analyst is trying to address. For example, if an individual with ADHD who likes to talk out of turn in class is your client, you may have an overall goal for the student to do well and make friends in order for him to be successful. Plan tactics are more specific actions that a behavior analyst or individual uses in order to reach their goals and make progress towards their strategic objectives. Tactics are about thinking about specific things that you can do in order to achieve a particular objective or goal. These planned-actions are usually based on the very specific problem or issues that are occurring in a particular situation. For example, if talking out of turn is your client’s main problem; you may want to use instant positive feedback and reward the student after he completes his work and raises his hand to ask a question. For this to happen, you may want to be present in class while the teacher is teaching. This would be a specific strategy that addresses a very particular problem. In simple terms, tactics tell us where we can look for leverage points within our environments so that we can be successful when implementing our plan strategies.