Corpoarate Assets Risk Summary

Corpoarate Assets Risk Summary

Asset Under Review: Customer Realtionship Management SystemFinancial LossLegal ImpactsEmbarrassmentProbability – ImpactRisk ScorePossible SafeguardsSafeguard Cost
Unauthorized Disclosure00000
Unauthorized Modification00000
Unauthorized Destruction00000
Unauthorized Access00000
Assessment Analysis Summary:
Asset Under Review: Supply Chain Management SystemFinancial LossLegal ImpactsEmbarrassmentProbability – ImpactRisk ScorePossible SafeguardsSafeguard Cost
Unauthorized Disclosure00000
Unauthorized Modification00000
Unauthorized Destruction00000
Unauthorized Access00000
Assessement Analysis Summary:
Asset Under Review: Employee Training SystemFinancial LossLegal ImpactsEmbarrassmentProbability – ImpactRisk ScorePossible SafeguardsSafeguard Cost
Unauthorized Disclosure00000
Unauthorized Modification00000
Unauthorized Destruction00000
Unauthorized Access00000
Assssement Analysis Summary:
Asset Under Review: Enterprise Data CenterFinancial LossLegal ImpactsEmbarrassmentProbability – ImpactRisk ScorePossible SafeguardsSafeguard Cost
Water Damage00000
Production Environment Unavailability00000
Development Environment Unavailability00000
Loss of Facilities Power00000
Primary Network Area Storage Device Unavailabity00000
Theft of Computing Equipement00000
Unauthorized Access into EDC00000
Assessment Analysis Summary:
Complete a qualitiative risk assessment and summary analysis for the each of the corpoarate assets using the predefined risk tables above and cooresponding refernce table on the reference tab in the workbook.

Occupation Analysis

Asset Under Review: Corporate Financial DataVulnerabilityTotal
OccupationUnauthorized AccessUnauthorized ModificationUnauthorized DisclousureDistruction
Chief Executive Officer0
Chief Financial Officer0
Chief Information Systems Officer0
Chief Technology Officer0
Executive Secretary0
Director of Engineering0
VP Finance & Accounting0
VP Human Resources0
Senior Accountatnts -CPA0
Junior Accountants0
Director of Telecommunications0
Director of Enterprise Applications0
Senior Application Developer0
Junior Application Devloper0
Database Administrator0
Network Administrator0
Production Supervisor0
Manager of Facilities Maintenance0
Helpdesk Technician0
Shipping Clerk0
Risk LevelValue
Greatest Risk6
Great Risk5
Moderate Risk4
Limited Risk3
Low Risk2
No Risk1
Completet the occupation analysis Table above and then evaluate the results and answer the quetsions below
How is this analysis Useful?
Which occupations pose the highest risks to unauthorized modification to corpoarte financial data?
Which occupations pose the least risks to unauthorized modification to corpoarte financial data?
What safegauards would you implement to help prevent the unauthorized authorization of corporate finainical data?
Are there other positions or occupations not examined in this analysis that should be included in this analysis?

Decision Tree

CRM Decision Tree Diagarm
Examine the decisoon treet diagarem above; next complete each of the decision trree branch analysis using the tables below; evaluate the final results and answer the question as to your recommnedation for the best option
Custom Development
Branch 1CostHighModerateLowBranch TotalValue
In-House DevelopmentProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotal
Branch 2CostHighModerateLow
Outsource DevelopmentProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotal
Branch 1CostHighModerateLowBranch TotalValue
On-Premise COTSProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotal
Branch 2CostHighModerateLow
Hosted COTSProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotalProbabilityValueTotal
Which option would provide the best overall value and why?
* Note: one of the branch values should resullt in a negative number.


Financial LossValuation ScoreThreat Vulnerability Work Table
Less than $2,0001Impact
Between $2K and $20K2LowMediumHigh
Between $20K and $50K3ProbabilityHigh369
Between $50K and $100K4Medium258
Between $100K and $300K5Low147
Between $300K and $500K6
Between $500K and $1M7
Between $1M and $5M8
Between $5M and $10M9
Between $10M and $30M10
Between $30M and $100M11
Greater Than $100M12
Legal ImplicationValuation Score
Under $5K1
Between $5K and $10K4
Between $10K and $50K5
Between $50K an $1M and/or CIO liable for prosecution8
Over $1M and/or Officers and/or Directors Liable10
Enterprise EmbarrassmentValuation Score
Embarrasment restricted to within the project of work site1
Embarrassment spread to other work areas of operating group or division2
Embarrassment spread throughout the enterprise3
Public made aware thorugh local press5
Adverse national press7
Stcok proce impacted10
Low to Medium2
Medium to High4
Annual Loss Multiplier Table
Occurrence FrequencyMultplier
Once in 300 Years0.003
Once in 200 Years0.005
Once in 100 Years0.010
Once in 50 Years0.020
Once in 25Years0.040
Once in 10 Years0.100
Once in 5 Years0.200
Once in 2 Years0.500
Twice a Year2.000
Once a Month12.000
Once a Week52.000
Once a Day365.000

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