create a reference list

For this week’s Weekly Assignment, you are asked to draft an outline and create a reference list due Monday, April 6 at 10 pm. Create an outline of your paper with main topics and sub topics clearly organized. You must list at least 6 sources in APA format as well in this submission (See the Outline worksheet posted on iLearn for more information)

a. 1 source should be the class textbook b. 1 source should be the popular press article you found c. 4 sources should be from scholarly sources or academic journals (see the list of scholarly

sources for some options of where to look for articles)

Make sure your outline addresses all the required parts of the paper including:

a. An introduction and conclusion b. A clear description of the issue or topic. Explain why the topic is a something worth

investigating (you can reference your popular press article here). Present a review of the issue/topic and inform the reader of how it came to be. Describe how the issue/topic matters. Why is it an issue or concern?

c. Compare and contrast the issue using specific information or details (with appropriate sources) from both the manager side and the employee side of the issue. Why would this issue/concern matter to a business? To an employee? What impact would this issue have on the business or on the employee?

d. How should companies manage or act regarding this issue/topic? Use sources throughout this section to justify your thoughts. This section needs to be VERY detailed and thoroughly discussed.


REMEMBER – this paper is supposed to allow you to demonstrate that you can use HUMAN RESOURCES strategies to solve issues in the real workplace. Think about your issue and how it relates to the material we have covered to this point (or the material that is in the textbook) and think through HUMAN RESOURCE solutions that can help.


You can see a sample outline on the next page.



A sample outline (this is only a sample, your outline DOES NOT need to be in this exact order or with these exact points – the best outlines are ones that YOU structure based on your material ensuring that you have covered all of the relevant points):

Topic: Use this space to summarize your topic in a sentence or two

I. Introduction II. What is the issue

a. A piece of evidence that helps to describe what the issue is (include citation) b. A second (you could have a third or fourth as well) piece of evidence that helps to describe

what the issue is (include citation) i. You could list subpoints for any of your evidence. Be sure to cite any evidence you

present ii. This could be another subpoint – note you could have more than two pieces of evidence

to help describe what the issue is III. Why is this an issue

a. A piece of evidence that helps to describe why the issue is (include citation) b. A second piece of evidence that helps to describe why the issue is (include citation)

i. You could list subpoints for any of your evidence. Be sure to cite any evidence you present

IV. The Employee side of the issue a. A piece of evidence that helps to describe what the employee side of the issue is (include

citation) b. A second (you could have more than two) piece of evidence (include citation)

i. You could list subpoints for any of your evidence. Be sure to cite any evidence you present

V. The Employer side of the issue a. A piece of evidence that helps to describe what the employee side of the issue is (include

citation) b. A second (you could have more than two) piece of evidence (include citation)

i. You could list subpoints for any of your evidence. Be sure to cite any evidence you present

VI. The suggestion of what the business should do to handle the issue (there could be more than one suggestion listed in different paragraphs). How does this suggestion help employers? How does this suggestion help employees? a. Make sure you have at least one piece of evidence that helps to describe why this solution will

help resolve the issue (include citation) b. A second (you could have more than two) piece of evidence (include citation)

i. You could list subpoints for any of your evidence. Be sure to cite any evidence you present

ii. This could be another subpoint VII. Discuss the pros (or advantages) of solution 1 (and 2 if you have more than one solution). What are

the benefits of implementing this solution? a. Use evidence to support you points and list citations

VIII. Discuss the cons (or disadvantages) of solution 1 (and 2 if you have more than one solution). What are the benefits of implementing this solution? a. Use evidence to support you points and list citations

IX. Conclusion

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