Creating a sustainable asset guide
Creating a sustainable asset guide
I have 3 sections that need to be written on sustainability to create a sustainable asset guide. Other parts will be done by members of a team.
It should be focused on the food processing industry in British Columbia, but research can be used from Canada, North America, or globally if needed, but primarily BC.
The content should represent a guide that a food processor could use to become more sustainable.
2 pages for each topic
The topics for each section are:
Clean Energy and Water Management
Better Buildings
Government Supports & Resources (Must be within British Columbia and Canada)
Each topic should contain
Introduction and overview of the topic
Challanges faced in the industry
Sustainable implementations, products, features, design…
Benifits of implemting sustainblility
Example of firms in BC that are sustainble
Links to resouces to get started
Attached is a copy that has been started, The first section “Food Waste” is an example on how the writing style should sound.
Refeneces can be directly added to the content.