Describe one recent event in American news that highlights the current state of civil liberties

Describe one recent event in American news that highlights the current state of civil liberties. Make sure to tie the event to what was covered in the text and the lecture. Be sure to state whether the how the event highlights a liberty and whether it’s being protected or violated. Be as original as possible! There’s a lot out there and the event doesn’t have to make national news!.



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The current state of American civil liberties is something that should be of concern to all citizens, but especially those in the minority. For example, the recent decision by President Biden to support the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, marks a major victory for gay rights activists across the United States. While in principle, this should be a cause for celebration and justice, there is still debate over whether or not it is a good idea for government to take sides in what many consider to be personal issues. In this case, legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Of course, the debate surrounding the issue of gay marriage is not merely a discussion involving the rights of homosexuals. Rather, it is something that touches on many other...Order A Similar Paper 


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