Describe the researchers’ questions and hypotheses.

  1. Describe the topic, purpose, and importance of the study.
  2. Describe the researchers’ questions and hypotheses.
  3. Describe the methods and unique features of the study.
  4. Describe their findings and the implications of the results.
  5. Then critique the article with at least the following questions:
    1. Do you have confidence in the researchers’ findings (i.e., were there critical flaws in the study design or confounds that might have occurred in the study)?
    2. Does the study generalize to other people that were not the subject of the research (e.g., college student study generalizing to everyone, study in the US applying to other cultures)?
    3. What does the study mean in the big picture and how does it apply to society in general (i.e., how does it impact society in general)?

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