Deviant Behavior Observation
Assignment instructions: Deviant Behavior Observation
You should select a deviant behavior that you witnessed in the past year (you may
describe your own behavior or that of someone else). Follow the format below to write
your paper.
1. Intro Describe how your fictional friend “John” had a successful job and then began getting into gambling as a deviant behavior.
2. Gambling— is it Deviant or Not?
a. Identify why gambling to be deviant
b. Identify whether conventional society believes gambling to be
deviant and why or why not.
c. Is the gambling illegal or legal?
d. Discuss how gambling is either: deviant and illegal, deviant and legal,
not deviant and illegal, not deviant and legal.
3. Theory-Choose a sociological/criminological theory that you believe explains
the gambling
a. See the “summary of theories” on Canvas in ‘Assignments’ for a list of
possible theories.
b. Find at least one academic journal article to support your explanation of
c. State the main tenets of the theory and fully describe how the theory
explains gambling
4. Conclusion- restate the main parts of the paper, including: what is gambling
and what and how the chosen theory explains it.
5. Citations- APA citations are required for any outside sources used (articles,
books, documentaries, etc) (10 points)
1. Paper should be 3 pages, double-spaced typed (not including cover page and
2. Cover page and reference page
3. Format for the paper and reference page is APA (American Psychological
4. You should use at least 1 journal article and 2 other resources, for a total of 3. NO
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