Discussion 6: Behavior Analysts
Discussion 6: A school district has two behavior analysts. One BA (Shannon) is responsible for middle and high school and the other (Judy) is responsible for elementary schools. Judy is pregnant and will be taking 3 months of maternity leave, the administration wants Shannon to cover all the schools but stress that Shannon will have Judy’s assistant to help her. Shannon also has an assistant. The administrators remind Shannon that it is only for three months. They have been interviewing for a temporary replacement but none can be found since it is only a 3-month assignment. What should Shannon do?
Discussion 6: Case Scenario
I think Shannon should go ahead and take over the elementary schools. This is reasonable because Judy made it clear that she will be taking 3 months maternity leave and by doing this it also benefits Shannon by giving her a chance to oversee the elementary school teachers. Furthermore, Shannon’s role as a temporary assistant principal can benefit the school district by developing new leadership skills and showing that she is willing to expand her duties in order to help improve the district. I also think it is reasonable because Shannon should be evaluated on
the basis of what she is capable of doing, not what someone else should be able to do….Read More
Ethics and Professionalism Unit 6