Distal interphalangeal (DIP) proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)
This is a write-up of Musculoskeletal exam. I need you to expand on the missing information with in-text citation.
I have already completed Hands, Wrists, Elbows, and Shoulders.
I need two high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format with in text citations.
Inspection: no deformities or swelling. No muscular atrophy, or nodules. No redness. Joint symmetry is present.
Distal interphalangeal (DIP) proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP)- show no tenderness, swelling, shows no signs of inflammation when crepitus was felt. No bogginess.
Range of motion (ROM): Pt can make a fist; abduct and adducts fingers; flexes and extends fingers on both hands tightly.
Inspection: Joint symmetry is present. No swelling or deformities. No muscular atrophy, or nodules. No redness.
Palpation: Metacarpals and carpal bones palpated. No nodules, crepitus, swelling or tenderness shown.
Range of motion (ROM): Pt had no difficulty to flex wrist 90 degrees downwards and extend wrist to 90 degrees upward. Pt was able to abduct and adduct Ulnar and radial deviation wrist – no pain or tenderness
Specialty Tests:
· Tinel’s sign- Negative. Pt felt no tenderness, no paresthesia, or pain when median nerve was tapped midline on wrist.
· Phalen’s test- Negative. Pt had no pain or parenthesis in median nerve distribution when hands flexed for forty-sixty seconds in a prayer position.
Inspection: Joint symmetry present. No swelling or deformities. No muscular atrophy, or nodules. No redness.
Palpation: Extensor surface of ulnar and the olecranon process palpated for. No nodules, swelling or pain shown. No pain or tenderness when pressed on the lateral and medial epicondyles. Lateral epicondyle was palpated for tenderness on tennis elbow. Medial epicondyle palpated for tenderness on golfers’ elbow.
Range of motion (ROM): Pt has bilateral flexion and extension. Supination examined on each hand with palmar surface up with arms extended straight. Pronation examined on each hand with palmar facing downward with arms extended straight. Supination and pronation intact.
Inspection: Bilateral and posterior/anterior inspected. No deformities or swelling. No muscular atrophy, or nodules. No redness. Joint symmetry is present. Pt posture is proper.
Palpation: No tenderness, pain, or fluid.
Range of motion (ROM): Normal. Pt can flex shoulders forward 180 degrees. Extends shoulder backwards 60 degrees without scapular motion. Pt can abduct arm 90 degrees (abduction). Can adduct shoulder across midline to 90 degrees. Pt places hands behind small of back without difficulty. Pt places hands behind neck with elbows out to side without difficulty.
Specialty Tests:
· Empty Can – no difficulty or pain present when tested for supraspinatus strength an possible rotator cuff tear.
Head and Neck
Specialty Tests:
· Spurling’s Test (Cervical Compression test) –
Feet and Toes
Range of motion (ROM):
Range of motion (ROM):
Range of motion (ROM):
Specialty Tests:
· Valgus Stress-
· Varus stress-
· Lachman’s test-
· Drawer test-
· McMurry’s Test-
Range of motion (ROM):
Specialty Tests:
· Thomas test (to detect occult hip flexion contracture)
· Patrick’s or FABER test (flexion, abduction, external rotation of the hip (tests for hip or sacroiliac joint disease
Range of motion (ROM):
Specialty Tests:
· Straight leg raise
Initial Post:
Everything in APA format with intext citations
References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.
Plagiarism free.
Turnitin receipt.