Division of Nursing

1700 word minimum 4 scholarly sources APA format



Division of Nursing


Research Article Critique (BIB CARD)



The article critique is a summary of a full text nursing research article from a referenced professional journal on a selected nursing topic RELATED TO MATERNAL & CHILDBEARING NURSING CARE. The research article must have been published within the past 5 years. Article critiques that are from non-professional journals and/or do not meet the criteria listed below will not be graded and will automatically clinical grade of Unsatisfactory. Your article must be a research article.


►Choose any health care related topic RELATED TO Pediataric Health & Nursing

►Remember, you may access the library & search for articles via www.dscc.edu

►APA Guidelines: www.apastyle.org


Article Critique Guidelines/See also Rubric posted in eLearn

· You are required to complete one (1) article critique during the semester.

· Documentation of References is to be done according to APA format.

· DO NOT use articles from dictionaries (such as Gale Encyclopedia), newspapers, general public or lay magazines, or web sites.

· DO NOT use editorials, opinions, or nursing perspectives.

· The article must be from medical and/or nursing journals AND be actual RESEARCH.

· The critique must be 2 pages typed not including title page or reference page & submitted via drop box for each clinical course.

· The research article must be referenced within the paper & listed on the reference page.

· Title Page

· Body of the critique/summary of article

· How this information impacts nursing practice

· Reference Page – must be in APA format

· Include the DOI on all references if possible



WAYS to IDENTIFY a RESEARCH Article from other articles ::::

1. The article will have an abstract Review of literature (most research does)

2. The research article will contain headings such as :Abstract, Introduction, Methods/Study Design , Sample, Results , & Discussion.


References: (Example)


Journal or periodical:


Klimoski, K.J., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations.


Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), pp. 10-26.


Journal article retrieved from the internet:



VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of


resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-


123. Retrieved from http://web5.infotrac.galegroup.com

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