DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template

DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template

DPI Project Management Timeline

Learner Name:

Instructions: Review each activity in the timeline. Identify the course that each activity was completed. Document the start date, the number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date. For activities that have not yet been achieved, document an estimated start date, number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date.

PICOT-D Question:



ActivityCourseStart DateNumber of Days RequiredEnd DateComments
EBP Question:
Conceptual Review of PICOT-D Question Date Reviewed:


PICOT-D Question Approved Date Approved


Primary Quantitative Research of the Intervention     
Additional Primary and Secondary Quantitative Research     
Connecting Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Change Model     
Literature Synthesis for Proposed Intervention     
Create a project implementation plan (10 Strategic Points)     
Determine fit, feasibility, and appropriateness of the intervention for translation path (DPI Project Budget and Timeline)     
Project Planning
Attend Virtual Nurse Residency Date Attended:


Create a Data Collection Sheet and Data Dictionary     
DPI Project Proposal (Chapters 1-3)     
Proposal (Chapters 1-3) Defense     
IRB Site Authorization for the Project (not MOU)     
Permissions for Tools, Instruments, Surveys or Guidelines     
Project Site IRB Approval/ Determination (if applicable)     
GCU IRB Approval     
Project Implementation
Implement Project Plan (Training of Staff)     
Collect Data     
Project Evaluation
Evaluate Outcomes (Data Analysis and Results)     
DPI Completed Project (Chapters 1-5)     
Project Dissemination
Report Outcomes to Stakeholders (DPI Final Project Defense)     
Department Review     
Dean’s Signature     
Publish in ProQuest     






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DPI Project Budget

Directions: Complete the following table for your DPI Project Budget. Each portion much be answered. If one portion does not apply to your project, an explanation needs to be given as to why. Expenses may fit into more than one category. If you find this is the case, add additional rows to account for all possible combinations.

ExpensesDirect or Indirect CostFixed or Variable CostTotal Anticipated CostRationale for Total Anticipated Cost (50-150 words each)
Miscellaneous Expense    






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