Draw Something Project
Draw Something Project
· Create graphical JavaScript programs that draw shapes on the canvas
· Locate points on the graphics canvas using (x, y) coordinates
(Combo of checklist (lower level) + Rubric for key stuff)
You are tasked to draw something using shapes as well as using input or mouse clicked.
Criteria | Points | Yes/No |
Uses at least 4 different shapes | 1 | |
Has a detailed main character. This can be a thing(car, building, etc). At least one thing drawn should be detailed. | 2 | |
Has a detailed background. | 1 | |
Functions were used | 1 | |
Comments were used to show how to run the program and describes sections of code | 1 | |
Mouse Event or User input is used. | 1 | |
Uses an additional set of code that was not discussed in class. You need to look up a command in the documentation area. | 1 | |
Total: | 8
Student Examples