Elton John: “I’m Still Standing” Melodic Analysis
The song you are writing about is “I’m still standing” by Elton John. You MUST LISTEN to the song, most likely many times over to be able to write this paper. You need to analyze the song and what you hear. If you have any questions or need any information tell me. The one
source is the song.
song link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHwVBirqD2s&ab_channel=EltonJohnVEVO
Demonstrate your understanding of pitch by writing a melodic analysis of the music. While analyzing the melody, be sure to provide commentary on such features as register and melodic range. Listen carefully to the recording, and be as specific as possible when describing what you hear.
We expect your analysis to be couple of pages in length and to accomplish the following:
✅ Identifies the name of the recording and its composer or performer.
✅ Applies concepts discussed in class to describe the melody of the music in terms of pitch.
✅ Includes a visual pitch diagram to help illustrate changes observed in the recording.
✅ Cites specific times from the recording (in minutes and seconds, as needed) to show readers where to listen.
✅ Reflects on how your observations contribute to the listening experience in terms of meaning, enjoyment, etc.