Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Module 1 Activities
Instructions: Either make a copy of this document using Google Docs or download as a word document. Complete all activities within the copied document unless otherwise specified and upload the assignment as one single file.
Activity 1: Personal Reflection
Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection where you address the following three questions:
- What has your prior experience been in working with children with emotional and/or behavioral disorders? Explain your experiences. What have been some of the challenges? What successes have you had?
- Think of at least two students with emotional or behavioral difficulties that you currently work with in the schools. These students may or may not have diagnoses or Emotional Disturbance eligibility. Describe their areas of difficulty, and identify 2-3 specific goals you would like to address for each student in relation to this course (e.g., learn specific relaxation techniques to help Student A with their anxiety). Be sure to NOT include identifying information for the students.
- What are you hoping to learn and take away from this course?
Activity 2: Conceptual Models and Effective Teaching Approaches
- After reading about the conceptual models of interpreting behavior in Chapter 1 and reviewing the resources in Submodule 1.2, reflect on the following: Do any of the conceptual models align with your personal philosophy of behavior? Explain which conceptual model(s) align with your philosophy and why. (In other words, which conceptual model or models make the most sense to you in explaining behavior?)
- Reflect on effective teaching practices for students with EBD (see Chapter 1). There may be an assumption that the only effective teachers for students with EBD are those that are strict, run their classroom like drill-sergeants, maintain a cold and distant approach, and focus on behavioral compliance without teaching academics (since the students cannot learn academics until they can behave). Using the information in the textbook related to “good teaching” in Chapter 1, explain why this assumption is incorrect based on what you have read about setting expectations, what instruction should focus on, effective communication, and modeling. Be specific in the effective teaching principles you are describing and directly connect them to the textbook with citations.
Activity 3: Disproportionality and Categorization in EBD Identification
On pages 46-48 in Chapter 2 of the course textbook, it mentions issues related to disproportionality in identifying children with emotional and behavioral disorders. There could be many factors that may influence this over-identification for some subgroups and under-identification for other subgroups. Answer the following questions:
- What do you think are the factors that influence disproportionality (over-identification or under-identification) in identifying emotional and behavioral disorders? Be specific when identifying the factors and explain how they affect disproportionality (with citations).
- What types of EBD are most likely to be identified and which are least likely to be identified? Explain why this might be the case with specific examples.
- Many claim that there is a stigma associated with the special education category of Emotional Disturbance. In two paragraphs, explain specifically what this stigma (or stereotype) might be and how that came to develop. Also, explain how this may affect the identification of students with ED for services and the effective support and education of students with ED. Make sure to use in-text citations in your response.