Energy Case Studies
Lab 12
{Renewable} Energy Case Studies
Each student will select a city. Choose one that you have some connection to or are interested in. Research that city’s energy needs and available resources and create a presentation illustrating what mix of energy improvements you would recommend developing to best meet the city’s energy needs and also improve its environmental footprint.
Present it to the class. Presentations should be 10 minutes per city.
You may work in groups of up to 3 on the presentations or do something on your own. Group presentations need to include analysis that compares or contrasts the solutions for the cities chosen. Presentations can be prepared videos.
Each member in the group must research their own city and contribute their own ideas towards the “solutions”. Please think about including “wackadoodle” possibilities to be part of your solution. While not always appropriate open the door to creativity. Here is one link that may surprise you – child labor vs child rights vs child fun:
You will be graded based on the Lab 12 Oral Rubric.
The following are some examples from the IRENA cities project that may give you some ideas to start with. IRENA write ups on each of these are included in your resources file. They should help you with starting ideas. You cannot choose any of the following cities:
Dezhou, China
Chemnitz, Germany
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Austin, US
Sydney, Australia and Nagpur, India
Malmo, Sweden
Lastly as I am encouraging you to select cities from all over the world you are allowed to use Wikipedia for basic information about your city. Things like population, economic info, links to climate and basic location information. This is because access to this type of information is not equally available in English for many countries.
While you do not need to verbalize your sources, they should be somewhere in your presentation.