Final Exam Fall

Final Exam Fall 2020 ECON 390

Prof. Gharehgozli





• Thursday Dec 3rd to Wednesday Dec 9th. This is Final Exam and the due date is

Wednesday. Late submissions (even for 1 seconds) receive 0.

• Your submission must include a rscript that is error-less, with your name on top of

the script.

• All questions must have numbers in the script. EXAMPLE: “#Questions 1 Part a:”.

Note that without the correct rscript I will not grade the submission.

• Please respond to each and every single question on the PAPER as well with numbers

and sub-numbers. Otherwise I would consider 0 for your answer if you do not mention

what question you are responding to exactly, even if you have the correct answer. For

example if you are responding to question 1 part a, in your response you should start

with 1.a. …Again if you are using RStudio I want the response on both the script as

well as on paper :).

• Important: if you work with classmates you should submit 1 submission and both

your final exam scores will be multiplied by 0.9. If you collaborate and do not inform

me your score will be 0. Forget about the group chats :).

The data description is attached along with data.


Follow the instruction above and answer questions below:

Question 1 : (15/100)

• Question1 part a (5/100): Please refer to the data description, and define variables

”alcohol”, ”birthweight”, ”smoker”, ”unmarried”, ”drinks”, ”nprevist”, and ”tripre3”;




meaning what they are and what is their unit of measurement.

• Question1 part b (5/100): Provides summary of the variables mentioned above: min,

max, mean, and variance of each variable.

• Question1 part b (5/100): How many observations do we have? What is the unit of

observations (is it individuals, households, states,…)? How many dummy variables do

we have?

Question 2 : (20/100)

• Question 2 part a (5/100): Run a regression of birthweight over age.

• Question 2 part b (5/100): What is the model and the predicted equations?

• Question 2 part c (5/100): What is the slope and what is the interpretation of this


• Question2 part d (5/100): Is the slope significant? write down the null and alternative

of this hypothesis testing, write down the tstat/zscore formula and calculate it and

provide your conclusion with the 2 approaches, tstat/zscore and pvalue approaches.

Question 3 : (35/100)

• Question 3 part a (5/100): Run a regression of birthweight over age, educ, unmarried,

smoker, alcohol.

• Question 3 part b (5/100): What is the model?

• Question 3 part c (5/100): What is the predicted equation?

• Question 3 part d (5/100): Among all the coefficients, which ones are significant and

which ones are not. WHY?

• Question 3 part e (10/100): In this model , run a ”F” test checking for simultaneous

significance of mother’s unhealthy behaviors (smoker and alcohol variables) on the

birthweight of the infants. (Hint: the regression in Question3 part a is your unre-

stricted model. Create you restricted model and run the Ftest. Important: what is

the null and alternative of this test, and what is your conclusion? calculate the Ftest




on paper and use the table for the critical value. You can then double check your

result with the anova command)

• Question 3 part e (5/100): In this model (part 3.a ) what is the predicted value of

infant’s birth weight for a mother who is 27 years old, who has 13 years of education,

who is married, who is not a smoker and does not drink alcohol.

Question 4 : (10/100)

• Question 4 part a (5/100): Create log of birthweight and run a single ”log-linear”

model of log(birthweight) over age.

• Question 4 part c (5/100): What is the predicted slope and what is the interpretation

of the slope? (Note it is log-linear so the interpretation is not regular)

Question 5 : (15/100)

• Question 5 part a (5/100): Provide a scatterplot of birthweight over nprevist.

• Question 5 part b (5/100): Create quadratic and cubic terms for nprevist, then run

a regression of birthweight over nprevist, nprevist2, nprevist3, unmarried, and smoker.

• Question 5 part c (10/100): Is this a good model or do we have to go with a quadratic

or linear relationship between birthweight and nprevist? Why?

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