Firewall Configuration
Netlab 1: Firewall Configuration
Lab Assignment
In this lab, you will create a firewall rule on pfSense firewall. PfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. The four computers shown in lab topology are not used in this lab.
1) Complete the first 24 steps listed in Page 6-10 of the Netlab 1 Manual.
Reflection Assignment
After completing the lab, answer the following questions:
1) Prepare a one-paragraph summary of what you have done in this Netlab assignment.
2) Read this story:
It is written in the story that the “…spokesperson wouldn’t comment on what the misconfiguration was due to the ongoing police investigation.” Please provide a firewall misconfiguration example. You can do a Google search like “Most Common Firewall Configuration Mistakes” to help in answering this question.
3) How can firewall misconfiguration be detected before hackers attack?
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