Genronlogy Final Paper
Term Paper Assignment
Please note that this assignment is due during our finals meeting. Because of that no exceptions can be made for late work even in the case of illness. If illness or emergency occurs and it is documented the student may ask for an incomplete in the course in order to do the work and receive a letter grade.
The final paper gives students the opportunity to choose from one of three paper options.
- Formatting: The paper should be 4-5 pages in length (before references), be single spaced, size
12 font. You have three paper options, therefore, your paper should follow the specific guidelines below guidelines below. Please note that the individual page guidelines are suggestions to illustrate the amount of time and space relatively to give to each aspect of the paper.
- 72 points are awarded for the paper and 8 points
Evaluation Proposal Paper: The evaluation proposal paper will give you an opportunity to plan an evaluation of a program or policy utilizing the following general criteria
- (2.5 points) State the Program Goal (0.25 pages)
- (2.5 points) State the Program Objectives (0.25 pages)
- (5 points) Write the Program Description (1 pages)
- Details of how it works and is being implemented.
- (20 points) List the Program Evaluation Questions and justification for asking them (0.75 page) 1. Examples: need for the program, cost/benefit analysis, description of the structure,
description of the program outputs, impacts/outcomes
- (5 points) List the Sources of Evaluation Data (0.5 page)
- What data will you collect and from who.
- (20 points) Describe the Methods of Data Collection (0.75 page)
- When will you collect data and how will you measure the variables of interest?
- (5 points) How will information on program evaluation be presented and why this makes sense?
(0.5 page)
- Who are you trying to inform (donors, public, government).
- Graphs, charts, pamphlet, online report.
- (10 points) Provide references and in text citations as needed.
Research Proposal Paper: This paper will require you to come up with a research idea of your own! First, come up with a hypothesis related to some developmental topic. You will need to come up with background and significance for this hypothesis. Then, design a study that includes sampling, measurement, and data collection approaches sufficient to answer the questions you have posed. You must also come up with an analysis plan and expected results from those analyses. The expected results should be, in part, based on your background reading or pilot studies.
- (15 points) Introduction and Background (1 pages)
2. (5 points) Hypothesis (0.125 pages)
3. (5 points) Aims clearly defined (0.25 pages)
4. (20 points) Approach and Analysis for each aim (1-2 pages each) - (15 points) Expected results (0.25-0.5 pages per aim)
- (10 points) Potential Pitfalls and Solutions (0.25 – 0.5 pages for each aim)
Empirical Analysis Paper / Systematic Review: This paper will focus on delving into a critique of the literature. Focus on one paper from your review and critique the methodology and analyses of that particular paper. Finally, spend some time reflecting on the literature, and come up with a potential study that could be done to address the holes you may have found in the literature. The structure of the paper should include:
- (40 points) An evaluation of the literature on your topic (both theoretical and empirical). Provide a cohesive look at the studies that have already been completed on your topic (2.5 pages).
- (15 points) Choose one paper from your review, and critique the methodology and analyses of that paper (1 pages).
- (15 points) A section to review the limitations of the literature as a whole, and offer some indication of where future studies should go. (1 pages)