Grading Rubric for Reaction Paper
Perioperative/Operating Room Reaction Paper (Grading Rubric for Reaction Paper) Student Name: ______________________________________ Evaluation of each area as: (Objectives Met, Not Met, and insufficient information). Objectives Met Not Met Insufficient Information Title Page: Name, title and author Title Page (e.g. Trinitas School of Nursing, NURE132, Peri-operative Reaction Paper, Name of Adjunct Faculty, all centered). Introduction: States purpose of the paper and incorporates personal objectives for the experience. Pre-operative Stage: Explains the preoperative diagnosis, consents, medications, laboratory results, and teaching (if known). Incorporates evidence of the National Patient Safety Goals (Patient Identification, Universal Precaution – “Time Out”, infection prevention, sterility, fall, pressure ulcer prevention, etc.). Surgical infection prevention prophylaxis (antibiotic), CAUTI (Foley cath removal postop), etc. Intraoperative Stage: Describes the roles of Surgical Team Members (surgeon, scrub and circulating nurses, OR techs, anesthesia, etc.). Discusses how teamwork and collaboration was demonstrated during surgical procedure and the relationship to patient safety. Post-operative Stage: Role of the Nurse and Anesthesia in the recovery process: Management of airway, vital signs, etc. Discussion of the RNs’ Roles in Caring for the Perioperative Patient: Incorporates nursing care and the client’s reactions. 1. How the nurse functions in this setting. 2. How the nurse cares for the specific needs of the patient (pain, airway, etc.) Evaluation of the Experience: Your reaction to the experience and how it may or may not accomplish your goals. Rate the value of this learning activity and explain what was the most important or surprising thing you learned. Writing style, correct APA, grammar, spelling Grade: Pass/Fail/Pass with revision (circle one) Comments: ______________________________________