Hip Hop history and the African experience in the United States

Hip Hop history and the African experience in the United States

Hip Hop is a unique American cultural product — Hip Hop is neo African.  Discuss these statements in the context of the history of the African experience in the United States.  What is the role of music and dance in this history and how have these experiences manifested in hip hop?  Discuss this form in the context of the space, history, politics, culture(s), artists and philosophies that gave birth to the form, and the spaces/individuals/ institutions and/or processes that gave rise to its popularity.

(Some how bring in the discussion about jay z and the story of oj song and Beyonce and her homecoming performance).

5 pages

Needs to have at least 3 academic sources (at least 1 needs to be peer reviewed) and at least 7 other sources (can and should do more). At least 10 total sources. You also must appropriately cite scholars, online sources / videos, either in paraphrase or quotations.

Make sure the presentation of Main Concepts/Arguments is clear and well written at a masters degree level. You must use of Examples/Descriptions of Dance and Music. You also need to use examples of music and dance to support arguments. Descriptions of dances to help paint a picture or to exemplify how the dance is done in the mind of the reader.

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