Holtz Children’s & The Women’s Hospital
Holtz Children’s & The Women’s Hospital
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Q2 Are there any other policies (not mentioned above) that would be most important to consider in our first phase.
Answered: 37 Skipped: 42
1 Labor and delivery policies for different medications 6/29/2022 3:44 PM
2 Intra hospital ratio for our patients, because we’re always struggling. 6/16/2022 11:00 AM
3 Intra hospital transport for floor patients. 6/16/2022 10:59 AM
4 Transitional care 6/15/2022 11:26 AM
5 Labor and delivery 6/13/2022 10:46 PM
6 no 6/10/2022 5:51 PM
7 all 6/10/2022 8:27 AM
8 Misoprostol, 6/9/2022 12:39 PM
9 Staffing ratios, first priority 6/9/2022 9:32 AM
10 Staffing ratios , first priority 6/9/2022 9:31 AM
11 Precepting readiness. 6/9/2022 7:09 AM
12 Magnesium sulfate for PEC and neuro protection. Specifically how long should they stay for recovery post delivery
6/9/2022 4:16 AM
13 Newborn Glucose management: admission to MB, mother GDM Newborn Mag exposure. Newborn thermoregulation
6/8/2022 3:50 PM
14 Guidelines for monitoring antenatal testing resulting in transfer of care or admission effects both antenatal testing out patient and 7B ; diabetic monitoring, orders and the antepartum/postpartum patient
6/8/2022 7:55 AM
15 No 6/8/2022 6:14 AM
16 Vacuum assisted deliveries 6/8/2022 4:01 AM
17 Specific policies for L&D such as pitocin management 6/8/2022 2:56 AM
18 medications 6/8/2022 12:16 AM
19 Feeding protocol 6/8/2022 12:01 AM
20 Policies for magnesium, pitocin, miso for IUFD, penicillin desensitization 6/7/2022 10:19 PM
21 Every policy regarding how things needed to be done. 6/7/2022 8:28 PM
22 Appropriate Staffing for standard of care 6/7/2022 8:07 PM
23 Managing labor and delivery patients 6/7/2022 5:15 PM
24 Cooling blanket policies ECMO policies Patient acuity policy (patient to nurse ratio based on acuity) IVH bundle policy
6/7/2022 11:48 AM
25 TOO NEW TO KNOW. EVERYTHING! 6/7/2022 10:19 AM
26 Diabetic policies 6/5/2022 1:58 AM
27 N/A 6/3/2022 1:53 PM
28 Safety 6/3/2022 1:30 PM
29 neonatal ecmo management. neonatal hypothermia management. neonatal respiratory 5/30/2022 7:08 PM
Holtz Children’s & The Women’s Hospital
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distress, neonatal infection control. peripheral line management aseptic techniques vs sterile technique for picc and central lines.
30 1.How often and how much to administer for cheek painting 2. Documentation in the 3 different level of care 3. Glucose monitor frequency in the different level of care and for baby on insulin. 4. DNR policy for NICU ( currently we have no parental consent form) 5. Please please please a policy on dose to administer nasally for Versed for procedure.(currently doctors have an agreement nurses do not have anything in writing.
5/27/2022 10:45 AM
31 PACU/Recovery 5/27/2022 7:54 AM
32 Medication administration and compatabilities. Neonatal development 5/26/2022 9:47 AM
33 N/A 5/26/2022 9:37 AM
34 No 5/26/2022 9:35 AM
35 N/a 5/26/2022 9:35 AM
36 1.Report guidelines ie history of the mother as well as the baby especially on admission. 2. Blood draw guidelines ie nurses should be trained to obtain all blood draws and not be restricted. This should include blood cultures and should be coordinated with IV insertions. 3. Noise control guidelines ie loud talking over the baby’s bed/isolette especially during admissions and parents having their phones on speaker within inches of the infant’s face.
5/26/2022 7:40 AM
37 not at this time 5/23/2022 8:46 AM