How does climate change impact people’s health outcomes
Finding Proper Sources; how does climate change impact people’s health outcomes?
To find proper sources for creating my literature review on the topic, “how does climate change impact people’s health outcomes?” I will focus on the online catalogue, magazines and journals, indexes and abstracts, newspapers, reference books and other internet resources. Correspondingly, I will consult knowledgeable people to understand how climate change impacts individual health and critical sample searches linked to my topic.
On the other hand, the journals I will be searching in for my literature are those connected to the impact of climate change on mental health, the concept of climate change and mental health and the risk factors individuals possess, in addition to the major approaches to tackle climate change issue to the life of the individual. As a result, I will note down the primary distress degree an individual feels about climate change and how they felt. Therefore, the vast journals in my case linked to the overall concept of climate change would include Springer Journal, American Journal of Climate Change, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and Economics of Climate Change Journal. The journals incorporated and dealing with mental health would include the Journal of Mental Health and secondary sources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The central theoretical themes emerging in the literature and incorporate to understand my topic further, “how does climate change impact people’s health outcome?” will include mental health, changes in mental health with climate change, mental health statistics and mental health causes. The above mentioned theoretical themes will be critical in understanding the adverse life experiences resulting in high mental health cases due to climate change.
To break down the searched different pieces of literature and link them theoretically, I will first develop a research question: “how does climate change impact people’s health outcomes?” After that, create a list of actual databases and text, keywords and phrases as mentioned above. Following the list formation, I will start searching and making notes for databases to keep search track and review the literature and compile the findings into a report.
Also, the significant gap in the literature review of sources linked to the connection between climate change and individual health outcomes is that minimal analytical frameworks discuss the numerous types of climate change affecting individuals’ mental health. Also, little researches on distinct databases present how hurricanes impacts on a person’s mental health.
Consecutively, my topic on how climate change impacts people’s health outcomes is heavily connected with the sociology of emotions which applies sociological emotions and theorems to study human emotions. Through the topic above, sociologists would understand the significant factors such as climate change impacting human emotions. Also, looking at a variety of disciplines has increased the accuracy of my literature review. According to Calkins & Kelley (2007), looking at various disciplines helps one redefine their research questions following the compiled array of sources on books and journals existing, for instance, on the relationship between climate change and mental health.
Calkins, S., & Kelley, M. R. (2007). Evaluating internet and scholarly sources across the disciplines: Two case studies. College Teaching, 55(4), 151-156.