How drama education in higher education promotes students’ creativity

1. Each paragraph of the Literature Review should include: a summary of relevant studies and their key findings, your comments on them (accept or reject)
2. In the section “What is creativity?” you need to identify one of the main ideas of the experts as a definition of creativity in the whole text, excluding some opposing views and theories.
3. Literature Review could use the book “Jackson, N., Oliver, M., Shaw, M. and Wisdom, J. eds., 2006. Developing creativity in higher education: an imaginative curriculum” as a basis for writing
4. Documents that reference and apply the literature on creativity, especially the concepts underlined in yellow
5.Each section needs to be written according to the outline and word count allocated, 4000 words in total excluding the introductory paragraph

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How drama education in higher education promotes students’ creativity

Review of literature (4,000 words approx)
Here you will provide a theoretical rationale for your research, indicating your line of argument by:
ï‚·Explaining what has been written in the literature of drama and theatre education that is relevant and justifies your inquiry;
Refer to and discuss other theories relevant to your study – these may include wider educational / social / cultural / psychological / policy theories that are relevant and support the argument behind your inquiry;
ï‚·Discuss the findings of previous research that is relevant to your inquiry;
Indicate the limitations – other relevant perspectives that you have left out and why. This will be related to your particular focus and the limitations of space.

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