Intensive mothering and the perpetuation of gender inequality: Evidence from a mixed methods research

Intensive mothering and the perpetuation of gender inequality: Evidence from a mixed methods research

1) Respond to prompts below
2) Answers must be paraphrased (write in your own words).
3) Any information that inspired or contributed to your post must be credited by a brief mention of the title and author of the source.
4) Comments could be reactions to the material on anything you found interesting, different, thought provoking, or challenging in the articles/videos/documentaries.

*Substantively means to not just react to the reading/video or reiterating already stated facts. Substantive participation means adding new information and/or critically analyzing the material by bringing in relevant information from other sources, particularly the theories and theorists you will be reading about this semester and always supporting your points with data and examples.

Writing Prompts

How would you explain intensive mothering?

Before you read this article, what were your thoughts on parenting/mothering/fathering?

What are some specific things you have learned about social expectations of parenting/mothering/fathering from society?

In your opinion, is parenting still seen as a largely female-centered domain? Why/why not?

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