Interview your subject and then create your article.
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The principal would like to expand this week’s website article to include teachers across the local district. For this article, interview an elementary teacher, media specialist, or librarian on current issues and trends in children’s literature.
Develop 10 questions that can be used in your interview, addressing the following topics:
· Current issues and trends in children’s literature
· How current issues and trends affect the selection of literature for classroom use
· How current issues and trends affect teaching of reading and literacy through children’s literature
Interview your subject and then create your article.
Write a 525-word article about current issues and trends in children’s literature. Explain how these issues and trends might affect classroom use of children’s literature and how the different elements of literature affect curriculum.
Include the following in your article:
· An introductory paragraph with general information about the teacher, media specialist, librarian, school, or library (for privacy reasons, avoid using any personal information, such as the name of the person or workplace)
· A summary of the interview questions and responses
· Resources, such as course content, book titles, or websites, to illustrate the answers that you received
· Connections between children’s literature authors or illustrators and identified trends
· A comparison of the librarian’s answers with articles or other materials from reputable leaders in the children’s literature community
· An explanation of how the identified trends affect the selection of books to use in the classroom
· Appropriate images, graphics, or multimedia to support your article
Cite any references used to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
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