Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 2

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 2

Assignment 2, Discussion 2:  Personal and Professional Experiences with People of Diverse Identities and Lived Experiences: 

Personal and Professional Experiences with people of diverse abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, language, country of origin, social class. Assignment link: Module 2: Personal and Professional Experiences with People of Diverse Identities

·       Question 1. Educational Experience: Reflect on your K-12 experiences as a student and describe what you remember from that time regarding student and teacher population. Who were the individuals in your school community? Did it feel like a community? Was your school a diverse environment in terms of abilities, race, class, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation of students, families, and educators? Was it a welcoming school? How can you tell? What did “Special Education” look like? What school environments looked like: cafeteria, classrooms, recess, clubs, etc.? In addition, provide some more detailed information on where students with disabilities received their special education services, were they in your classroom, in a separate classroom, separate part of the building, did you have an opportunity to interact with them?

·       Question 2Personal/Professional Experience: Also, please come prepared to discuss your personal and/or professional experiences with people of diverse abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation in your personal or professional life and how they inform your perspectives in life. If you work in a school or another organization, what difference and similarities can you draw from you as a student, and you as the professional?

·       Question 3. Special Teacher: Do you have a teacher who was special to you? If so, why? What do you remember? Did your teacher know?

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