Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 3

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


1.  Smith, D.D. & Tyler, N.C. (2010). Introduction to special education: Making a difference. (pp. 4-18)  Smith&Tyler__2010__4-18.pdf

2. a. Friend & Bursuck (2015) – Chapter 2: Special Education Procedures and Services – Book Chapter – Text.  Friend & Bursuck (2015) Chapter 2.pdfDownload Friend & Bursuck (2015) Chapter 2.pdf

b.  Friend & Bursuck (2015%- Chapter 2: Special Education Procedures and Services – Book Chapter – Power Point Friend & Bursuck (2015) Ch2 Powerpoint.pdfDownload Friend & Bursuck (2015) Ch2 Powerpoint.pdf



1.    Assignment 1, Module 3 Assignment: Discussion Board:  Module 3: Weekly Text Summaries and Reflection Posts (by Thursday at midnight) & Response to Two Classmates (by Sunday at midnight)
Reading/Watching/Listening Summaries
: First, complete your reading/watching/listening assignments and then the Text Summaries and Reflections for the Required texts. Recommended/Optional are not required, but recommended. If you read/watch/listen to them include the in the Text Summaries and Reflection form.  You will submit one Text Summaries and Reflections per unit. That is, on the same document, complete the Text Citation and Summary for each reading/video/podcast. Responses to Questions #3 and #4, what did you learn and would do differently, will be an integration of all that unit texts.

o   Format

Please complete one summary for each of the assigned readings:

1. Text 1(Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

2. Text 1 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text)

3. Text 2 (Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

4. Text 2 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text) – Add more if more texts are assigned for that unit

5. What three things did you learn from these texts (article/resource/media)? (make direct connections to text)

6. What three things would you do differently as an educator/leader/therapist based on your new knowledge and understandings as a result of these texts (article/resource/media)?

2. Partnership Experience –  Who are you partnering with for this field experience? Link: Partnership Experience – Initial Partner Information 

3. On Social Media, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. search and follow at least two disabled self-advocates who use Identity First Language and another person, a Gen Z (younger person) with a lived experience different from you (with regards to gender, sexuality,  citizenship, disability, race, ethnicity, etc.) Suggestions for Autisitc self-advocates include: to an external site.;Links to an external site. to an external site.

·       Discussion Section: Who are you following on Social Media?– Post by Thursday, Respond by Sunday

·       Share who you are following

·       Based on who you are following and read from disabled self-advocates, what resonated with you as a current or future educator, advocate, leader, clinician; your own experiences with members of the disability community, and why?

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