Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD, 2020). Significant Disproportionality in Special Education: Current Trends and Actions for Impact 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf Download 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf

·       Novak (2019) The School-To-Prison Pipeline: An Examination of the Association Between Suspension and Justice System Involvement Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf Download Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf

·       Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA) Complaint (2018) Legal Case COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf Download COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf

·       Coutinho & Oswald (2006) Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students  students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf Download students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf

·       Drakeford (2006 ) Racial Disproportionality in School Disciplinary Practices School_Discipline_Brief.pdfDownload School_Discipline_Brief.pdf

Sub-topic: School to Prison Pipeline

·       Video: How the School to Prison Pipeline Works: to an external site.

·       Video: What is the School-to-Prison Pipeline? How Do We Dismantle It? to an external site.


Assignment 1, Module 6 Reflections on Disproportionality in Education: Please post here any thoughts that come to you as you after reading this Module Introduction – Due on Thursday – Respond to two classmates by Sunday at Midnight

Question 1

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students receiving special education services, especially in predominantly white school districts. Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the general population of students in the school/district and those receiving special education supports and services? Furthermore, who gets to be included and who is in more secluded/segregated education settings, such as Emotional and Behavioral Supports who rarely interact academic and socially with their peers?

Question 2

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students placed in the Challenge/Gifted program, and Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in High School? Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the number of students of color in the school/district, and those having access to the most challenging and rigorous courses?

Question 3

How do you explain those differences?

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