Is America living up to its foundational ideals of freedom

Is America living up to its foundational ideals of freedom? (Remember, ideals are standards of perfection or standards to strive towards.)

Write an argumentative essay in which you answer the above prompt. Be sure you choose a strong position and state a clear, specific claim. Use specific details from the texts we read and one outside source to support your claim. Fully develop your warrants by explaining how your quotes support your claim.

Essay Guidelines:

  • 2 page paper
  • MLA Format
  • 1 outside source required (This needs to be centered around a current event that supports your claim.

You can use valid news articles for this)

  • Use evidence from one of the texts we have studied this unit (DOI, Preamble & Bill of Rights,
  • Minimum of 3 quotes required
  • Works Cited page and in-text citations required


 Is America Living Up its Foundational Ideals of Freedom?

Even following the Covid-19 crisis and introducing rules such as mandatory vaccination, America still lives to its foundational ideals of freedom (Carey, 2005). Since time immemorial, the American ideal of freedom has been practicing a set of ideas such as rights, opportunity, liberty, and equality. The American ideal of freedom among them is thus linked to protecting citizens against any form of infectious diseases, among others. Via the American ideal, every citizen has a fundamental right to be protected against any form of infectious disease, which includes COVID-19 (Rossum et al., 2019). The mandatory vaccination prevents one from getting terminally ill and further protects individuals around one. This paper particularly argues that despite current COVID-19 protocols such as mask mandate in schools or mandatory vaccinations, America is living up to its foundational ideas of freedom. Among them is the fundamental right to protecting its citizens from the spread of the disease.

The Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights introduces the major components of natural rights: liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness (Carey, 2005). The concept of life and happiness is, in most occasions, fulfilled when life is protected or saved, as further stated in some of the objectives in America’s ideal dream. Historically, one of the major measures America has introduced to protect or prevent its citizens from adverse medical situations is aligned with the current COVID-19 set regulations and rules. Among them are mandatory vaccinations and mask mandates in schools (Rossum et al., 2019). The set rules are critical as citizens in America have a fundamental right to be protected. The measures provided following Coronavirus are one way America is striving to save life and part and parcel of natural rights. Compulsory vaccination, for instance, is amongst the measures introduced to prevent life-threatening risks. The latter protects all categories of American populations, which includes vulnerable groups.

Besides, the Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights notes that despite set freedom practices for the United States of America, it is still critical to protect the citizens in vast ways possible. Coronavirus ravages fully force the U.S government to curtail citizens’ freedom of choice and movement to protect them. Combating Coronavirus not only requires mandatory vaccinations and mast mandate in schools but also requiring citizens to remain at home at certain costs and prompting social distancing (Rossum et al., 2019). The latter fulfills America’s ideal dream of fundamental rights of protection from getting or transmitting Coronavirus. Consecutively, America’s fundamental ideals are heavily fulfilled following Coronavirus protocols. The set of mandatory vaccines focuses fully on America’s principles of equality as the vaccine does not discriminate against one against age or race in addition to their socio-economic status.

On the other hand, also America is living to its foundational even with the set mandatory vaccines rules, among other standards, to protect its citizens. Even when receiving the vaccines, citizens are still enjoying their freedom of speech, which has been a significant constitutional right since time immemorial. Citizens enjoy their freedom of speech by severally highlighting the concerns linked to the incorporated vaccine. Also, through constant communication with their friends, they would address the vaccine’s impact on their lifestyle. If there are various changes, the U.S government will incorporate to reduce the latter via the ministries of health. Freedom of speech is vivid in U.S’s Article 10, which allows the U.S citizens to hold their own opinions and express them freely without any interference from the government (Rossum et al., 2019). Since the pandemic breakdown, the citizens have rampantly enjoyed their freedom of expression by expressing their views through published articles, leaflets or books, radio broadcasting, or television. Even with the Covid-19 pandemic and America’s set rules and regulations to protect its citizens, they vastly enjoy their foundational ideals of freedom, which are the paramount right to express information and ideals on both unpopular and popular topics without ant government censorship fear. Through freedom of speech, the citizens are protected from participating in all communication forms, which includes speeches of art and other media.

In conclusion, America fully lives to its foundational ideas of freedom even when faced with the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. The Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights and Bill of Rights introduces the major components citizens enjoy liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness. The concept of life and happiness is, in most occasions, fulfilled when life is protected or saved, as further stated in some of the objectives in America’s ideal dream. Historically, one of the major measures America has introduced to protect or prevent its citizens from adverse medical situations is aligned with the current COVID-19 set regulations and rules. Among them are mandatory vaccinations and mandate masks in schools. The practices are critical for fulfilling America’s ideals of freedom. Even when receiving the vaccines, they would also Citizens are still enjoying their freedom of speech by severally highlighting the concerns linked to the incorporated vaccine.



Carey, G. W. (2005). Natural Rights, Equality, and the Declaration of Independence. Ave Maria L. Rev.3, 45.

Rossum, R. A., Tarr, G. A., & Muñoz, V. P. (2019). American constitutional law: The bill of rights and subsequent amendments. Routledge.



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