leadership theories

leadership theories

The assignment focuses on identifying your leadership self-assessment, please access the MindTools website (https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-style-quiz.htm) to complete your self-assessment. Once you complete the test and your total is calculated please answer the following five questions with at least 350 words.

1. Discuss the pros and cons of using Leadership Style based on the results provided by MindTools website? Please explain whether you agree or disagree with the results?
2. Share your opinion on the benefits of strategic leadership when working with teams?
3. How will you work on your leadership areas of improvement? Please discuss three to four leadership plans you will implement in future based on the lessons learned in this course.
4. What advice would you give to leaders who are struggling during their career start? How will you communicate and motivate people who have poor work experience?
The content taken from textbook, or any other source should be paraphrased (written in own words). Write in complete sentences and use good grammar, double-spacing, 12 point font, with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite five resources and use APA format for the entire assignment.Pros & Cons of 12 Leadership Styles for Successful Leaders (complete list) – https://brand-minds.medium.com/pros-cons-of-12-leadership-styles-for-successful-leaders-complete-list-c9bd0c38e531

8 Different Leadership Styles (and Their Pros and Cons) – https://www.themuse.com/advice/common-leadership-styles-with-pros-and-cons

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