Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here
Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here
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Manager’s Name and Role: Willietta Gombeh – Administrative Manager
Healthcare Setting: Hospital
Managerial Issue :
Impact & Details :
The purpose of a hospital is to ensure the health and wellness of not only it’s patient but the community at large. In the event of a power outage due to a storm, the hospital’s; it’s staff, operations, and the community in terms of public health, safety and first response policies and procedures are either limited or nonfunctioning at its full capacity. From a managerial stance it probes unique problems that could ricksha in several violations of health services laws and procedures that can result in a lost of life, money and or damage to infrastructure and technology.
Severity & Details :
The scope of severity ranges from mild to catastrophic to irreconcilable if appropriate measures are not taken in a timely fashion. In the event of a power outage the community is at a public health risk because a hospital serves as the mitigation center for morbidity and mortality management, and when such an institution is no longer working at its pinnacle, it than further undermines and increases low health outcomes to those suffering from preexisting conditions. As a health administrative manager our response time is greatly affected because machinery and technology used for dispatchers to staff will be hindered, resulting in ill prepared staff, nonfunctioning equipment and limited resources in the duration of response and recovery for those affected within the community.
Scope & Details :
Power outage can limit a hospitals response during time of crisis within a community such as in the event of a detrimental storm. The community may face wider gaps in health disparities and even death if hospitals are not running at it’s full capacity. The level of care is compromised and patients
Two Healthcare Setting Issues:
1. First Healthcare-Related Issue with Characteristics Defined : Patients who are sick can develop complications because of lack of treatment availability because of the power outage, example a patient a patient on dialysis unable to receive treatment and result in further kidney failure and decrease likelihood of survival from diagnosis.
2. Second Healthcare-Related Issue with Characteristics Defined : In the surgical setting when power outage occurs it can cause multiple negative outcome of surgery procedures, resulting in numerous outcomes such as medical malpractice or a negligence claim which can further result in a lawsuit and other unwarranted consequences.
Managerial Role Perspective Details : In the event of a pour outage it is my job to keep the hospital running and ensuring the safety of my patients and staff, while figuring ways to generate electricity and aid those in the community. First thing first is to combat the power outage with making sure the generator kicks in within seconds of power failure because it could result in complication or even death for patients in critical conditions relying on machinery for oxygen. Having a plan in place is crucial and in an organism such a hospital with many different wards and persons it’s important that codes and ethics are maintained during these hours and staff are properly trained to respond. In order to address the issue, I’ll first call a code, than direct supervisors to direct staff to assist patient who are in the ICU 9intensive care units who need acute care to take priority and for the rest of the staff to maintain safety and competency standards with remaining stable patients, and if possible transporting them to community health centers to receive targeted care.
Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here
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Two Policies, Laws, or Regulations with Responsible Parties Information :
1. First Policy, Law, or Regulation Information :
According to research “The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act took effect with Congressional sanction in 1986. The law requires care providers to deliver medical services despite the patients’ ability to pay. The act outlines specific guidelines for providers that deliver emergency services. If an individual has a medical emergency, such as an injury or active birth, the law obligates caregivers to stabilize the patient and provide treatment up to the point where the client remains stabilized. If the care provider cannot deliver this service, the law mandates that the provider transfer the patient to a capable facility.” (Arieti, 2020)
1a.: Responsible Party, Regulatory Agency, or Regulatory Body Information :
The Agency responsible for the regulating of the EMTALA is the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) (now known as the Centers for Medicare.
2. Second Policy, Law, or Regulation Information :
According to research “The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) of 2005 creates a voluntary reporting system designed to improve the data available to assess and resolve patient safety and health-care quality issues. To this end, PSQIA proffers federal privilege and confidentiality protections for patient safety information. Under PSQIA, HHS can impose civil money penalties for violations of patient safety and confidentiality. PSQIA also authorizes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to keep tabs on patient safety organizations, which are groups of external experts who collect and review patient safety data.”(Washington, 2015)
2a.: Responsible Party, Regulatory Agency, or Regulatory Body Information :
The regulatory parties, agencies, or institutions that serve as corrections and implantations is the AHRQ which stands for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Situation Management- Two Specific Tasks or Steps to Address the Issues :
1. Details: First Task or Step to Address the Issues :
In the case there is power outage and patients in need of medical services show up without insurance, it is our duty to still provide competent care under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, even if we are unable to look them up in the system. We must treat each patient with upmost care with skilled practices.
2. Details: Second Task of Step to Address the Issues :
In the event of a power outage we still must uphold the Patient’s Safety and Quality Improvement Act, which means we will voluntarily report the type of care administered to patients and use those data to increase our positive health outcomes and insure that we are in right standing with our patients and with governing laws.
Two Stakeholders Defined with Details:
1. First Stakeholder, Role Support, and Stakeholder Importance :
Physicians are the first stakeholders in this scenario because they administer the care and need to be well versed in these laws towards their patients even in the face of an emergency. They uphold these laws and make sure patients are treated with empathy and equity. If physicians turn away a patient because of inability to pay, one can lose their live, and if reports are not conducted to assess the type of care administered than by what standards can we hold anyone accountable or eliminate disparities from health care biases.
2. Second Stakeholder, Role Support, and Stakeholder Importance :
Patients have a responsibility to educate themselves on their rights and what agencies provide the regulatory power to enforce proper access to equitable care. The single most importance of a patient is that they provide feedback, whether it is on care, treatment or best practices, the best people to learn from are patients themselves.
Work Cited Page
Arieti, A. (2020, March 5). 5 Health Care Laws Protecting the Rights of Patients. Online Master’s in Health Law and Policy.
Goodman, B. (2018, November 29). Your Rights in the Emergency Room. WebMD.,are%20also%20governed%20by%20EMTALA.
Levy, N. B. L. (2018). Legal Issues…Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). CINAHL Nursing Guide.
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. (2005). [Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O. : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor, 2005.
Saleh, N. (2019, July 23). 10 medical laws all doctors should know. Https://Www.Mdlinx.Com/Article/10-Medical-Laws-All-Doctors-Should-Know/Lfc-3992.
Zibulewsky J. (2001). The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA): what it is and what it means for physicians. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 14(4), 339–346.