Marriage and Family
Marriage and Family
In most countries, marriage I viewed as the cornerstone of happiness and an ultimate achievement in life. However, in reality, marriage has been found to have significant effects on each person involved. When two people unite through marriage, they form a new relationship that changes old ones. Philosophical thinkers throughout history have offered various definition and arguments on marriage. Some of the key questions are definitely what defines a valid marriage, for instance, how much a person promises so that their union can be recognized as legitimate, what spouse’s rights should be reserved in a union, and what laws should bind the legal marriage
Marriage Deconstruction
One of the notable concerns of what people want to deconstruct marriage is the extent to which various religions or cultures acknowledge the validity of their unions. In most western cultures, marriage is viewed as a legal contract between two people which permits them to decide what obligations and rights each party is eligible to. In US, for instance, married couples are given the most rights in the realm of federal law. Due to numerous court cases, gays have been given some rights following their unions. However, various issues still exists surrounding whether their marriage should be legally recognized and offered more rights than what already exists. Issues surrounding fidelity, polygamy, divorce have subjects of a heated debate in the recent past. Arguably, there is no universal answer on how to approach these issues.
Marriage Progression
From the time an individual enters a union, there are specific agreements that are formed between two individuals, and these agreements can either weaken or strengthen their bond. Due to this, it is crucial that people acknowledge what defines valid marital union, how such agreements will impact their health and happiness, and how they should attempt to dissolve their unions. It is crucial to acknowledge the manner in which different cultures perceive marriages and how their perspectives can impact their lives. This is particularly true for people who wish to take part in marriage from a legal point of view, or who want to evaluate on the validity of their unions on their own grounds and terms. In US, there exist various laws governing how union are formalized and decided upon, but these laws do not often reflect the belief of every citizen in the country. It is more crucial for marriage to be formed without valid consent, as viewed as a personal decision between every person involved.
How Marriage Changes People
A married couple has to live together, raise children together, keep house together and have financial obligations to one another as well. These commitments can lead trigger a lot of stress for individuals who never intended to live together. It is crucial for people understand that even after taking vows, their union is always similar. On the contrary, their union might have a completely distinct purpose that they originally thought. For instance, a wife and husband might later decide to remain married for the purpose of having and raising children together. However, this doesn’t imply that the marriages have any less value than one in which they only wanted to live together. In marriages which are not bounded by law, contracts are less involved, but even then this union can still take an effect on the health and happiness of a person. In fact, several people who are not into formal legal contracts linked to their unions try to live only as couple and raise children together. However, for formality of this union, it is crucial for both parties to reach certain ages, be able to support each other financially and
In conclusion, In a nutshell, individuals should not regard marriage as just a normal agreement to live together. However, it is vital for the couple to understand exactly what the legal contracts involve and what rights they should be given or expected to give up. While individuals think that the marriage basically serves as a way for the two people to enter into a union, these legal essentials must be understood for the validity of the union. Referencing a professional who can aid people in line to formation of their union and how traditional marriage laws can impact an individual specifically in absolute beneficial decision
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Washington Assoc. for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Psychological Association (APA)
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