Module Activities (EDUC 600)
Module Activities (EDUC 600)
Module 1- Literacy Overview
Please complete the following activities in the order in that they appear. Use the resources posted on Brightspace (readings, instructor lectures, videos) to inform your responses
Reader Response:
Description: Reader Responses should be brief, but should be coherent, cogent, and compelling.
The purpose of these responses is to involve students in high-level thinking about course material.
You are expected to read the assigned materials and view course lectures to write a Reader
Responses. Each response should be between 250-300 words.
Description: Through application of learning you demonstrate and deepen your understanding
of newly acquired knowledge and skills from lectures, readings, and examples. The activities you
will complete for this assignment will be specific to what was presented in each module with
specific directions for each application activity.
Video Reflection:
Description: Writing reflectively involves critically analyzing an experience, recording how it has impacted you, and what you plan to do with your new knowledge. You will be presented with a video or videos based on course content and asked to reflect, respond, and possibly recommend on the content you have just viewed.
Sub Module 1.1 Bridging Literacy Instruction
Video Reflection
The Science of Reading
One of the key elements in successful reading instruction identified in reading research is the role that phonics instruction plays in learning to read. The scientific consensus is that teaching phonics systematically, explicitly, and cumulatively is key to successful reading instruction. Why does the science of reading have the biggest impact on literacy instruction?
Watch this video clip on What Does Science Say on How Kids Learn to Read
After watching the video above, I can answer both of these questions in 300-350 words:
- What I knew or didn’t know a great deal about the science of reading prior to this module was…
- Now that I am better informed, moving forward, I will…
Sub Module 1.2 The Study of Language
Reader Response
Moats (2020) discussed the Simple View of Reading (SVR) as the basic model for understanding factors involved in learning to read. In 250-300 words, discuss the implications for the SVR. In your response, be sure to answer the following:
- What should be assessed?
- How instructional time should be allocated?
- What should a comprehensive curriculum address?
Sub Module 1.3 The Five Pillars of Literacy
Reader Response
Reading Instruction in Today’s Classroom
Based on theory, research, and current practice, each student will compose a 300-500 response that summarizes their thoughts on reading instruction in today’s classroom. It is important to read Put Reading First: National Institute for Literacy/The Partnership for Reading. This document is based on the 5 Pillars of Reading and will be provided to the student as a resource. You are encouraged to find at least two more resources online that support reading instruction in today’s classroom. Please reflect on the following questions as they will guide you in constructing your response:
What should be the main objective for any reading teacher?
- What is “reading” and the “reading process”, in your opinion, how can it best be achieved?
- How is being able to read different for every student?
- What is one reading theory or practice that resonated with you?
What variables do teachers have to consider in their approach to teaching reading?
- What may be potential obstacles in the learning process? Consider:
- Economically disadvantaged and poverty
- Culturally- and linguistically diverse learners
- How important is it to collaborate with family members to maximize a students’ reading experiences, and why?
- How are “exceptional learners,” or students will disabilities, taught in your classroom? Are there limits to what you can achieve with students with learning or behavioral concerns?
Describe your ideal language arts classroom setting.
- How does your classroom differ from others’?
- What is the role of the student in your classroom?
- What evidenced-based teaching practices do you embrace as a teacher?
- How do you ensure that you are teaching all of the students in your classroom?
- How do you know that learning is achieved?